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Justification of Final Logo

Final Logo
Font choice and why?

For a final logo we decided to go with the

Arial Black bold as the font choice.

The reason behind this was that it is a

Sans Seriff font style and would allow us to
keep the same sleek modernistic tone,
which the BBC likes to maintain
throughout its channels.
Colour choice and why?
When deciding on a colour scheme we had a long decisive
conversation on what colours we should use within the logo.

After debating we decided to use a black and red colour

scheme as this is keeping to the channels identity and ethos
through logos.

We decided that red as the main part of our logo would be

the best, as it shows the channels formality and more
factual side and it is the colour that you associate with the
channel, which we found through our interviews. However,
also we decided to use black aswell as it is the colour of the
channel, and would appeal to the target audience.
Size choice and why?
The logo is sized by the measurement of pixels.
Our BBC One logo measures at 800 x 294 pixels,
we chose this size due to previous BBC One logos
being that size.

We also wanted to use this size, as it means that

the logo is then the right size to be able to be
changed or moved if it is needed to be on a
website or something online that isnt on the
What makes it a good logo?
To be a good logo, it has got to be classed as successful.

In order to do this, the logo has to fit the target audience of

the channel and the channels ethos. Most logos that are
classed as successful are normally very bright and bold and
attractive. This then draws in the audience to the channel.

The logo we have designed also incorporates the circle theme

of the channel, through the use of the circle in red. This is
significant, as the channel is aiming to bring people together
as a whole, showing a whole circle.

Aswell, our logo fits the design and the corporate identity of
the channel.

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