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HRM in Retail A Strategic

The significance of HRM
Two major retail assets inventory and labor.
The function of human resources has moved
across four strategic paradigms which are:
The personnel perspective the firm purely hires
people, but the focus is not on hiring the best or
on personnel development.
The compensation perspective the firm uses
bonuses, incentives and meaningful distinctions
in pay to reward performance.
The alignment perspective the firm does see
human capital as assets, but does not invest in
utilizing capabilities of the same.
The high performance perspective the firm view
human resources an integral element of the firms
strategy implementation.
A conceptual overview of Human
Resource Management in Retail
The human resources function in retail involves:
1. Identifying various roles in the organization
2. Recruiting the persons with the right attitude to
fit the jobs
3. Training
4. Motivation of employees
5. Evaluation of employee performance
1. Identifying various roles in the
Identification of the various tasks or jobs that need
to be performed in the organization.
Helps in determining the no. of people required for
various jobs, the skill sets and educational
Key task in a typical retail organization involve:
. Buying and merchandising
. Store management and operations, and
. Technology support
2. Recruiting the persons with the right attitude to
fit the jobs:
The aim of the recruitment process is to make available
job applicants for a specified job/s.
Common way of recruitment include newspaper
advertisements, visits to colleges, references etc.

3. Training:
Training needs arise at the following times.
Inducting to news persons to the organization
Training of sales staf
For skill enhancements
Training for sales staf usually on the following:
1. Communication skills
2. Product knowledge
3. Company policies on returns
4. Knowledge of the workplace
5. Market awareness
6. Personal grooming

4. Motivation
5. Evaluation of performance
Case let 1
Case Let 2
Case Let 3
Creating Organization
Organization structure for small
retailers/independent retailers
The Mazur plan for department
Case Let: HR practices at

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