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of Teaching & Learning

Bekarang Ingas
Operational Definitions of Teaching

"the action of a person who teaches; the

profession of a teacher

"teaching is imparting knowledge or skill"

What is Teaching ?

Showing / helping someone to learn how to do

something, to give instructions, to guide in the
study of something, to provide knowledge or
causing to know or understand

Acquiring / getting of knowledge of a subject or

a skill by study, experience or instruction

Brown, 2007
What is Teaching?

The activities of educating / instructing activities

that impart knowledge and skills

The implications - a change in an individual

caused by experience
Slavin, 2003
Relationship between Teaching and Learning

Teaching is what teachers do.

Learning is what students do.
What is Learning ?

School ?

Is learning always intentional ?


As an experience which produces a

relatively permanent change in potential
behavior [includes natural changes due to
biological growth / development]

Kimble, 1961

Acquisition of knowledge & skills

Also formation of habits, personality traits,
emotional responses and personal taste
In fact, most human behaviors are
the result of learning

Wayne Weiten, 1994

Learning is a relatively permanent change in
an individuals knowledge / behavior caused
by experience [including practice].

Learning may be deliberate / unintentional

for better or for worse, correct or incorrect,
and conscious or unconscious
Learning is the act of experience of one that
learns knowledge or skill acquired by
instruction or study; modification of a
behavioral tendency by experience

Learning is the cognitive process of

acquiring skill or knowledge

Permanent change
Change in behavior or knowledge
Is the result of experience
Not the result of maturation /
temporary conditions illness

Woolfolk, 2009
Through Learning

Human beings are able to perceive and

think of matters and experiences in their
surrounding and use reasoning power to
analyze, interpret and conceptualize

Wayne Weiten, 1994

Dispenser of knowledge vs.
facilitator of learning
Ideally, what percentage of your total
contact time with student each year would
you like to spend as
_____ Dispenser of knowledge
_____ Facilitator of discovery learning
Concept of Learning Process


Selection of suitable stimuli by

sensory organs
Process its meaning through
Form new experience / knowledge

Apply in a similar situation

Changes in behavior
People use their sensory organs to acquire
experiences and knowledge
They select suitable stimuli from surrounding
They later process them in their mind to
become meaningful experience / knowledge
Subsequently these will be applied when a
similar situations occurred
The act to apply ex/kl can be seen as a change
in the human behaviour
Learning Cycle
Engage student
Explore content through
relevant and concrete
Explain questions
generated by
introducing content
Elaborate by applying
concepts to new
Evaluate content,
process, and
communication skills
Gagnes Taxonomy Of Learning

Eight types of learning from simple to complex

Signal Learning primitive form of learning

e.g. through experience, people learn the signal of
smoke as fire, the signal of lightning as thunder

Stimulus-response Learning is realted to stimuli

which have been planned/ stimulated with individual
response in order to produce changes in behavior
e.g. The teacher displays a concrete object for pupils
to read out its name
Learning Through Chaining refers to various
relationships which occur after the process of
stimulus-response learning with the aim of raising
learning to a higher level.
e.g. one can make sentences by relating words

Learning Through Verbal Association is a basic

form of learning a language.
e.g. Relating the name of a person with his/her
Learning Through Multiple Discrimination refers to
selecting one response only from various stimuli in
e.g. After learning the difference in pronouncing symbol
e with enable the pupils to pronounce the word

Concept Learning refers to learning in forming concept

with representative symbols based on the same
e.g. Bus, car and aeroplane represent the concept of
Principle Learning refers to learning the relationship
between two/or more concepts which have been
e.g. water flows to a lower level

Problem-solving Learning refers to learning through

thinking process. Think of a way to solve problem by
using concepts and principles which have been
e.g. to solve mathematics problem, pupils ought to
use number symbol[concept] and
Principles of Learning
Learning will only take place when the learner
possess sufficient basic experiences to learn
newly related materials

Effective learning depends on appropriate

extrinsic /intrinsic motivation

Effective learning only occurs if the learner is

ready to learn - readiness
Principles of Learning
Conditional learning emphasizes on the change
of behavior . Practice reinforced behavioral

Provide reinforcement will encourage learner to

elicit positive response, eventually this will
consolidate newly learned behavior

Meaningful learning is derived from direct / first

hand experience of the learner
Principles of Learning
Learning will take place through the process of
modelling , teacher as a roole-model

Effective teaching depends on effective teaching

relies on systematic organisation of materials,
methods and techniques

A condusive learning environment will promote

effective learning physical, social and
emotional aspects
Principles of Teaching and Learning
Physical Development

Organize balance physical activities based on

pupils abilities

Cognitive Development

Prepare interesting, meaningful activities

Use various teaching aids
Relate concrete to abstract concept
Principles of Teaching and Learning
Cognitive Development

Learning content should be arranged :

Easy to complex
General to specific
Concrete to abstract
Acquired to new knowledge
Near surrounding to distant surrounding
Principles of Teaching and Learning
Emotional Development

Instil healthy emotional and spiritual values

Control undesirable behavior
Be empathetic and helpful

Social Development

Use group teaching strategy

Adopt group activities-discussion, project,
Use co-curricular activities to instil social values-
cooperation, respect, understanding

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