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Rules of Technology and

Operation Management Course

General Rules
Tutorial Rules

1. Students are allowed to drink in the classroom.

2. Students are allowed to go to the toilet if necessary.
3. Present check will be conducted at the beginning of
every tutorial. Students who come late to the class will be
allowed to join the tutorial but would not be considered
present in the administration report.
4. Students who come in and out of the tutorial class without
permission, or not attend the class for half an hour before
the class is over, will be considered as absent.
Class Exercise Rules

1. Every exercise need to be written on a free-size paper, except

for some assignment which will be determined by class
lecturer. Students need to put their name and student ID
number at the top right corner of the paper.
2. For group exercise, DG ID (number), tutorial class, and
collection date should be written at the right top corner of the
paper. Students name who are not involved in the
assignment, should not be written.
3. Misconduct for number 1 and number 2 may cause the exercise
will not be accepted.
Homework Rules

1.Every homework and assignments should be in A4 hard copy, except for

some assignment/homework which will be announced by class lecturer.
Name, student ID, and collection date should be written at the right top
corner of the paper.
2.Write down Group Discussion ID and tutorial class for Group assignment
at the right top corner of the paper. If there is assignment that should be
collected on line, the assignment should follow the same format.
3.Misconduct of point 1 and 2 may cause the
homework/assignments will not be accepted.
4.There will be no make up homework. Students who can show
permission letter for their absent, will get homework average grade
according to the number of the collected assignment. Students who can
not show any permission letter, will get 0 for that particular
Quiz Rules

Quiz will be conducted as below:

- January 19th, 2017 (Ch. 1,3,4)
- February 2nd , 2017 (Ch. 5, 6s)
- February 14th, 2017 (Ch. 7,8)
- February 23th, 2017 (mid term quiz)
- March 14th, 2017 (Ch. 12)
- March 30th, 2017 (Ch. 13,14)
- April 4th, 2017 (Ch. 15, 17, mod.F)
- April 18th, 2017 (final term quiz)

There will be no make up Quiz for those who can not attend whether
because of sick or other cause.
Mid and Final Term Exam

1. Make up test for mid or final term exam should be recommended by

study program/academic department.
2. Students who present under 70% in lecture/tutorial class
may result in not being allowed to join the final term exam.
3. Make up test for mid or final term will be conducted with different
duration and problems. The maximum score will be 80.
4. There will be no review before mid and final term exam. However,
lecturer will provides time to discuss.
5. Students have the right to see the exam answers sheet after
the exam and complaint about mid and final term exam
result. However, if the complaint is wrong, the particular
student will be reduced 20% by score.
Additional Rules

1. Lecturer only provide time to discuss with the student

about TOM in the working hour (08.00 17.00 WIB
2. Lecturer have the right to reject discussion which
conducted with Handphone (SMS, BBM, or Telephone) or
other internet messenger (Chatting).
3. Additional rules will be given by class lecturer if necessary.
4. Class regulation will be evaluated in the mid semester.
Changes in regulation are possible.

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