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Future perfect tense is used to express an event that has been done in the past, and
will be finished in time to come.
1. Positive
S + Shall/Will + Have + V3 + Object/Complement
example :
- Jeremy will have done his history assignment.
(Jeremy akan sudah mengerjakan tugas sejarahnya)
-We shall have gone to Semarang.
(Kita akan sudah pergi ke Semarang)
2. Negative
S + Shall/Will + Not + Have + V3 +Object/Complement
example :
-Jeremy will not have done his history assignment.
(Jeremy tidak akan sudah mengerjakan tugas sejarahnya)
-We shall not have gone to Semarang.
(Kita tidak akan sudah pergi ke Semarang)
3. Interrogative
Shall/Will + S + Have + V3 + Object/Complement?
Example :
-Will jeremy have done his history assignment?
(apakah Jeremy akan sudah menyelesaikan tugas sejarahnya?)
Future Perfect Tense is used :
1. to express an action or event which will be completed before a certain time in
the future. Time signal which used is by tomorrow, in three years time, by lunch
time, by the end of this month, in two hours time....
Example :
- We shall have finished our project by the end of this month.
(Kami akan sudah menyelesaikan proyek kami menjelang akhir bulan ini)
- Sarah will have done her homework by lunch time.
(Sarah akan sudah mengerjakan PR-nya menjelang makan siang)

2. to express an action or event which will be completed before the other events
occur in the future.
Example :
-The drama performance will have begun by the time we get there.
(Pertunjukan drama akan sudah mulai ketika kita sampai disana)
-when you come this afternoon, I shall have finished reading this novel.
(Ketika kau datang siang ini, aku akan sudah selesai membaca novel ini)
- When you come tomorrow, I shall have finished that work.
(Ketika kamu datang besok, saya akan sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu)
-When you finish this course, you will have learnt a lot of English.
(Ketika kamu selesai kursus ini, kamu akan sudah banyak belajar bahasa inggris)
3. to express something that would've completed in a certain time after
the speaking (the future). be aware of the length of time from start until
completion of the action.
Example :
-When you leave this town next month, you will have lived here for five
(Saat kau tinggalkan kota ini bulan depan, kau sudah tinggal disini
selama lima tahun)
-I shall have cleaned my house when you come to my house tomorrow.
(Aku sudah selesai membersihkan rumahku saat kau datang ke
rumahku besok.)

4. to express an estimate or conclusion.

Example :
-it is seven oclock, she will have woken up.
(Sudah pukul tujuh, dia pasti sudah bangun tidur)
-it is dark already, they will have gone home.
(Sudah gelap, mereka pasti sudah pulang)
5. to express the occurrence of an event while in total, which began
in the past until at a certain time in the future.
Example :
-You will have been working in that bank for three years next
(Kamu akan sudah bekerja di bank itu selama tiga tahun bulan
-We shall have been living in this town for six months next week.
(kita akan sudah tinggal di kota ini selama enam bulan minggu

6. to express an action that has been completed in the past, and

will be finished in the future.
Example :
-Chaira will have finished her English course by the end of ths
(Chaira akan sudah selesai kursus bahasa inggrisnya menjelang
akhir bulan ini)
-I shall have done my history essay by tonight
(Aku akan sudah selesai mengerjakan esai sejarahku menjelang
malam nanti)
Time signal in this tense
is :
By next...... : menjelang....depan
By next month : menjelang minggu depan
By suday : menjelang hari minggu
By tomorroe : menjelang besok
By next month : menjelang bulan depan
In a week : dalam waktu satu minggu
In two days : dalam dua hari
In...... : dalam waktu
Until : hingga
When : ketika/saat
If : jikalau
After : setelah
Before : sebelum
Past future perferct tense (time will have completed in the
past) is used to express a supposition that might not happen
because the condition is certainly not fulfilled.
1. Positive
S + Should/Would + Have + V3 + Object/Complement
I would have helped you if I had not been busy.
(Aku pasti akan sudah membantumu jika aku tidak sibuk)
2. Negative
S + Should/Would + Not + Have + V3 + Object/Complement
I would not have helped you if I had not been busy.
(Aku pasti tidak akan membantumu jika aku tidak sibuk)
3. Interrogative
Should/Would + S + Have + V3 + Object/Complement?
-Would I have helped you if I had not been busy?
(Apakah aku akan membantumu jika aku tidak sibuk?)

Past Future Perfect is used :

1. to express an event or action that would have been done in the past.
-We would have watched the movie last night.
(Kita seharusnya sudah menonton film itu semalam)
-Andrew should have listened to his mother before applying in that university.
(Andrew seharusnya sudah mendengarkan ucapan ibunya sebelum mendaftar
ke universitas itu)

2. to express the sentence modality in which the assumption that it is

definitely not possible, because it indicates a past event or action.
- If you had proposed to her five years ago, she would have been your wife.
(Seandainya kau telah melamarnya lima tahun yang lalu, dia pasti sudah
menjadi istrimu)
- If I had won the beauty pageant, I would have been famous.
(Seandainya aku memenangkan kontes kecantikan, aku pastu sudah terkenal)
Time signal in this tense is :
On... Last week : pada....minggu lalu
On Sunday last week : pada hari minggu lalu
On... Last month : pada....bulan lalu
In july last year : pada bulan july tahun lalu
At....yesterday : pada....kemarin
At one oclock yestereday : pada pukul satu kemarin
Auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu)
according to English sentence structure, auxiliary always followed by the
infinitive Bare (infinitive tanpa to)
1. CAN
is used to express skill or ability.
- My sister can speak English fluently.
(Adik perempuan saya dapat berbahasa inggris dengan lancar)
- The boy can lift the heavy box.
( Anak laki-laki itu dapat/sanggup mengangkat peti yang berat itu)

2. To be ABLE TO
is infinitive form of can
- I am able to swim 2 miles (present)
(saya sanggup berenang sejauh 2 mil)
- I was able to play tennis well when i was young (past)
(Aku dapat bermain tenis dengan baik ketika aku masih kecil)
- So far. He has been able to speak English fluently (perfect)
(Sejauh ini, ia sudah dapat berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancar.

3. MAY
is used to express permission to do something.
-You may stay here with us any longer.
(Kamu boleh tinggal lama lebih lama dengan kami disini)
-She may leave the office early.
(Dia boleh meninggalkan kantor dengan lebih cepat)


is used to used to express possibility.
-He may/might be sick
(Mungkin ia sakit)
-She might miss the bus.
(mungkin ia ketinggalan bus)
-It may/might have fallen on the way.
(kemungkinan jatuh di jalan)
is used to express necessity.
- You must finish that work on time. (Necessity)
(Anda harus menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu pada waktunya)
-You must not drive the car without driving-license
(kamu tidak boleh mengendarai mobil tanpa SIM)

-They have to stay here for a week

(Mereka harus tinggal disini selama seminggu)
-He has to spend more time on his lesson.
(Dia harus menggunakan/menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu
untuk pelajarannya)
Note : HAS TO is specifically for third people singular (he, she, it,
is uses to express the expectation of the speaker,
advisability, obligation.
- The plane should arrive by now.
(pesawat seharusnya tiba sekarang ini)
-they should be back within 10 or 15 minutes
(mereka seharusnya kembali dalam waktu 10 atau 15 menit)

6. HAD BETTER (lebih baik)

is also used to express advisability.
-You had better rest a while.
(lebih baik kamu beristirahat sebentar)

is used to express the demand or expectation.
- shall I serve the dinner for you?
(inginkah anda agar saya menyediakan makan malam untuk
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