Deret Fibonacci

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Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Fibonacci Numbers And
Golden Ratio
Who Was Fibonacci?
A Famous Mathematician

Fibonacci (1170-1250) is a
short for theLatin "filius
Bonacci" which means
"the son of Bonacci but his
full name was Leonardo

He introduced the Hindu-

Arabic number system into
Ahli matematika Terkenal

Fibonacci (1170-1250) adalah

singkatan bahasa Latin "filius
Bonacci" yang berarti "anak
Bonacci" tapi nama lengkap
nya adalah Leonardo Pisano

Dia memperkenalkan sistem

angka/ nomor Hindu-Arab ke
About the
Origin of
Fibonacci Sequence
asal mula
Deret fibonacci
Fibonacci Sequence was
discovered after an investigation
on the reproduction of rabbits.
(Deret Fibonacci ditemukan setelah
penyelidikan pada reproduksi kelinci )
Fibonaccis Rabbits

Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits (one male, one female)
are put in a field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of
one month so that at the end of its second month, a female
can produce another pair of rabbits. Suppose that the rabbits
never die and that the female always produces one new pair
(one male, one female) every month from the second month
on. How many pairs will there be in one year?
1 pair

At the end of the first month there is still only one pair
Pada akhir bulan pertama masih ada hanya satu pasang

Fibonaccis Rabbits
Misalkan baru lahir sepasang kelinci (satu jantan, dan satu
betina) yang dimasukkan ke dalam lapangan. Kelinci dapat
kawin pada usia satu bulan sehingga pada akhir bulan
kedua, betina dapat menghasilkan sepasang kelinci.
Misalkan kelinci tidak pernah mati dan bahwa si betina
selalu menghasilkan satu pasang baru (satu jantan, satu
betina ) setiap bulan dari bulan kedua. Berapa banyak
pasangan akan ada dalam satu tahun?
1 pair

End first month only one pair

1 pair
At the end of the second month the female produces a
new pair, so now there are 2 pairs of rabbits

2 pairs
1 pair

End first month only one pair

1 pair

End second month 2 pairs of rabbits

2 pairs

At the end of the

third month, the
original female
3 pairs
produces a second
pair, making 3 pairs
in all in the field.
1 pair

End first month only one pair

1 pair

End second month 2 pairs of rabbits

2 pairs

End third month

3 pairs
3 pairs

5 pairs

At the end of the fourth month, the first pair produces yet another new pair, and the female
born two months ago produces her first pair of rabbits also, making 5 pairs.
Thus We get the following sequence of numbers:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ,55,89,144....
This sequence, in which each number is a sum of two
previous is called Fibonacci sequence

so there is the
simple rule: add the last two to get the next!
So 144 Pairs will be there
at the end of One Year.
Fibonacci sequence in
Deret Fibonacci di alam
Spiral Bunga matahari

Spirals seen in the

arrangement of
seeds in the head
of this sunflower

Spiral terlihat di
susunan benih pada
sejumlah kepala / putik
bunga matahari ini
Spirals seen in the arrangement of seeds in the head of this sunflower

number 34 in a counterclockwise direction

and 55 in a clockwise direction
Note that 34 and 55 are the ninth and
tenth Fibonacci numbers respectively.
Perhatikan bahwa 34 dan 55 adalah angka Fibonacci
masing-masing kesembilan dan kesepuluh
Also note that The flower itself has
34 petals.
Juga catatan bahwa Bunganya sendiri memiliki 34 kelopak
Buah pinus

clearly show
the Fibonacci
Buah pinus jelas
menunjukkan Spiral
Note that 8 and 13 are
Consecutive Fibonacci
Perhatikan bahwa 8 dan 13 adalah angka
Deret Fibonacci
The number of petals on a flower are often
Fibonacci numbers.
Jumlah kelopak pada bunga seringkali
Angka Fibonacci.
The Fibonacci numbers can be found in
pineapples and bananas. Bananas have 3
or 5 flat sides, Pineapple scales have
Fibonacci spirals in sets of 8, 13, 21
Golden Ratio
The golden ratio is an irrational
mathematical constant,
approximately equals to
Golden Rasio adalah konstanta matematika yang
irasional, kira-kira sama dengan

The golden ratio is
often denoted by the
letter (Phi)

So = 1.6180339887
Also known as:

Golden Ratio,
Golden Section,
Golden cut,
Divine proportion,
Divine section,
Mean of Phidias
Extreme and mean ratio,
Medial section,

Two quantities are in the

golden ratio if the ratio between
the sum of those quantities and
the larger one is the same as the
ratio between the larger one and
the smaller
a b


a+b a
= =
a b
= 1+5
= 1.618
One interesting thing about Phi is
its reciprocal
1/ = 1/1.618 = 0.618.
It is highly unusual for the
decimal integers of a number and
its reciprocal to be exactly the
Satu hal yang menarik tentang Phi adalah
timbal balik
1/ = 1/1.618 = 0.618.

Hal ini sangat tidak biasa untuk bilangan

bulat angka desimal dan kebalikan untuk
menjadi persis sama.
A golden rectangle is a
rectangle where the ratio of its
length to width is the golden
ratio. That is whose sides are
in the ratio 1:1.618
Golden Rectangle
Golden rectangle adalah empat persegi
panjang di mana rasio panjang lebar adalah
golden ratio. Itulah yang sisi dalam rasio
1: 1.618
The golden rectangle has the property
that it can be further subdivided in to two
portions a square and a golden rectangle
This smaller rectangle can similarly be
subdivided in to another set of smaller
golden rectangle and smaller square.
And this process can be done repeatedly
to produce smaller versions of squares
and golden rectangles
Golden Rectangle memiliki sifat yang
dapat dibagi lagi ke dalam dua bagian
square dan golden rectangle.
Rectangle yang lebih kecil ini dapat sama
dibagi ke set lain golden rectangle yang
lebih kecil dan lebih kecil persegi/ square.
Dan proses ini bisa dilakukan berulang-
ulang untuk menghasilkan versi yang lebih
kecil dari kotak dan golden rectangles
Golden Rectangle
Golden Spiral
Start with the smallest one on the
right connect the lower right
corner to the upper right corner
with an arc that is one fourth of
a circle. Then continue your line
in to the second square on the
with an arc that is one fourth of a
circle , we will continue this
process until each square has an
arc inside of it, with all of them
connected as a continues line.
The line should look like a spiral
when we are done .
Golden Spiral
Mulailah dengan yang terkecil
di sebelah kanan menghubung
kan sudut kanan bawah ke
pojok kanan atas dengan busur
yang seperempat lingkaran.
Kemudian lanjutkan baris Anda
ke persegi kedua dengan busur
yang seperempat lingkaran, kita
akan melanjutkan proses ini
sampai setiap persegi memiliki
busur di dalamnya, dengan
mereka semua terhubung
sebagai garis berlanjut . Garis
akan terlihat seperti spiral
ketika kita selesai.
Golden Triangle
The Golden
triangle is a special
isosceles triangle.
The top angle is
360 while the
bottom two angles
are 720 each
Relation between
Sequence and
Golden ratio
The Fibonacci sequence is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,.

2/1 = 2.0 (bigger)

Aha! Notice that as 3/2 = 1.5 (smaller)

we continue down 5/3 = 1.67 (bigger)

the sequence, the 8/5 = 1.6(smaller)

ratios seem to be 13/8 = 1.625 (bigger)

converging upon one 21/13 = 1.615 (smaller)

number (from both 34/21 = 1.619 (bigger)

sides of the number)! 55/34 = 1.618 (smaller)

89/55 = 1.618
If we continue to look at the
ratios as the numbers in the
sequence get larger and larger
the ratio will eventually become
the same number, and that
number is the Golden Ratio!
Jika kita terus melihat rasio sebagai angka dalam urutan
mendapatkan rasio lebih besar dan lebih besar lagi akhirnya
akan menjadi nomor yang sama, dan jumlah itu adalah
Golden Ratio!
3 1.5000000000000000
5 1.6666666666666700
8 1.6000000000000000
13 1.6250000000000000
21 1.6153846153846200
34 1.6190476190476200
55 1.6176470588235300
89 1.6181818181818200
144 1.6179775280898900
233 1.6180555555555600
377 1.6180257510729600
610 1.6180371352785100
987 1.6180327868852500
1,597 1.6180344478216800
2,584 1.6180338134001300
4,181 1.6180340557275500
6,765 1.6180339631667100
10,946 1.6180339985218000
17,711 1.6180339850173600
28,657 1.6180339901756000
46,368 1.6180339882053200
75,025 1.6180339889579000
Golden ratio
Nautilus Shell
Golden ratio in Art

Many artists who lived after Phidias have

used this proportion. Leonardo Da Vinci
called it the "divine proportion" and featured
it in many of his paintings
Banyak seniman yang hidup setelah Phidias telah menggunakan
proporsi ini. Leonardo Da Vinci menyebutnya "proporsi ilahi" dan
menampilkan di banyak lukisannya
Lukisan Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa's face is a
perfect golden
rectangle, according to
the ratio of the width of
her forehead compared
to the length from the
top of her head to her

Wajah Mona Lisa adalah golden

rectangle yang sempurna, sesuai
dengan rasio lebar dahinya
dibandingkan dengan panjang dari
puncak kepala ke dagunya.
Golden Ratio
in the
Human Body
Golden Ratio in Fingers
Golden Ratio in Hands
Golden ratio in the Face

The blue line defines a perfect square of the pupils

and outside corners of the mouth. The golden
section of these four blue lines defines the nose, the
tip of the nose, the inside of the nostrils, the two
rises of the upper lip and the inner points of the ear.
The blue line also defines the distance from the
upper lip to the bottom of the chin.

The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line,

defines the width of the nose, the distance between
the eyes and eye brows and the distance from the
pupils to the tip of the nose.

The green line, a golden section of the yellow line

defines the width of the eye, the distance at the
pupil from the eye lash to the eye brow and the
distance between the nostrils.

The magenta line, a golden section of the green line,

defines the distance from the upper lip to the
bottom of the nose and several dimensions of the
The front two incisor teeth form a golden rectangle,
with a phi ratio in the heighth to the width.The ratio
of the width of the first tooth to the second tooth
from the center is also phi.
The ratio of the width of the smile to the third tooth
from the center is phi as well.
Golden Ratio in Human body
The white line is the body's height.

The blue line, a golden section of the white line,

defines the distance from the head to the finger

The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line,

defines the distance from the head to the navel
and the elbows.

The green line, a golden section of the yellow line,

defines the distance from the head to the
pectorals and inside top of the arms, the width of
the shoulders, the length of the forearm and the
shin bone.

The magenta line, a golden section of

the green line, defines the distance from the head
to the base of the skull and the width of the
abdomen. The sectioned portions of the magenta
line determine the position of the nose and the

Although not shown, the golden section of

the magenta line (also the short section of the
green line) defines the width of the head and half
the width of the chest and the hips.
Golden Ratio di Tubuh Manusia
Garis putih adalah tinggi tubuh.

Garis biru, golden section dari garis putih,

mendefinisikan jarak dari kepala ke ujung jari

Garis kuning, golden section dari garis biru,

mendefinisikan jarak dari kepala ke pusar dan siku.

Garis hijau, golden section dari garis kuning,

mendefinisikan jarak dari kepala ke pectorals dan dalam
atas lengan, lebar bahu, panjang lengan bawah dan
tulang shin.

Garis magenta, golden section dari jalur hijau,

mendefinisikan jarak dari kepala ke dasar tengkorak
dan lebar perut. Besarnya potong dari garis magenta
menentukan posisi hidung dan garis rambut.

Meskipun tidak ditampilkan, bagian emas dari garis

magenta (juga bagian pendek dari garis hijau)
mendefinisikan lebar kepala dan setengah lebar dada

dan pinggul .
Golden Mean Gauge
More Examples of Golden Sections

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