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Ashamae Swyer
Production company Name: Define Productions

Production team and Roles: Danielle Conneely Director, Joshua

Hurst Cinematographer, Ashamae Swyer

Title of Film Tell Me You Love Me

Distribution Company Film4

Cast Niambh Mayer (Karina), Liam Wade (Hayden), Sophie

Clarke (Haydens sister), Danielle Conneely (Teenage girl)

Target Audience 12 t0 80 years

Length of the short
In our brief that we received prior to the
beginning of filming, it was clearly stated
that our film had to be up to 5 minutes in
length, but could not exceed this length.
Our final product is 4 minutes and 42
seconds long, showing that we were able
to stay within the limit. Also, it was
stated that the short film should be
accompanied by two ancillary tasks; a
Promotional Poster, and a Film
Review/Double-page Spread.
The form of our short film is heavily
influenced by the codes, conventions,
and narrative structure of our short film.
In terms of Romantic Dramas, audiences
expect to find the film upsetting and/or
depressing. They also expect a non-
diegetic score that features soft piano
music to symbolise a sense of calm in
the relationship.
The structure of the short film plays a
large role in creating a meaningful
storyline that makes sense to the
audience. Our short films narrative
structure is heavily based on the
theories devised by Barthes and Todorov.
The font Tastybirds was used for all of
the text used (excl. billing) because as a
group we believed that it gave the
poster a sense of innocence and
appealed to young adults. The use of
the Billing with the appropriate font and
the use of logos (Twitter, Define
Productions, Futureshorts, 12A BBFC)
helped the poster to look more
professional. Also, extensive colour
correction was used to make the images
used for the poster appear more dull,
while various tools were also used to
fade the images together, as they are in
the promotional poster for The Last
Song that I used.
Film Review
The word count for my film review
is 700 words, as I used a template
that left space for more content
than the minimum 650 words that
many film reviews would typically
have. Like the review I used as
inspiration, my review has an
almost identical layout, with the
title placed on the right side
instead inside a box to help it
stand out. I felt that my colour
scheme was appropriate as it
makes the page eye-catching to
potential readers.
Target Audience and
Uses & Gratification
As our target audience fell under the mass range of 12 to
80, we had to be very creative to make our short film,
poster, and film review appeal to everyone. The film
posters and film reviews appealed to our target audience
because they were laid out in a way that was attractive to
teens and adults, whereas the older half of the audience
would greatly appreciation the wealth of information that
they would receive. For the short film, however, it was
more of a challenge because the genre would typically be
seen as restrictive to mainly Females and Young Adults.
Therefore, we included a young male protagonist to make
it relatable to Males, and we explored the themes of
death and denial, which Mature audiences would have
a better understanding of.

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