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Leadership & Management




 A process of getting facts accomplished through
individuals or group.
 The ability to convey a vision/mission, to win over in
achieving the goals and objectives, to persuade group
agreement, and to be a role model.
 The process of inspiring others in an effort to achieve
- Is the process through which the leaders win over to
change followers’ mind and those whose competence
and commitment produce performance.
Theories of Leadership

Great Man Theory

Leadership is an innate, inherited ability: leaders are
born not made. The great man excels at both
instrumental and supportive behavior.

Example: Pres. Elect Benigno Aquino III was the son

of the late Pres. Cory Aquino
Leadership Trait Theory
- Trait Theory identified the qualities and
characteristics of great political, religiuos and army
leaders. The goal was to find a set of traits that
defined the great leaders.
- The “strongest version” of trait theory sees the
“leadership characteristics”.
Leadership Traits Identified:
- Intelligence
- Alertness - Decisiveness
- Dependability -Enthusiasm
- Creativity - Self-Confidence
- Personal Integrity - Technical mastery
- Emotional Balance / Control
Contingency Theory
- it was developed by FRED FIEDLER in the 1960s.
The central idea was the effective leadership was
dependent on a mix factors. Effectiveness depends
on two interacting factors: leadership style and the
degree to which the situation gives the leader control
and influence.
Contingency Theory : Three Important Things

1. Relationship between the leaders and followers.

- If leaders are liked and respected they are
more likely to have the support of other
2. Structure of the task
-if the task are clearly spelled out as to goals, more
likely leaders will be able to exert influence on
methods and standards of performance of the
3. Position power
- If an organization or group confers powers on the
leader for the purpose of getting the job done, then
this may well increase the influence of the leader.
Contemporary Theory
Transformational Leadership Theory is appealing for
it embraces leadership at all levels.
Managers can motivate new nurses to submit
feedback on how well the specific procedures are
carried out and implemented.
The leader and follower exchanges are dynamic.
Contemporary Theory
Charismatic Theory – based on qualities such as
charm, power, persuasiveness and confidence.
People will follow out of affection and emotional
commitment. People become leaders because either
they have strong convictions of their beliefs and
vision. Followers unquestionably accept and obey the
leaders belief, teachings and orders.
Situational Leadership Theory
They classify the activities of leaders into two distinct
behavioural dimensions:
1. Initiation of Structure (Task actions)
- leader engages in one way communication by
explaining what, when, where, and how tasks are to
be completed.
2. Relationship of maintenance actions
- a leader engages in two way communication by
providing emotional support and facilitating
Styles of Leadership (Situational)

a. S1 (Directing)
High Task Low Relationship
Leader defines the roles of group members and
tells them how, when and where to do various
tasks. As the members experience and understand
the situation, task goes up and also their maturity.
b. S2 Coaching
High Task, High Relationship
Leader attempts to get the group members to
psychologically buy the decisions that have to be
made. As group members commitment to the task
increases, so does their maturity.
c. S3 Supporting
Low Task, High Relationship
The leader and group members share in decision
making. The group members have the ability and
knowledge to complete the task.
d. S4 Delegating
Low Task, Low Relationship
The leader allows autonomy in completing the task.
Both willing and able to take responsibility for
directing their own task behaviour.
Transformational Leadership Theory
-James Mac Gregor Burns (1978), a noted scholar in
the area of leader follower interactions. He said that
there are two types of leaders in managements. The
traditional manager concerned with day to day
operation, known as transactional.
Transactional leadership builds power by doing
whatever will to get more followers.

Burns calls leadership that delivers “true value,

integrity, who is committed, his vision, empower
other and trust transformational leadership
Transactional Leadership

• Focuses on management task

• Is a caretaker
• Uses trade offs to meet goals
• Shared values not identified
• Examine causes
• Uses contingency reward
Transformational Leadership

Identifies common values

Is committed
Inspires other with vision
Has long term vision
Looks at effects
Empower others
House Path Goal Theory
Leadership is a function of both structure and
consideration and both are contingent on the needs
of the followers.
Based on the experience and affiliation needs of
the followers either structure or consideration will
be values. The leader clears the way for goal

- Leader dictates others and determines all policy
without involving group member in decision making.
-Leader does all planning and decision making
-Leader moves the group toward the leader goals.
-Also referred as Directive/Autocratic
-Leader sets policies through group discussions and
-Considerate to members feelings and needs.
-Leader encourages staff participation.
-Leader moves the group towards its goals.
-Also called as Participatory/Cooperative
Laissez Faire
-Leader does not participate in their groups decision
-Leader provides little direction/guidance
-Leader makes no attempt to move the group
-Different styles are effective under difft. Situations.
(unlimited number of style may be identified)
Based on the premise that leadership originates from
a desire to serve and that in the course of serving,
one may be called to lead.
Occurs when other people’s needs take priority,
when those being served “become healthier, wiser,
freer, more autonomous and more likely themselves
to become servants.”
Servant Leadership

This concept may have some substantive appeal for

nursing leadership because nursing is founded in
principles of caring, service and the growth and
health of others. Nursing leaders serve any
constituencies, often quite selflessly, and
consequently bring about change in individuals,
systems and organizations.
Filipino Style:Manager by “kayod”

“Sweats it out”, gives oneself to hard work

action hungry
highly dedicated
manners rather formal
an introvert
a serious worker
will not give in to bribery or any anomalous deals
Filipino Style: Manager by “Lusot”

capitalizes on a loophole and will use them to avoid

too much work, or as an excuse for failure
driven to make short cuts
does unconventional or illegal ways to attain
Filipino Style: Manager by “Libro”

operates by the dictates of the book- what the

manuals and other formal documents say
systematic, thorough, analytical
usually has adequate formal training in Management
Filipino Style: Manager by “Oido”

learns his managerial skills by ear

has a vast field of practical experiences to
compensate for his lack of formal education in
the opposite of the “libro” manager
Filipino Style: Manager by “Ugnayan”

a hybrid of all types of managers

a gifted reconciler of all philosophies and beliefs held
by various types of managers
integrates various types of management, depending
on the needs and conditions of the organization
Factors of Leadership

1. Leader
You must have an honest understanding of who
you are, what you know and what you can do.
2. Follower
having an understanding of human nature such as
needs, emotions and motivations.
3. Communication
It should be two way. Understanding both verbal and
non verbal.
4. Situation
events may need different styles.
Principles of Leadership

Know yourself and seek self-improvement

Be technically proficient
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your
Make sound and timely decisions
Set the example
Know your people and look out for their well being
Principles of Leadership

Keep your workers informed

Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers
Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised and
Train as a team
Use the full capabilities of your organization
Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Attributes of Effective Leader

• Values, skills and style are important
• Perception of self in role makes difference
• Leader’s expectation impact on followers
• Internal factors
1. confidence in employees
2. sense of security
3. values
Characteristics of Effective Leaders

10 Traits of Leaders
1. Self knowledge
2. Open to feedback
3. Eager to learn and improve
4. Curious, risk taker
5. Concentrate at work
Characteristics of Effective Leaders

6. Learn from adversity

7. Balance tradition and change
8. Open style
9. Work well with systems
10. Serves as models and members
Qualities of a Leader

Guiding others through modelling

Technical/specific skill at some task at hand
Initiative and enterpreneurial drive
Charismatic inspiration
Preoccupation with a role
A clear sense of purpose or mission
Results orientation
Qualities of a Leader

Rejection of determinism
Ability to encourage and nurture those that report to
Role models
Self knowledge
Self awareness
Qualities of a Leader

With regards to people and to projects, the ability to

choose winners
Understanding what others say, rather than listening
to how they say things

“What you are is

God’s gift to you.”

“What you will become

is your gift to God.”

God Bless.....sir ajid

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