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By: Paul
Rugby Comes To Life
History of Rugby
Rugby Through The World Wars
What is Rugby
Main Rugby Rules
The ball
What do you wear
You Tube Videos
I have chosen rugby as my subject because I play
rugby, it is ruff and because the French are very good at

My dad also likes it and we watch it on TV.

I wanted mostly to make you understand what rugby

truly is and not think its lots of savage people actually
fighting for the ball.

And if you like it, you could maybe play it!

Rugby Comes To Life
Many people believe that, in 1823 a boy called,
William Webb Ellis was playing football in his school
called Rugby School, in England. He took the ball in
his hands and began running to the opposite goal.

The first name for rugby was rugby-football.

The Rugby School was the first one to have written

rugbys rules.
History Of Rugby
Rugby was first played in the 1820s in schools.

Rugby was played rather like football but you can have
the ball in your hands and you can tackle people .

The thing that changed the most is fairness; in that time

the age didnt mater so a 5 year olds could play against
12 year olds.

The number of people didnt mater either so for example

a school with 75 children & teenagers could play against
a school with 216 children.
Rugby through the World Wars
Here is chart to tell you all the rugby players who died.

During World War I ended During World War II ended

about 120 rugby players about 87 rugby players
died. died
Scotland 30 Scotland 15
England 27 England 14
Wales 13 Wales 11
Australia 9 Australia 10
Ireland 9 Ireland 8
France 23 France 8
New Zealand 12 New Zealand 2
South Africa 4 South Africa 0
Germany Unknown Germany 16
What is Rugby?
Rugby is a sport played with 15 players, it is played with
1 ball.

There is two ways of playing rugby:

the Rugby Union where you play it with 15 players
the Rugby League played with 13 players.

The two games are nearly the same but not completely.
If you want to play the Rugby Union you can make rucks,
you are allowed keeping the ball until the other team
snatches it from your hands.
Main Rugby Rules
You cant pass forward you can only pass backwards.
You cant tackle higher than the hip.
When you are on the ground (when your knees touch the
ground) you have to let the ball go off. You can get it back
only when you stand up back again.
If you let the ball fall on the ground in front of you, this is
called a knock on and there is a penalty called a scrum.
You must go after the scoring line to make a try.
The ball must touch the ground to make a try.
If you do a foul there is a scrum and the other team has the
As you now know there are 15 players in the Rugby Union.
They all have a position.
They are divided into two groups: Forwards and Backs.
The easiest way to know their positions is to look at their t-shirts

Numbers 1-8, they are usually the biggest and toughest of the team.
They mostly go in the scrums, rucks and line-outs.

Numbers 9-15, they are usually the smallest and lightest. The backs
need speed and agility to score, run and kick the ball towards the goal.
The ball
The ball is oval shaped and has four flat faces.

The ball was made to be held with the hands.

In the 1800s the Rugby ball was made by a local boot
maker called Gilbert. Here is one of the first Gilbert ball
and the modern Gilbert ball.
What do you wear

Polo Short

Mouth Guards Head

You Tube Videos
This try that France made against New Zealand ( New
Zealand is the best at rugby) they did great passes. They
started from their try-line and with running and passes
they went to the other side of the pitch. Try to identify the
backs and the forwards and what they do..
1) How many players is their in a Rugby League team?

There are 13 players in the Rugby League.

2) Who do we think started rugby?

We think William Webb Ellis started rugby.

3)Is number 9 a forward or back ?

Number 9 is a back.

4) How many rugby players died in the 2nd world war?

About 87 rugby players died.

5) In which century was rugby first played?

- In the 19th century.

I learned who started rugby, when rugby started,
how to make writing nicer and researching on the
Sources I Used
You Tube

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