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Meeting Notes 1

Abubakar Akbari
Meeting 1
Meeting Notes for Venom production
Date: 13/09/2016
Start: 15:45pm
Place: oaks Park High School- Media
Department- Room F9
Present: Abubakbar, Priyais, Hamidah
Minutes taken by: Abubakar
End time: 16:10pm
Our first meeting was about the roles we were going to
carry out. So we had a group discussion to give each
individual their roles. We decided who will be the director
(Abubakar Akbari), the editor (Priyais Ariyaratnam) and also
the cinematographer (Hamidah Duffes). After we discussed
our roles we assigned each group member their roles- this
can be found on the production schedule in our portfolio. We
also talked about every ones strength and weaknesses so
that we can assign a specific task to their strength so that
the work can be done to the highest quality. We came to
conclusion and every one was happy with their roles so we
stared o discus the genre for our production. We went with a
horror genre as thats what most group members wanted to
Points For Next Meeting:

Discuss and finish off the

production schedule
Brainstorm ideas for our 2 minute
Discuss who will be the

Next Meeting Date: 21/09/2016

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