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Combine each pair of sentences intp one simple sentence

with a compound subject or compound predicate.

1. The crowd waved the

The crowd cheered the
2. Norman finished his project.
He submitted it to his teacher.
1. The spaceship landed.
A strange creature got out.
The spaceship landed and a strange creature got
2. Lightning flashed all night but/yet it didnt rain.
2. Two runners lit the Olympic torch and the Olympic Games
3. Uncle Mario didnt see the snake or he would have jumped
4. The mouse saw the cat but/yet the cat didnt see it.
5. Romeo wants to build a model house but/yet he has no
place to work on it.
Assignment: English 10/19/16
Form compound sentences by using conjunctions.
1. The amusement park was open.
The children were lining up for the rides.
2. Lino picked up his things.
He ran for the bus.
3. Father goes fishing often.
He doesnt like to eat fish.
4. Volleyball is fun.
It is a good exercise.
5. The girls are busy cleaning the room.
The boys are noisy.

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