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9 Questionnaire
Ben Chambers & Alice Bailey
The first question asked what
colour people associate with
BBC One and the most
popular answer was Red by
far. This was the most
answered colour because it is
the channels primary logo
colour and it is used very
commonly amongst Idents for
his channel.

The colour red represents

various emotions from
energy, strength, power,
determination and passion to
things such as desire and
love. This varied range of
emotions fits in with this
channel as the channels ethos
of Unity is portrayed in the
various amount of emotions.
From this answer weve
learnt that that target
audience in which we used
in the survey dont
particularly watch this
channel. One of the people
answering the
questionnaire doesnt
actually watch any BBC one
while the other two dont
really watch it very often.
This is due to the age of my
target audience not being
what BBC One are aiming
at. The rough age group of
the people who answered
the questions was 17-18
while the target audience
for BBC One is a older and
more mature audience from
the ages of around 20
This question allows us to
see roughly how long people
think an Ident should last.
And this will allow us to
construct our ident around a
rough time frame. Sticking to
a time in which people agree
with it key because if the
Ident is too short then it
wont be able to portray the
message that is trying to be
portrayed in the Ident and if
its too long then the viewers
may get bored and not be as
interested in the ident as
they should be.
This question gives us
helpful information regarding
what sort of content we
should try and include within
our Ident, also it gives us a
rough idea of the target
audiences expectations for
shows and this can allow us
to tailor the ident around the
themes of these shows and
this will make the Ident more
appealing to the audience.

The responses varied from

saying that they expect
shows such as; the news,
documentaries, sport shows,
soaps, dramas and other
informative programs. This
variety of shows allows for a
wide range of viewers to be
With this question we tried
to find out what impact the
Idents have on the
viewers, the responses we
received varied from
people saying that it
doesnt impact them at all
to some people saying that
it reminds them of what
channel they are watching
and that the Idents are eye
catching and draw the
viewers in as they are
interested in certain
themes and parts within
the film.

These responses give us

information and will allow
us to make our Ident eye
catching to the viewers
and we will make sire that
We used this question to see
what sort of content and themes
people like within the BBC idents,
and this will give us ideas for the
types of content that we would
need to include in our Idents. The
four choices of Idents included;
Capes, Hippos, Helicopter and
Kites (in that order).

The most picked Ident was the

Hippo one, all the Idents revolve
around this theme a circle and
this represents various things
such as the idea of Unity and
This question gives us the
information as to why the
Ident that they picked as
their favorite was picked.
The person who picked the
Kite Ident as their favorite
said that they picked this
one due to the bright and
vibrant colors. While the
ones who picked the Hippo
Ident said that it was down
to the unique and different
design of the Ident that
attracted them and the fact
that it portrayed the ethos
of the channel by using the
circle theme.
This channel allows us to
understand what people
currently think of BBC Idents
and this allows us to change
and design our one around
the strengths and
weaknesses of the current

The feedback we received

from the audience gives us
the information that we
need in order to make our
Ident as appealing and
attractive to the audience as
we can. We will do this by
making it colorful, simple
and make sure that they can
portray the ethos of the
channel in order to keep the
audience interested within
the channel.
This question was used
to try and see what
people think the
message behind the BBC
Idents is, this allows us
to try and make sure that
we use the same
message within our
Idents. The response
from our audience said
that the most common
theme among the BBC
one idents is the idea of
Unity and Union and
this is portrayed in the
use of the circles within
the Idents. For our Ident
we will need to make
sure that we use this
Idea to keep the ethos of
BBC One.
This final question allows
us to see what people
think is the most
important factor within a
Ident. Our of the four
possible answers the one
that people picked the
most was the idea of
Makin sure that the
viewers where and are
interested in the channel
otherwise they wont
want to watch the
channel. The other
answer that was picked
was creativity and this is
vert important in an
Ident aswell as it can
make the Ident stand out
from the crowd.

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