Mollusks & Echinoderm

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Phylum Mollusca

and Echinoderms
a b c d e f o g h i
j k l m s n y o p q
m u s s e l s r s t
u v t w a x t y z a
c l a m u b e c d e
f g r h r i r j k l
m n f o c p q r s t
u v i w h x y z a b
c d s e i f g h i j
k l h m n o p q r s
a b c d e f o g h i
j k l m s c y o p q
m u s s e l s r s t
u v t w a a t y z a
c z a m u m e c d e
f g r h r i r j k l
m n f o c p q r s t
u v i w h x y z a b
c d s e i f g h i j
k l h m n o p q r s

1.Describe the general structure of Phylum Mollusca.

2.Where do we usually find them?
3.What are the organ system present in Phylum
4.What are the classes under phylum mollusca?
5.How would you describe univalves? Bivalves?
6.Describe the physical structure of echinoderms.
7.What kind of sea creatures belong to phylum
8.Where do we usuall find echinoderms?
Phylum Mollusca
Soft Bodied invertebrates with
the most of them covered by
They have complex respiratory,
reproductive, circulatory,
digestive and excretory systems
functioning together for their
Can live anywhere
Most have shells and soft bodies
Have muscular foot
Snails, clams, octopus, squid
Has 3 body parts:

a muscular foot for locomotion

a mantle that produces the shell
a visceral mass contains their internal
also called
univalves, has only
one shell.
they are mostly
marine wih fresh
water and terrestrial
Examples of
gastropods: Sea and

consist of two shells attached
to each other.
some are attached to rocks
while others remain in the
sand or mud.
they use their cavity to feed
by trapping suspended
particles in water and for gas
most active mollusks,
moving very fast
using arms and
tentacles in catching
all echinoderms are found in a marine envirnment.
parts of most echinoderms radiate from the center
of the body.
they also have spines which are extensions made
of hard calcium.
Echinoderm species which are edible include the
sea urchin and sea cucumber.
Sea Stars
has an ability to regenerate.
a cut arm can easily regrow
into a new sea star.

Tube Feet - used for

getting food, moving
around and gas exhange.
Sea Lily cucumber
an echinoderm, is
burrows in mud of deep
rooted in the sand at
or shallow waters.
the bottom of the sea.
1. They are soft bodied invertebrates
with most of them covered by shell.

A. Phylum Mollusca
B. Phylum Echinodermata
C. Phylum Cnidaria
D. Phylum Nematoda
2. These mollucs consist of 2 shells
attached to each other.

A. Bivalves
B. Univalves
C. Gastropods
D. Cephalopods
3. This group of mollusk are the most
active, moves very fast using arms
and tentacles in catching pey.

A. Bivalves
B. Gastropods
C. Univalves
D. Cephalopods
4. Some echinoderms has ___ which
they used for getting food, moving
around and gas exchange.

A.Tube Head
B.Tube Body
C.Tube Hand
D.Tube Feet
5. This type of echinoderms is rooted
in the sand at the bottom of the sea.

A. Sea Cucumber
B. Sea Lions
C. Sea Lily
D. Sea Star

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