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Here I have learnt that an opthamologist uses

two kind of opthaalmoscope they are
1)monocualar direct(MO)
2)large binocular indirect(BIO)
MO:The mo is used to examine the back of the
eye that is the optic nerve blood vessels.
BIO:The bio is used by doctors which is
mounted on doctors head it has separate light
source and optical system.
provides a high magnification view of front
structures of the eye.
DENTAL X-RAY MACHINE:dental x-rays (radio graphs)are imges
of our teeth that our dentist
Use to evaluate your oral health .
These x-rays are used with low levels of radiation to capture
images of the interior of our teeth an gums.
It also helps dentist to identify problems like cavities
,toothdecay,impacted tooth.
Dental x-rays may seem complex but theyn are actually very
common tools that are just as important as your tooth cleanings.
Panoromic x-rays machines takes images of patients entire
mouth at a single strech.
Dental lasers can be usec to whiten tooth.
Oral surgery may be require the use of a surgical magnifier.
Hospital sterlizers cover a variety of needs in a hospital
settings .the sterlizers process kills all forms of microbial
life including fungi,bacteria,viruses,spores,and all the other
mediacal items one of the most common sterlizers
equipment .
1)flaming:in this method the articles should be sterlized on
the hot flame bunsen burner.
It is also called dry sterlizers the articles should be sterlized
at the temperature of 150-170c .
Glass wear like testube and pippete flask and glass
syringes by this method .
Here I have learnt about electronic muscle
An ems machine is essetailly an electronic
muscle stimultor with in the capicity to
contract your muscles via an electric current
passed through your muscle .an ems machine
may be helpful in the intial phase of muscle
strengthings .the electric current may also
assint pain relif like a tens a machine but pain
relif is not at its main purpose.
I have learnt that about head mirrors
with a head band and its use to focus
light in to the cavity.
KATZ EXTRACTOR:to remove the
nasal forgien body.
ELECTRICAL DRILL:for bone drilling.
MASTOLD GOUGE:removing psrts of
mastoid bones.
Devices intended for surgical cutting
and for controlling by causing
bleeding by causing couglation at the
surgical site .electro surgery is
commonly used in dermitoligst
And cardic plastic and spine.

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