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Madison MacKeracher
Classroom Culture How can we identify a classrooms~ beliefs,
values and traditions ?

Example: What are the artifacts that Interpretation: What does that
are seen in various areas in the artifact say about the culture in the
classroom? classroom?
Students work This artifact shows that the teacher is
proud of her students work as well as the
fact that the teacher wants her students
to be proud of their own work .
Sage, dream catchers, Cree language That the teacher is proud of her culture
and wants to share who she is and her
culture with her students.
Students sign in forms for assignments This shows that the teacher believes in
giving students responsibility over their
work. By keeping them accountable for
their own assignments.
Books/personal library Shows that the teacher values learning
through books as well as the value of
School Culture How can we identify a schools culture ~
beliefs, values and traditions?

Example: What are the artifacts that Interpretation: What does that artifact
are seen in various areas of the school? say about the culture of the school?
Posters for the Gay and Straight Alliance Takes pride in the individuality of students
and who the students are.
School Rules Demonstrates the expectations that the
school places on students and the
importance of setting those standards.
Spirit Days The importance of the school being a
Brit Invitational Classic The school takes pride in its sport teams
and the extracurricular activities. It also
takes pride in inviting other teams and
having tournaments that bring other people
in to create an athletic community.
Culture Room Shows the value that the school places
importance on students individual culture
and allows them the space to practice.

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