Casting Consideration: By: Hassan Taher

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By: Hassan Taher

Candidate 1

Name: Sadiq Alom

Age: 17
Height: 511
Role Considered: Adam Jenkins
Why he was considered?
The reason we considered him is because he
delivered an unbelievable performance
during his audition. He came out of his
comfort zone and grasped to his character.
Unfortunately he wouldnt be able to make
it to the filming dates as he has too many
commitments outside of school.
Candidate 2

Name: Mahmud Yusuf

Age: 16
Height: 56
Role Considered: Adam Jenkins
Why he was considered for the role?
The reason why he was considered is because he
was recommended by our director(Lina) and she
believed he would have portrayed the character
of Adam excellently. The thing is that he wasnt
reliable to be in our film because he had too
many things to do outside of school to do.
Candidate 3
Name: Kirpalta Kaur
Age: 17
Height: 53
Role Considered: The possessed girl
Why she was considered?
We considered her for the role of the possessed girl
because she had one of the features of displaying
that role which is having long hair. But she lacked
the confidence to portraying the role of the
possessed girl as during her audition she didnt
deliver a great performance and as a group we
were not convinced enough to put her in the film.
Candidate 4
Name: Tanika Singh
Age: 16
Height: 57
Role considered: The possessed girl
Why she was considered for the role?
The reason why she was considered id because she
has a wonderful personality and she was
recommended by our director Lina. However, Tanika
lacked the confidence of fulfilling the role of the
possessed girl as she didnt raise the standards high
when it came to her audition. Although she has no
acting background this made it hard for her to develop
her character even more.
Candidate 5
Name: Tamia Mullaney-Downer
Age: 16
Height: 55
Role Considered: Sara Thompson
The reason why she was considered is because
firstly she is an A-Level Drama student who has
achieved an A is GCSEs. This gave us the confidence
believing that she would have suited the role of
Sara Thompson as she is a very good actress who
can deliver mind-blowing performances. However,
she was unable to come for the filming days as she
has commitments outside of school to fulfil and she
Candidate 6
Name: Leila Monfared
Height: 54
Role Considered: Sara Thompson
Why she was considered for the role?
The reason why she was considered is because she has
experience in acting as she was a GCSE Drama student
which gave us an indication that she has some acting
ability in her. She gave us a tremendous performance
which made it hard for us to pick the right person as it
was tight call between her and Tapiya. Eventually we
chose Tapiya over Leila as she had the wow factor
which Leila was missing from her audition.

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