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Importance of

Research and
Wealthy economies
generally devote larger
shares of their GDP to
R&D than do less
developed economies
World Bank Report
US Total R&D Expenditures
Ratio of U.S. R&D to gross domestic product,
roles of federal and nonfederal funding for
R&D: 19532009
Shares of U.S. total R&D expenditures, by
performing sector and funding source: 2009
Shares of U.S. total R&D expenditures,
by funding source: 2009
U.S. R&D, by performing sectors:
U.S. R&D, by funding sectors: 1953
U.S. R&D by character of work by source of
funds: 2009
U.S. R&D by performing sector, and basic
research by source of funds: 2009
U.S. R&D basic research by source of funds:
U.S. average annual real GDP growth rates,
unadjusted and R&D adjusted: 19592007
Global R&D expenditures by region: 2009
U.S. PPP dollars (billions)
Gross domestic expenditures on R&D by the United
States, EU, and selected other countries: 19812009
Gross expenditures on R&D as share of gross
domestic product, for selected countries: 1981
Academic R&D financed by business,
for selected countries: 19812009

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