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115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000

Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:


Part 7
Solid Modeling
Subjects Covered
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:
1. Data Validation
1.1 Redefinition of end points
1.2 Redefine polygon directions
2. Creating Solids
2.1 Using the Linker Tool
2.2 Using the Extrude/Expand Tool
2.3 From Survey Data
2.4 Using the Template Editor
3. Validating Solids
4. Intersecting Solids
5. Volume Calculation

1. Data Validation
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8endpoints and
9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777polygon directions
E-mail: Web:

Prior to linking polygons when creating solids it is considered good practise to

align all polygon endpoints and ensure all polygons have the same digitised
direction. To do this select the polygons or polylines you wish to link and

1.1 Redefine Endpoint/s

Polyline > Redefine > Endpoints/All Endpoints
Select a point on one of the strings to align
the endpoint/s

1.2 Redefine Polygon Direction
Polyline > Redefine > Direction
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Use the options within the Redefine dialog to redefine or reverse the
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

direction of all selected polylines/polygons.


2. Creating Solids
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
There are8several
Tel:+61 9436 0700 methods available
Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail:in MineSight for creating solids. Some of
the methods available for use are
2.1 The Linker Tool using polylines or polygons
2.2 The Extrude/Expand Tool using polylines or polygons
2.3 From Survey Data - using survey pickups (points, polyline data)
2.4 Using the Template Editor using polylines

From Survey Data

The Linker Tool

The Extrude/Expand Tool

The Template Editor 5
2.1 The Linker Tool
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
The Linker Tool
Tel:+61 can
8 9436 0700be used
Fax:+61 to link
8 9436
0777 E-mail: or closed polylines Web:into open or closed
surfaces that represent geological units, mine designs, or other 3D shapes. The
original polylines are unaffected and the new surface is placed in the current edit
object as specified in the Data Manager.
Links: Options

Select Polylines select polylines/polygons

Area Select Polylines drag window around
multiple polylines/polygons
Select for Partial Link allows creation of a
selective surface
Reverse Polyline in Preview Links
reverses polygon direction without doing
Delete Preview Links removes previews
Link Destination Object Properties edit
the destination objects Object Properties 6
Strong Nodes force the Linker Tool to honour user defined links between
polylines/polygons and are extremely useful when linking complicated geometric
shapes. Strong nodes are automatically written to the current edit object.
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

Strong Nodes: Options

Create Strong Nodes create Strong Nodes

between polylines/polygons

Create Strong Nodes from Polyline use

existing polylines as Strong Nodes

Copy Strong Nodes from Object use

existing Strong Nodes from another geometry

Delete Strong Nodes remove Strong


Strong Node Properties edit Strong Node

display properties
Substrings are portions of a polyline/polygon that can be used in a link. This
allows for linking complicated geometry by facilitating the linking of one closed
polyline to two (bifurcation) or more
115 Newcastle closed
Street / PO polylines
Box 8028, Perth BC WA(multifurcation).
6000 The original
polyline is not affected and does not need to be selected.
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

Substrings: Options

Create Linker Substring create substrings

on polylines/polygons

Create Substring from Polyline use

existing polylines as substrings

Copy Substrings from Object use existing

substrings from another geometry object

Delete Substring remove Substrings

Substring Properties edit Substring

display properties
The Surface options allow the triangulation of polylines within the Linker. A
simple surface is created by triangulating within the boundary of the selected
polyline. This surface115 can thenStreet
Newcastle be used
/ PO Boxto merge
8028, with
Perth BC other links to form a
WA 6000
solid. The polyline must be closed with no self-intersections in order for
8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

the triangulation to work properly. If there are self-intersections present, a

warning will be issued.
Surface: Options

Triangulate Polyline create a surface

within the selected polygons

Extrude Polyline opens the Extrude/

Expand Tool to extrude selected polygon

Merge Surfaces in Object merge all

surfaces within a geometry object

Merge Surfaces Interactively merge

selected surfaces interactively

Delete Surfaces deletes surfaces from

geometry object
2.2 The Extrude/Expand Tool
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
The Extrude/Expand Tool
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 is used
8 9436 0777to create
E-mail: new polylines,Web: surfaces or solids by
projecting from an original polyline.
Mode there are six different ways to define the extrusion:
Distance + Offset
Distance + Slope
Elevation + Offset
Elevation + Slope
Edit Grid + Offset
Edit Grid + Slope

Areas of the dialog become active depending on

which mode/option is selected.

Options for Direction, Extrude method, Polylines and

Surfaces can be used to tailor the extrusion.

Further options are available for use under the

Advanced tab. 10
Example 1 uses:
Distance + Offset
Distance - 100m
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Dip - 90 Web:
Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail:
Extrude Both Directions
Result = two new polylines

Example 2 uses:
Distance + Slope
Distance - 100m
Slope - 50
Dip - 90
Extrude Both Directions
Connect Polylines
Close ends Start/End
Result = one solid 11
2.3 From Survey Data
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
There are four8 9436
Tel:+61 options for creating
0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777solids
E-mail: when using the Survey Data options.
These options are specific to underground development.

1. Connect Floor/Back gradelines with Wall Outline

2. Connect 4 Wall Edges

3. Connect 2 Walls and 2 Backs inset from walls

4. Connect 2 Walls, 2 Backs inset from walls and Back center line

Note: For these methods the polylines need to be open and selected from the
viewer with the resulting solid/s having open ends. The ends may be
closed by creating a polygon, triangulating inside the polygon, and merging
with the original Solid. 12
2.4 The Template Editor
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
You can Tel:+61
attach a user
8 9436 defined
0700 Fax:+61 template
8 9436 0777
a polyline to extrude a solid using the
Template Editor in conjunction with the Attach Template function. The Template
Editor contains 15 default templates that can be scaled and offset from the polyline
it will be attached to.

Templates available

Templates position relative

to Polyline
The template can be attached
Template dimensions to multiple polylines at once
using the Entire Selection
Base Point offset You can Preview the result
prior to saving.
Example 1: - Road Cuts
Two templates applied one
at time (Upper and Lower)115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:
Width 50m
Height 50m
Angle 45deg.
Base Point Top/Bottom

Example 2: - Drive Solid

One template (Drive profile)
Width 5m
Height 5m
Angle 0deg.
Base Point - Bottom
3. Validating Solids
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Solids need to8 9436
Tel:+61 be verified to8see
0700 Fax:+61 if they
9436 0777 are
E-mail: closed thereby imparting volume and
tonnage properties. Firstly use the Query function to query the solid. If the query
generates a volume and a tonnage the solid is ok and needs no further
verification. If the Query fails to generate a volume and reports that the surface
has openings then the openings need to be patched in order to close the solid.
The offending openings can be located using the Surface > Openings > Check
option and then closed using the Surface > Openings > Patch option. Querying
the solid again should now generate a volume and tonnage.

4. Intersecting Solids
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
The Intersect
Tel:+61 8 Solids
9436 0700 tool is8used
Fax:+61 to intersect
9436 0777 two or more closed
E-mail: solids in
MineSight. Solids can be selected from the viewer or through the OCB. Single or
multiple solids are able to be selected for defining Groups A and B. There are six
options for results:
1. Return Intersection of Solids
2. Return Union of Solids
3. Return B-A
4. Return A-B
5. Return All Components
6. Return Lines of Intersections

Using the two pit solids shown we can

produce the following results

1. Return Intersection of Solids 2. Return Union of Solids

115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000

Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

3. Return B A (no result) 4. Return A - B

5. Return All Components 6. Return Lines of Intersection

115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000

Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: Web:

5. Volume Calculation
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
The Volume
Tel:+61Calculator allows
8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436you
0777 to assign
E-mail: a specific SGWeb: value to determine the
tonnage from either a solid or between two surfaces. Two methods are able to be
used to determine this, they are the Integration method and the Analytical method.
Results will be output to the Message Window.


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