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Presented by:

Kanwal Shabbir
ROLL # 35
Batch # 2
Who are

They have been defined numerous times by

outsiders as transvestites, hermaphrodites,
effeminate males.

Defined as someone neither male nor female.

Types of Eunuchs:
Real Eunuchs:

Born as inter sexual

Born with the male body but with a feminine gender identity
and feminine feelings.

Fake Eunuchs:

Operated Eunuchs due to poverty.

Unemployment diverting most of the young men to convert
themselves into eunuchs for their living.

Currently, there are 1050427 eunuchs in Pakistan.

202012 are the real eunuchs
602000 are fake eunuchs
230101 are operated eunuchs
Eunuchs spend a
large part of their
money in buying
beauty products.
Like everyone else
they also love to
look beautiful and
to be praised by
They are not considered as a
separate group as far as Islamic
teachings are concerned.
Will be Dealt according to their
apparent traits of gender.
Obligations like hijab & those of
similar nature are not a compulsion.
To be officially respected as a
eunuch the young eunuchs
(chelas) have to be part of
eunuchs society this means
to become a follower of an
older & experienced eunuch

Chelas are expected to give

part of their income to Guru
who manages the household.
Many modern eunuchs faced with health
concern & discrimination have become
politically active.
Eunuchs in India have been elected to high
political positions.
Shabnam Moosi elected as first eunuch
MLA 1999 in India.
In Pakistan there is no such seat for
eunuchs in Provincial or National
Chanda,a Eunuch from
lahore narrates story.
People started making
fun of Chanda during
the childhood.
Discrimination by
family and relatives.
Feelings and attitude
of Chanda for herself.
Finally she left home
and took shelter in
data darbar.
Treat them as Human
Such people are not
accepted by their families &
societies, they should be
provided with equal
opportunities in all phases
of life. They should not be
treated as a secondary

It should be appreciated
that they are living through
certain conditions as a
not as a Punishment .

Love & Sympathy can lead to

their betterment both in
faith & social status

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