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Astral Time Travel

Yamaya Cruz
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

The problem with astral travel is that many

of us are carrying too much weight.
Ive read the statistics and understand that
many of us are teetering towards obesity.
But in order for us to move around, we
have to drop the weight.
How much weight?

Well, all of it.

Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

You see the smallest parts of your

body actually transform as they
transition into different realms or
planes of existence.
In quantum mechanics, this process
is called phase transition. In
metaphysics, it is known as traveling
through different planes of reality.
We understand that the human
body, no matter the size is way too
clunky and heavy to fly.
Merely because we have the good
old force of gravity pulling it down.
So the body needs to transform.
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

Just think of the human body as being like a huge

block of ice that is frozen and as hard as concrete.
When the ice melts into water, the molecules inside
the water can move freely amongst each other.
When the water begins to evaporate, it becomes a
gas. When gas is not contained, it will disperse into
space, defying the laws of gravity.
In metaphysical terms, we are like blocks of ice on
the physical plane, bodies of water on the etheric
plane, and like steam or gas on the astral plane.
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

When people speak about having an

out of body experience.
They are referring to atoms
transforming into a different shape.
This process can be explained
through string theory.
Although it has yet to be proven,
many scientists believe that atoms
contain tiny little strings that vibrate
at different frequencies.
These frequencies actually determine
the shape and form of atoms.
The strings give particles their
definition such as mass and charge.
In short, these strings are very
versatile and define our existence.
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

These strings also define

The curvatures throughout
space and the universe can
be warped and molded much
like a piece of fabric.
These curvatures throughout
space are the ripples that
gravity travels through.
Have I lost you yet?

Ill make it easier for you.

Just think about space as
being like a quilt.
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

Much like space, a quilt

consists of a network of fibers
that are all interwoven and
Now, imagine a needle with a
long thread, piercing in and
out of this fabric.
This needle represents the
astral body.
And the thread symbolizes
the silver cord that connects
the etheric body to the
physical body.

Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

This is how our ancestors were

able to reach across space and
time without actually leaving
their physical bodies.
Today, scientists are well aware
of cosmic shortcuts.
These cosmic shortcuts are also
known as warm-holes that link
certain aspects of space
Ironically, our ancestors
described moving through a
tunnel, heading toward a beam
of light during astral travel or
altered states of consciousness.
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

They may have been traveling through warm

holes that werent fully formed.
Or they were creating new ones. Scientists
believe that new worm-holes cannot be formed
without tearing the fibers of space.
So how did our ancestors defy gravity, space,
and time? They were able to transform their
astral body into a gas like substance.
This substance was contained in the ripples of
Do You Really Want to Learn about Astral Travel?

Much like a needle, piercing

through fabric, they were able to
travel to different worlds and
Just think about it! Have you
known something to be true
without real proof?
Have you ever had a vision about
a future event to only experience
it in the present?
There are no such things as
Just parallel worlds that connect
all of earth and space together,
and consciousness that can
transform it
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When The Shadows Began To
By Yamaya Cruz

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