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PREVENTIVE = & ‘MEDICINE *For university exam try to read every heading & it’s subheadings from Park ‘Textbook SOCIAL 1 & 2) Concept of Health & disease Long questions: - ‘© Explain the concept of multifactorial ion of diseases. Briefly mention the levels of prevention & modes of in- terventions with examples. © Define Health indicator. Enlist the characteristics of an ideal indicator. Ex- plain morbidity indicators ‘© Define Health. Enumerate the Dimen- sions & Determinants of Health, Notes Ecology of health ‘© Disability i tion & its prevention Natural history of a disease ‘Epidemiological triad in heart disease ‘Rehabilitation ~ definition, interven- tion & types «© sentinel surveillance ~ define, advan- tages & disadvantages, diseases under itin India © Good health adds years to life ‘# Socio-economic indicators of health ‘Self: care in health Role of spiritual health # Promotion of food hygiene in com- munity ¢ Health team ¢ Community Diagnosis © Differentiate PQLI & HDI Ice- berg concept of disease & which diseases don't show this phenomenon © Levels of health care Preventive medicine Vs. community medicine Extra Questions ‘Evidence based medicine (EBM) ‘Holistic concept © Differentiate monitoring & surveil- lance ¢ Health for all (Alma-Ata declaration) © What is DALY, QALY & sullivan’s index? © Kerala health care model / factors contributed or lessons learnt from suc- cess of Kerala model health care Page 70f 67 7% © Web of causation © Germ theory of disease @ advanced model of triangle of epi- demiology types of surveillance & conditions re- quiring surveillance © Community based rehabilitation (CBR) / CBR matrix © Family medicine / family doctor © Positive health & Spectrum of health © Prevention paradox Viva/ basis Questions ¢Whatis ease, illness, sickness? © What is infectivity, pathogenicity, virulence? © What is Impairment, Disability, handicap? ¢ What Is disease control, disease erad- ication, disease elimination & extinc- tion? ‘¢ Which diseases have been eliminated in India & what is elimination criteria? Page 8067 996 * Father of public health ~ cholera * Father of modern epidemiology - john. snow * India was the first country to start family planning & blindness control programme * Father of Bio-statistics -john Graunt 3) PRINCIPLES OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Long questions: - © Define epidemiology. What are the aims & uses of epidemiology? Add a note on Steps in Epidemic outbreak in- vestigation © describe the steps in the conduct of Page 90f67 Randomised control trials. Add a note on.use of RCTs © Define Bias. List the various types of bias in Epidemiological studies. Ex- plain anyone of the biases you have listed and how it can be minimised. ¢ What are the Types of epidemics? Ex- plain in detail design of a cohort study List the criteria for judging causality (Hill's criteria). What are the aims & uses of epidemiology? Briefly describe any one use of epidemiology. © List and describe the steps of case control study. Write 2 advantages and disadvantages of case control study. ¢* Any numerical exercise on case- control or cohort study to find RR/odd’s ratio,AR,PAR © Explain the dynamics of transmis- sion in Infectious disease and ways to prevent & control it with examples © differentiate sterilization & disinfec- tion. What are the types & methods of disinfection? Page 100f67 12% Notes © Population attribution risk Vs. Rela- tive Risk © Uses of prevalence © Quarantine Vs. Isolation Chronic carriers of disease / Carriers © Incubation period & its significance © Secondary attack rate © Median incubation period © Vaccine vial monitor © Adverse effects following immuniza- tion (AEFI) - types & investigations © Enlist any four live attenuated vac- cines & list their contraindications © Odd’s Ratio & its significance © Difference between case control & co- hort study Blinding ¢ Herd & cross immunity Page 11 of 67 13% © Generation Time ©The Cold chain © Morbidity Rates Steps & uses of descriptive epidemiol- ony © Case fatality rate (CFR) © Coherence of association Limitation of mortality data in India # classify epidemiological methods © Epidemic curve Matching & cofounding factor © Correlation does not signify causa- tion, Explain why? © Tools of measurement in epidemiol- ogy (Rate, Ratio, Proportion) © Why carriers are more dangerous than cases in epidemiological point of ¢ Immunisation schedule (very imp.) Extra/ distinction Questions page 120f 67 ¢ Framingham Heart study & its find- ing © Principles of designing an experi- mental study ¢ What are Medical Ethics? © Direct & Indirect methods of Stan- dardisation of death rates © Universal precaution Reverse cold chain # Ring immunisation « Differentiate Incidence rate & point Prevalence © Secular trend © non-Randomised trial / non experi- ‘mental trial # Types of RCTS ¢ differentiate isolation & quarantine Proxy measure of incubation period (serial interval, generation time, latent period) © Chain of infection Page 13 of 67 169% © Difference between ILR & deep freezer © Immunisation of a partially immu- nised child Time trends in disease frequency International Quarantine © Bimodality © Cross sectional Vs. Longitudinal stud- ies © Ecological / correlational study - why itis the worst study design? Viva/ basis Questions © Pentavalent vaccine © Emporiatrics © Difference between primary and sec- ondary immune response. Why sec- ondary response is more severe? ¢ What all measures you can do to pre- vent surgical site infection asa medical officer of PHC? # Reservoir, source, carriers & cases © primary case, index case, secondary sin leftin chapter 18% case © Endemic, epidemic, pandemic & spo- radic © window period © spot map © Which vaccines are not be frozen? ¢ How to arrange vaccines (top to bot- tom)in cold chain? © Why ILR & deep freezers are top open- ing not a front opening? 4 SCREENING Long questions: © Screening — uses, types & criteria (Wilson & Jugner’s criteria) for screen- 1 min left wapter 19% ing Notes « Difference between screening & diag- nostic test ¢ Evaluation of a screening test (sensi- tivity, specificity, PPV, NPV) © Evaluation of screening programmes Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions Yield © Lead time © Diagnostic power (DP) ¢ How screening is different from case finding? © differentiate parallel & serial testing ofa screening test © PPV & NPV — their significance & Bayes’s theorem 5) Epidemiology of communicable 1 min left in chapter 21% diseases Long questions: - * Epidemiological determinants of lymphatic filariasis. How do we carry out filarial survey? Add a note on filar- ial control strategies & MDA © Describe in detail objectives, case finding strategies & implementation of, RNTCP. Add a note on prevention of MDR-TB © Acute respiratory infections - causes in different age groups, clinical fea- tures & control ‘© TB- diagnosis, categorization & treat- ment © Acute diarrhoeal diseases ~define, causes, classify & management, pre- vention & control ‘© Malaria - epidemiology, causes, con- trol strategies, surveillance, diagnosis, treatment & prophylaxis © Dengue Fever - epidemiology, clas- sify, diagnosis & management. Algo- rithm for fluid management in dengue 1 minleft in chapter shock (compensated & hypotensive) . Its prevention & control ¢ Cholera ~ carriers, host & environ- mental factors, mode of transmission, lab diagnosis & its control © Rabies- determinants, clinical fea~ tures, prophylaxis, post exposure pro- phylaxis (PEP), diagnosis Notes e Prevention of dengue fever © Case finding strategies under RNTCP e Drug policy for malaria control e Prevention of human Rabies ¢ Amplifier host & Control of JE e Pulse polio Immunization & its Role in polio eradication e Strategies for eradication of Polio ¢ MDR-TB & XDR-TB syndromic management of STI e Prevention of Yellow fever © Mantoux test 1 min left in chapter 24% © Define infection & Nosocomial infec- tion © Epidemiological basis of small pox eradication © TB-HIV coinfection © Stop TB strategy © Difference between IPV &OPV © Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance (AFP) © Control of diarrhoeal diseases © Component of ORS Control of typhoid fever ¢ Leprosy ~ source and mode of trans- mission, diagnosis & control © Leprosy case finding methods based on prevalence rate of leprosy © Difference between type 1 & 2 lepra reactions © AIDS- Diagnosis, post exposure pro- phylaxis (PEP) / Needle stick injuries & control & prevention Preventive measures for hospital ac- 1 mine 25% chapter quired infection ‘© Strategies for measles eradication © Diphtheria carrier © Toxic shock syndrome ‘© Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) ‘Pandemic influenza ¢ Immunization against tetanus ‘© Pertussis / whooping cough © Control of meningococcal meningitis ‘© Prevention & control of hepatitis B © Leptospirosis - epidemiological de- terminants, diagnosis & treatment, preventive & control measures © Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) blocked flea & flee indices ‘© Importance of contact tracing & clus- ter testing in case detection of STDs © Domiciliary treatment of TB Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions | min eft in chapter 27% © Counselling In AIDS ‘¢ measures to prevent prenatal trans- mission of AIDS © AIDS related malignancies ‘¢ Provocative poliomyelitis ¢ Do's & Don'ts in management of ani malbite roll back malaria (RBM) © differentiate measles & rubella © Lessons learnt from SARS contain- ment ‘© What is the principle behind MDA & why itis given for 4-6 years? ‘Definition of diarrhoea & constipa- tion ¢ Home available fluids (HAF) Safe food handling techniques © Soil transmitted helminths & chan- dlers index © What advices to given when prescrib- ing ATT drugs? 1 min eftin chapter 28% © ADR of anti TB, anti-malaria drugs , DEC ‘© What health advice you give to a TB patient & his family? ‘© What is TB relapse, failure, defaulted patient? ‘© Why IMCI better than single condi- tion approaches? © Difference between bacterial index (BD) & Morphological index (M1) © Difference between small pox & chicken pox © koplik’s spot © Critical phase & warning signs of dengue © Botulism © amoebiasis © advantages of reduced osmolarity ORS? Why to be given with zinc ? ‘© name some re-emerging diseases and reasons for them 1 min left in chapter 30% 6) NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES © Describe the epidemiological factors contributing to the increased incidence of road traffic accidents in India. Add a note on community level injury pre- vention. © Describe the determinants of Road Traffic Injuries. Formulate a plan for prevention of Road traffic injuries in a district. © Diabetes - Screening, self-care & pre- vention © Hypertension — Classification, rules of halves, Risk factors, Tracking of BP & Prevention e types of accidents & prevention care ¢ Haddon matrix © Disadvantages of BMI e Avoidable blindness ‘© Waist hip ratio e WHO-ISH cardiovascular disease risk @ Domestic accidents prediction chart © Accident proneness e Palliative care Down staging ¢ Primordial prevention & control of ‘© metabolic syndrome X NCD © Acute Mountain sickness ® Anti-tobacco control © Self-care in Diabetes 7) Health programmes in India (*full chapter is imp.) Extra/ distinetion/ viva/ basis Ques- Long questions: - ions © What do you mean by surveillance? Describe in detail how the surveillance is undertaken & the strategic Plan for malaria control under National Malaria Control Program in India e Epidemiology of Oral cancer e Triple paradox in HTN © What are the characteristics of non- communicable diseases? © Describe the epidemiology of tuber- culosis in India and briefly discuss the strategy for TB control under RNTCP © How omega 3 reduces the risk of CAD? © Warning signs of : ae ee © Describe in detail objectives, case © WHO pain relief ladder / palliative finding strategies & implementation of 1 min eftin chapter 3495 min leftin chapter 35% RNTCP. Add a note on prevention of MDR-TB © Describe the objectives, major initia- tives, plan of actions and implementa- tion of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). © NELP - initiatives, referral system & DPMR ‘© What are the objectives of Reproduc- tion & child Health program (RCH)? Enumerate the strategies for its imple- mentation in India. Notes © Essential new born care © Essential obstetric care ‘© Case finding strategies under RNTCP ‘© Components of DOTS strategy © Diagnosis of TB in RNTCP © Dots plus strategy & a note on DOTS provider min left in chapter 37% ‘© Integrated vector control (IVM) © Village health Sanitation & Nutri- tion committee (VHSNC) - composi- ‘© Major activities according to APL tion, work @ASHA-their role & responsibilities 9 ee © List Major & newer initiatives under © Primary eye care services under NRHM NPCB /E; deli \der NPCB. eee ne © explain the health care facility at ¢ janani-sishu suraksha karyakram urban area under National Health Mis- (ssk) sion *janani suraksha karyakram (JSK) _@ Activities carried under Targeted in- © Integrated and counselling and test- tervention for high risk group of HIV ing centres (ICTCs) © Revised strategies under NPCB © Anganwadi worker (AWW)- its role & Behaviour change communication functions (Bcc) © Salient features of NVBDCP HIV sentinel surveillance ‘© Malaria control strategies © Eye health services in schools # Vision 2020 India © National urban health mission © case management under integrated (NUHM) management of neonatal and child-@ Enumerate Health Related Legisla- hood illness (IMCI) tions (not health programmes) ‘© Management of moderate dehydra- tion ina 5 yr.old child Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- © integrated disease surveillance tions project (IDSP) 1 min eft in chapter 38% 1 min left in chapter 40% ‘© Unique features of RNTCP © The objectives of NACP phase 4 will be achieved through which strategies? ‘© Minimum need programme ‘© What the ‘plus’ in the strategic ap- proach of RMNCH‘+A denotes? # List services provided under NACO ‘© What is a health programme? What are the modes of its delivery? ‘© What are the danger signs in an in- fant? ‘© Whats the Indian version of IMCI? © Rastriya Bal swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) ‘List the interventions under NHM fo- cussing on new-born 8 ) DEMOGRAPHIC & FAMILY PLAN- NING Long question: © Define family size. List the factors that determine fertility. Explain how raising the age of marriage can lead toa 11min eft in chapter 41% lower fertility. IUD - effectiveness, MOA, advantages, ideal candidate, contraindication, side- effects Notes © Define demography. What is Demo- graphic Cycle? © Demographic transition in Indian population / Demographic transition ‘© Demographic gap & its importance © Fertility indicators / Fertility related Statistics © Couple protection rate (CPR) © Instruction to women after insertion of UD © MTP act / Salient feature of MTP Act 1975 © Hazards of abortion © Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMER) Eligible & target couples 1 min eftin chapter 43% ‘¢ Emergency contraception © Oral pills - types, mode of action, risks, benefits, side-effects ‘© Complications of terminal contracep- tion methods © Sociology of family planning ‘© What services are given at sub centre, PHC, CHC for family planning? ‘© National family welfare programme / National population policy © Natural family planning method © Methods to measure contraceptive efficacy (Pearl index &its significance) ‘© What are the objectives & health as- pects of family planning? © Define spacing & what is its impor- tance Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions ‘© Demographic bonus © Demographic burden | min eft in chapter 48% © Why GFRis better than CBR? © What is unmet need? How you assess the community's need? © differentiate gross production rate (GRR), TFR& NRR © Characteristics of an ideal contracep- tive © Injectable contraceptives © No scalpel vasectomy © no needle no scalpel vasectomy (NNNSV) © KAP survey © Calendar Method / safe period / Rhythm method 9) Obstetrics, Paediatric & Geriatric care ("full chapter is imp.) Long questio1 ‘© What are the services to be provided under essential antenatal & intra-natal 1 min eftin chapter 4596 care? Add a note on first referral unit ‘© What is low birth weight (LBW). What are the causes, risk factors of LBW and how LBW to be reduced? ‘© Enlist the indicators of maternal & child health care. Explain the causes & prevention of maternal mortality in India. © What are the minimum require- ment for proper and adequate antena- tal care? What prenatal advice is given to pregnant women when they come for routine antenatal visit? © Define infant mortality rate? What are the factors affecting infant mortal- ity? Write in details about the preven- tion & social measures to reduce infant mortality rate? Notes ‘© Baby friendly hospital (BFH) © Provision of geriatric care in urban © Integrated child development ser- vices scheme (ICDS) 1 min eft in chapter am © Concept and Uses of Road to health chart / uses of growth chart © Kangaroo mother care © Child placement © Diet during pregnancy © Implications of ageing population in India © Infants and Young Child feeding ayer) ¢ Healthful school environment Dental health in school children @ Sign of severe Pneumonia Breast feeding & its advantage © Weaning © Surveillance of growth & develop- ment ¢ delivering the MCH services # causes of perinatal mortality © Congenital malformation & its pre- vention © Social health service - objectives & ‘min left in chapter 489% components # Juvenile Delinquency ~ cause & its prevention # Battered baby syndrome * Under 5 clinic ® Health problems associated with ado- lescence & interventions to improve adolescent health © Health problems of aged © As a medical officer at PHC what you will do if the health status of elderly population in your area is poor ? First referral unit (FRU) & its function ® Drawback in availability & accessibil- ity of antenatal care to women in rural areas ® Rational for high risk approach in maternal care ® Screening for depression among the alderly population in PHC setting ® Social problems of the elderly ® School Health Services 1 min left in chapter © What is growth & what is develop- ment? What are its determinants? © Anganwadi worker (AWW) Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions ‘© Compare Breast milk & cow milk © Street children ‘© What are the food taboos are associ- ated with pregnancy and their conse- quences ‘® Methods to improve MMR © differentiate child death rate & child mortality rate # Active ageing Warm chain © Child labour ‘rooming in © Geriatric giant ‘© What are benefits / schemes are pro- vided to geriatric age group? 1 min eft in chapter © What is the current IMR & MMR of ® discuss in detail the causes, detri- India? © What is Prenatal, Perinatal, Neonatal, Postnatal period? What is their signifi- cance? Principles of artificial feeding Define handicap & list its prevention © What advice is given to women while discharging from hospital after deliver- Long questions: - mental effects and various preventive measures of nutritional anaemia © list the methods of assessing nutri- tional status. What are the ecological factors that affect nutrition? Add a note on the conditioning influences in mal- nutrition. © Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) ~ classification, features, indicators & prevention Notes Vitamin A deficiency &its prevention © Community based nutritional pro- grams © Dietary fibre ¢ classify the nutritional problems of « Endemic fluorosis public health importance in India. Add e tathyrism anote on assessment of dietary intake. ‘© Marasmic Kwashiorkar © Social factors that affect nutrition ‘© Food fortification Adulteration of food & its prevention © Parboiling / hot soaking process © Whatis balanced diet? Discuss the di- etary goals © Dietary goals / prudent diet © Ecology of malnutrition © Mid-day meal @ NALGONDA technique © Milk borne diseases « Pasteurisation of milk & tests for pas- teurised milk Importance of Food guide Pyramid © Micro-nutrient deficiency / hidden hunger © Role of nutritional factors in cardio- vascular diseases & cancer Diet survey - purpose & methods ¢ Marasmus vs. Kwashiorkor Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions Nutritional Rehabilitation centre 1 min eft in chapter sow © Trans fatty acid sssential amino acids (EAA) & essen- tial fatty acids (EFA) © Therapeutic diet (DASH diet / dia~ beticdiet) © Bitot’s spot @Pellagra © Measures to reduce iron deficiency # Role of zinc in diet Endemicascites Endemic dropsy Endemic goitre © compare growth monitoring & nutri- tional surveillance advantages of vegetarian diet Why pulses to be mixed with cereals? © Why boiled egg is preferred over raw egg for nutritional value? © Non-calorie roles of fats © Phrenoderma / toad skin List essential amino acids ‘¢ stunting vs. wasting 11 MEDICINE & SOCIAL SCIENCE Long questions: - © Define Family. List the functions of a family. Describe Role of a family in health & disease in detail, © Define Sociology & what are its branches. Explain Hospital sociology. list the social determinants of health, Explain the role of family in health pro- motion Notes Acculturation ‘* Occupational classification ‘Activities of the Medico social worker ‘© Social factors influencing health of people ‘© Role of cultural factors in health & disease ‘© Intelligence Quotient (IQ) & Emo- tional Quotient (EQ) '* Doctor - patient relationship / fidu- clary relationship ‘* Doctor- nurse relationship #Sickrole ‘* Technique of interviewing - aims, kinds, technique ‘© Drug addiction -criteria, manage- ‘ment & prevention ‘© Types of family. Add a note on merits & demerits of joint family ‘© Types of learning & what are the con- ditions affecting it © Cultural influence on health & dis ease Effect of social class on health status of community © Influence of social institution on community health @ Role of stress in causing disease ¢ Impact of urbanisation on health # Social security Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions © Social pathology ¢ Defence Mechanisms crowd, mob & herd Family vs. household # Behavioural science © behavioural science © Wealth index # Role conflict © Social mobility © Social marketing © Community Vs. society social class vs. income # medical sociology © Operational research Encultration & counter culture # Social reference ‘© compare health of high & low social class people © Variables affecting socio-economic class # list some social problems culture Lag ‘© Why joint family system in India is slowly breaking down? © differentiate between social medicine & socialised medicine/ state medicine 12 ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH Long questions: - ¢ Explain why coliform organisms are chosen as indicators of faecal pollution of drinking water. Add a note on the Physical parameters of acceptance for drinking water? © Describe the standard criteria for healthful housing. Explain the impact of housing conditions on health. Notes © Purification of water at household level (small scale) ¢ Purification of water at community level (Large scale) steps in disinfection of a well Sanitary well © Difference between shallow & deep well © compare rapid & slows sand filter ‘© Break point chlorination © orthotolidine test (OT) or OTA test © Microbiological aspects of water qual- ity © Surveillance of drinking water Qual- ity Hardness of water - disadvantages & its treatment ¢ Measures to reduce pollution of water ‘ Indicators of thermal comfort / Com- fort zone / P4SR ‘¢ monitoring of air pollution ‘Effect of air pollution & its Prevention & Control © Effects of noise exposure & Control of, noise pollution «© Biological effects of radiation & Pro- tection Public health importance of housing standards # overcrowding - Criteria & its signifi- # septic tank: Working « Bangalore method of composting Global warming / green house ‘© Mosquito larvae control measures # Fly control methods « Principles of arthropod control with relevant examples © Antirodent measures ‘compare trickling filter method & ac- tivated sludge process Measuring strength of sewage (BOD, COD, suspended solid) © composting methods in municipali- ties with population less than Iakh © Modern sewage treatment plant © Fleas & human diseases & their con- trol © General flea index © Sarcoptes Scabies / seven year itch / circle of hebra @ Soakage pit © Methods of refuse disposal # List methods of Excreta disposal © classify insecticides & what are its public health relevance © Measures to overcome insecticide re- sistance in vectors © Reasons for increase in vector borne diseases BOD @ Soiling index © Water seal Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions © Types of water related diseases (water based, water borne, water washed, water related, water dis- persed, water borne non-communica- ble) © Backwashing ‘© Swimming pool sanitation ‘© Aqua privy ‘© Problem village ‘© Green hospital concept © Sanitation barrier Paris green # sullage Vs. sewage © Sewage farming © Residual insecticide ‘© Oxidation pond (lagoons) - advan- tages & disadvantages © Diseases caused by aedes, anopheles , culex & mansoni ‘Epizootic Vs. Enzootic ‘© Whatis an insect? © Disadvantages of intermittent water supply Double pot method © Latrine in aeroplane ¢ Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) 13 HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Notes ‘© Health hazards of health-care waste © bio-medical waste management / Hospital waste disposal ‘Incineration Inertisation © principles/steps of waste manage- ment ‘© Difference between biomedical waste (BW) & health care waste? ‘© What modifications were done in 2011 in the guidelines of BMW of 1998? 14 DISASTER MANAGEMENT @ Management sequence of sudden onset disaster (disaster cycle) Triage © Health effects of flood disaster in a village Disaster mitigation in health sector © Disaster preparedness & disaster management in flood ¢ Man-made disaster ‘Disaster Vs. hazard ‘© Role of a specialist in a disaster 15 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH chapter is imp.) Long question: © classify occupational diseases & de- scribe the prevention of them in detail (‘full © Safety & welfare measures under ESI act & provision to female worker under it Notes # Factories Act 1948 © Occupational hazards of agricultural workers ¢ Health hazards due to Industrializa- tion # Pneumoconiosis & its prevention in textile mill workers Lead poisoning / plumbism © causes & Prevention of Industrial ac- cidents ¢ list the benefits under ESI Act to em- ployers & to employees © extended sickness Benefits under ESI act © Sickness Absenteeism & how to deal iteffectively? vention of occupational disease © Welfare measures under factories act © Ergonomics © Farmer lung ‘© How ESI acts different from factories act? © What type of protection/measures are available for women workers and adolescent workers in India? 16 GENETICS & HEALTH © hardy- Weinberg law / equation / population genetics © Gene therapy ‘© Eugenics ‘© Euthenics ‘© Prospective & retrospective coun- selling (genetic counselling) ‘© Prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnor- malities © Down/ Turner/ Klinefelter’s syn- drome ‘© Neonatal screening 17 MENTAL HEALTH © Prevention of mental illness types of rehabilitation for drug addic- tion © Preventable causes of mental retarda- tion © District mental health programme (Bellary model) @ Strategies to reduce Suicide rates @ Substance dependence ~ factors as- sociated with high risk, prevention & control © What are the warning signs of poor mental health? 18 BIO-STATISTICS Notes © Advantages and disadvantages of mean © Normal curve Standard normal curve Standard deviation Standard error ¢ Normal distribution and its uses ‘© Sample registration System (SRS) © Chi square test ¢ Histogram vs. bar chart # Uses & Sources of health statistics ‘© Notification of Disease ‘# sampling - methods & errors cluster sampling vs. Stratified sam- pling ‘© measures of central tendency / Statis- tical averages / centering constants ‘© Measures of dispersion ‘© Population survey / health survey © Census- methodology & use Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions Percentage, percentile & quartile ‘© Statistics Vs. vital statistics ‘© Advantages and disadvantages of hospital records ‘© Pictogram vs. pie chart lay reporting © Concept of P-value © Difference between data (Primary & secondary), information & intelligence ‘© What is census? Type of census ( De- facto & dejure) , what is Whipple's index? ‘© Advantage gained by stratification ‘# simple vs. stratified random sampling, 19 COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTH EDUCATION Long questions: @ Health education - Principles, con- tent, aim & approach ¢ Communication - process, Functions, Components, Barriers Notes ‘# Measures to improve effectiveness of health education session school chil dren ‘¢ symposium vs, Panel discussion ‘* Focus group discussion & sociogram '* Social intervention model of health education. ‘# Importance of communication skill Foradoctor ‘© Role of communication skills in health care ‘© Audio Visual aids (A-V aids) ‘* Role of mass media in health educa- Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions ‘* How counselling is different from health education? ‘* Boomerang effect, e Telemedicine ‘# stages of behaviour change ‘© GATHER technique ‘* Demonstration vs, role playing 20 HEALTH PLANNING & MANAGE- MENT Notes © Goals & guidelines under national health policy 2002 / 2015 © steps in health planning / planning cycle © differentiate cost benefit analysis & cost effective analysis © Pre-planning © Panchayati raj ‘© compare Critical path method (CPM) & PERT (Network analysis) Central council of health ‘© Bhore committee & its Recommenda- tions © Health audit / Medical audit © Evaluation of a programme Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions © Prescriptions given under national health policy 2002 for human re- sources for health © SWOT analysis, © differentiate monitoring and evalua- tion © differentiate management & admin- istration © differentiate efficiency & effective- ness © Recommendations of shrivastava committee © benefits of ROME scheme © NITI aayog & how it is different from planning commission? What are the items under union list, tata lict 2. annonevant lint) 21 HEALTH CARE OF THE COMMU- NITY (full chapter isimp.) « Define Primary health care, Discuss the evolution & the role of elements of Primary Health Care in improving the health status of community list the 4 principles & 8 elements of primary health care. Describe how pri- ‘mary health care is delivered at village level through the primary health cen- ‘tre (PHC) «© Describe the organisation & fune- tions of community health centre © List the millennium development goal (MDG) Goals © Job responsibilities/functions of Health Worker (female) Job responsibilities of Junior Health Assistant (Female) © Appropriate technology in Primary Health care Job responsibilities of medical officer at PHC Health personnel at village level eAsHA sub centre Voluntary health agencies Counterfeit medicine Essential medicine © Central government health scheme ¢ Direct & indirect cost in health care. Explain with examples ¢ Levels of health care e Village health guides Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques- tions e IPHS standard of PHC ¢ What are the health problems en- countered in computer or mobile users? © Difference between equity & equal- ity? © What do you mean by term AYUSH ? © What are the levels of health care? How to ensure community participa- tion? ¢ Why primary health care is impor- tant? ¢ How many PHCs, sub centres & CHCs are there in Pondicherry & India? © What is the nonulation covered wadalll haul INA Notes © functions of world health organisa- tion (WHO) © UNICEF © Red Cross - Principles & activities © World Bank & how itis different from other bank? Role of WHO in control of Pandemics ¢ Health work of bilateral agencies @FAO Extra/ distinction/ viva/ basis Ques. tions © Big six © GOBI Vs. GOBI FFF ¢ immunisation plus © World health assembly

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