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In the name of the most Merciful and most

Gracious ALLAH
M Ali Hassnain
BSCS 3rd Morning
Roll No: 39

Technical Communication

Social Media
and its impact
on Student
What is social media?
Social Media is defined as social
space For people who want to
expose themselves
Among others and staying connected
with each other.

According to, social

networking is the use of social
media throughout the use of online
media that people may use to
Social media refers to
interaction among people in
which they create, share, and/or
exchange information and ideas
in virtual communities and

Social Networking Sites

004 2006 2003 200

Positive effects of Social Media.
The main advantage of social
networking site is that it helps in
establishing connection with
people, friends and relatives.It
helps in sharing ones view, share
pictures and lots of other stuffs.

It helps students in interacting with

one another and share ideas. This
helps in improving students
Increase General Knowledge and Awareness
of Students.

Saves Time and Cost by facilitating faster


Facilitates open communication, leading to

enhanced information discovery and delivery.

Allows employees to discuss ideas, post news,

ask questions and share links.
Negative effects of Social
One of the major disadvantages of
using social networking websites are
the students get addictedto it.
They used to spend hours in those
social networking sites which can
obviously degrade the students
academic performance.

Opens up the possibility for hackers

to commit Fraud and launch Spam
and virus attacks.
Some students may tend to use to
these social networking sites till mid
night or even more which can
obviously lead to Health related

Some students may provide detailed

information like phone numbers,
address which is very dangerous
because they can easilytracked
down by strangers.
As with most things in life there are positive
and negative sides to social networking,
both of which we have now explored. Our
ultimate belief is that social networking
sites are neither evil or a Godsend. Theyre
somewhere in between.

Thanks all
of You

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