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* Thin-Walled

Pressure Vessels

Engr. Adonis C. Bibat

*A tank or pipe carrying a fluid or gas under
a pressure is subjected to tensile forces,
which resist bursting, developed across
longitudinal and transverse sections.

* TANGENTIAL STRESS (Circumferential Stress)

Consider the tank shown being subjected to an internal
pressure p. The length of the tank is L and the wall
thickness is t. Isolating the right half of the tank:
* If
there exist an external pressure and an
internal pressure , the formula may be
expressed as:


Consider the free body diagram in the transverse section of the

The total force acting at the rear of the tank F must equal to the total
longitudinal stress on the wall = . Since t is so small compared to D, the
area of the wall is close to Dt

there exist an external pressure and an internal pressure , the

formula may be expressed as:

It can be observed that the tangential stress is twice that of the
longitudinal stress.
If a spherical tank of diameter D and thickness t contains gas under
a pressure of p, the stress at the wall can be expressed as:

PROB.1 ANS. (a) 45 MPa, 22 Mpa (b) 12 Mpa

PROB.2 ANS. 1.4 in

* Strain

Engr. Adonis C. Bibat

Simple Strain
Also known as unit deformation, strain is the ratio of the change in
length caused by the applied force, to the original length.

The strength of a material is not the only criterion that must be considered
when designing machine parts or structures. The stiffness of a material is
often equally important, as are mechanical properties such as hardness,
toughness, and ductility. These properties are determined by laboratory
tests procedures in detail. We will confine our attention to only
one of the teststhe tensile test of steeland use its results to illustrate
several important concepts of material behaviour.
a. Normal (axial) strain
Strain describes the geometry of deformation, independent of what
actually causes the deformation. The normal strain (lowercase Greek
epsilon) is defined as the elongation per unit length. Therefore, the
normal strain in the bar in the axial direction, also known as the axial
strain, is

b. Tension test

In the standard tension test, the specimen shown in Fig. 2.2 is placed in
the grips of a testing machine. The grips are designed so that the load P
applied by the machine is axial. Two gage marks are scribed on the
specimen to define the gage length L. These marks are located away
from the ends to avoid the local effects caused by the grips and to
ensure that the stress and strain are uniform in the material between
the marks.

FIG. 2.2 Specimen used in the standard tension test.

FIG. 2.3 Stress-strain diagram obtained from the standard tension test on a
structural steel specimen.
1. Proportional Limit and Hookes Law

As seen in Fig. 2.3, the stress-strain diagram is a straight line from the
origin O to a point called the proportional limit. This plot is a manifestation
of Hookes law: Stress is proportional to strain; that is,

where E is a material property known as the modulus of elasticity or

Youngs modulus. The units of E are the same as the units of stressthat
is, Pa or psi. For steel, E = 29 x psi, or 200 GPa, approximately.

2. Elastic Limit
A material is said to be elastic if, after being loaded, the material returns
to its original shape when the load is removed. The elastic limit is, as its
name implies, the stress beyond which the material is no longer elastic.
The permanent deformation that remains after the removal of the load is
called the permanent set.
2. Yield Point
The point where the stress-strain diagram becomes almost horizontal is
called the yield point, and the corresponding stress is known as the yield
stress or yield strength.
3. Ultimate Stress
The ultimate stress or ultimate strength, as it is often called, is the
highest stress on the stress-strain curve.
4. Rupture Stress
The rupture stress or rupture strength is the stress at which failure
*nominal rupture strength - is considerably lower than the ultimate strength
because the nominal rupture strength is computed by dividing the load at
rupture by the original cross-sectional area.
*true rupture strength - is calculated using the reduced area of the cross
section where the fracture occurred.
The difference in the two values results from a phenomenon known as
Failed tensile test specimen
showing necking, or narrowing
of the cross section.
And since,

= strain

=E Hookes law

Therefore, the elongation of the bar is,

= ; wherein, =

PROB.1 ANS. 0.01358 in. (elongation)

PROB.2 ANS. 3.43 mm

PROB.3 ANS. 4.83 kips
Generalized Hookes Law

a. Uniaxial loading; Poissons ratio

b. Multiaxial Loading

*Biaxial Loading
*Triaxial Loading

c. Shear loading
PROB.1 ANS. -8.06 mm (8.06 mm

PROB.2 ANS. 0.1381 in.

Thermal Stresses
An increase in temperature results in expansion, whereas a temperature
decrease produces contraction.

Thermal Strain

*positive T produces positive strain (elongation)

*negative T produces negative strain (contraction)
PROB.1 ANS. (1) 93.6 MPa (2) 53.6 MPa

PROB.2 ANS. = 11,600 psi (T) = 3,600 psi

* Impact Loading

Engr. Adonis C. Bibat

* Shear & Moment in

Engr. Adonis C. Bibat

Sample 1.
Sample 2.

Sample 3.
Area Method for Drawing Shear-Moment Diagrams

Sample 4.

Sample 5.

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