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Bola Mata
Dinding bola mata ttd :
Lapisan luar (Tunika Fibrosa)
Lapisan tengah (Tunika Vaskulosa)
Lapisan dalam (Retina)
1. Lapisan Luar (Tunika Fibrosa Oculi)

Terdiri atas : Sklera & Kornea

Mikroskopis: jaringan ikat padat
fibrosa yg tdd atas serat kolagen,
elastis dan sel fibroblas.
Ada 3 lapisan :
Sklera sejati
Lamina fuska
Adalah lapisan trasparan, avaskuler,
pem. Limfe (-).
Ttd atas 5 lapisan.
1- Anterior epithelium of cornea,
2- Lamina limitans anterior (Bowmans
3- Stroma of the cornea,
4- Lamina limitans posterior (Descements
It consists of 5 distinct layers which can be
remembered using the mnemonic ABCDE

1. Anterior epithelium , (50 m)

Composition : a. Top: 3-4 layers of squamous cells
b. Middle: 1-3 layers of wing cells
c. Deep: 1 layer of basal cells
d. Basal lamina: scaffold for epithelim; collagen type IV;

2. Bowmans membrane , (8-14 m)

Composition : Unorganized type I collagen fibers in GAG matrix

3. Corneal stroma (Substantia propria) , (500 m) (~90%)

Composition : ~ 80% water by weight
Parallely organized lamellae of collagen I, IV and V in
mucopoly saccharide matrix
Cells: Keratocytes, Langerhans cells, pigmented melanocytes,
macrophages, histiocytes
4. Descemets membrane , 10-12 m
Compotition : Anterior organized fetal banded layer (no change with
age 3 m)
Posterior unorganized non-banded layer (thickens with age
2-10 m)
5. Endothelium , 5 m
Compotition : Single layer of interdigitating hexagonal cells (It is a
misnomer as the cells are not endothelial cells)
1- Discus nervi optici,
2- Nervus opticus,
3- Retina,
4- Choroidea,
5- Sclera,
6- Camera of vitreal body
Organ Tambahan
Kelenjar lakrimal

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