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7 March 2017

Warm-up: Two of the following sentences are run-ons. Rewrite them

correctly on your paper.
There are people who believe global warming is made up and
nothing to worry about.
Global warming causes natural disasters, just last year there
were several disasters in the United States.
Environmental regulations help protect the planet they force
companies to be green.

Objective: Use the sandwich method to write a sample body paragraph!

ME-2 Thursday, Friday

8 March 2017
Warm-up: Find the two run-on sentences and write them
correctly on your paper.

Macbeth hired some murderers to kill his best friend Banquo

and his son but the murderers messed up. Banquos son,
Fleance, escaped because the lights accidentally went out. Later
that night at a feast, Macbeth was haunted by Banquos ghost,
Macbeth started ranting and raving in front of his guests!

Objective: Use objective and formal language when writing

9 March 2017
Quickwrite: Find the two run on sentences and
write them correctly on your paper.

When I was a teenager, it wasnt common to

have a cell phone. I had to use a pay phone
if I needed to call home. Using pay phones
was an annoyance they werent always
convenient. Now I cant imagine life without
my cell phone it comes in handy daily.

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