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Adjective Adverb


Adjective or Adverb?

Hes a careful driver.

He drives carefully.

Hes a quick worker.

He works quickly.
Adjective + ly
My son is very quiet
____. quiet
My son speaks quietly
_____ . quietly

He is a ____
slow driver. slow
He drives _____.

Adverbs of manner usually come

Adjective Noun

An adjective tells you about a noun. a slow car.

Adverb Verb

An adverb tells you about a verb.

He drives slowly.
Adjectives Adverbs
slow slowly
angry angrily
easy easily
quiet quietly
careful carefully
Adjective + ly
noisy noisily

easy easily

angry angrily

If a word ends in y change the y

Beautiful Beautifully

Careful Carefully

If an adjective ends in l
add ly.

Fast Fast

Hard Hard

Late Late
Early Early

Good Well
Oral practice flashcards whole class
activity - choose the correct word

Oral practice pairwork mingle activity

Write the adverb Gr. Pr. P57 Ex 38a

[Check - slide 11]
soft soft calm calmly hard hard
quick easy sad
quickly easil sadl
angry perfect y carefu y
angrily perfect l careful
slow slowl polite ly ly
politel good well
nice y bad y fast
nicel badly fast
quiet y beautif clear
quiet ul beautiful clearl
ly ly y
Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb)
Ex. 38d Gr Pr p. 58
1. This music is too loud. We cant talk.
2. She played badly and she lost the game.
3. We waited patiently for the letter but it never
4. Please dont be angry with him.
5. She asks intelligent questions.
6. The children are playing together very nicely today.
7. Shes a very warm person and everyone likes her.
8. She surprised me when she opened the door
9. You speak English very well.
10. Its dangerous to swim in the sea here.
Rewrite the sentences using a verb and
adverb. Gr.Pr. 38c

1. Theyre slow workers. 1. They work slowly.

2. Hes a dangerous driver. 2. He drives dangerously.
3. Shes a careful writer. 3. She writes carefully.
4. Im a loud singer. 4. I sing loudly.
5. Shes a fast swimmer. 5. She swims fast.
6. Hes a bad actor. 6. He acts badly.
7. Jills a beautiful painter. 7. Jill paints beautifully.
8. Youre a terrible dancer. 8. You dance terribly.
9. Theyre good teachers. 9. They teach well.
10. Johns a patient listener. 10. John listens patiently.

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