Rights of and Anti-Violence Against Girls AND Young Women

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Convention on the
Rights of the Child
1. Protect children from all forms of
violence, injury or abuse; and
2. Establish the right of the child to
1987 Philippine
Article XV (Family), Section 3(b):

states that the State shall protect the right

of children to assistance, including
proper care from all forms of neglect,
abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other
conditions prejudicial to their
Article XIV (Education, Science and
Technology, Arts, Culture and
Sports), Section 3(b):

states that all educational institution

shall foster love of humanity,
respect for human rights, develop
moral character and personal
Parental Authority
Includes parental responsibility
It is the natural right and duty of
parents over the person and
property of their unemancipated
It includes:
The caring for and rearing of children
for civic consciousness and
efficiency; and
The development of the moral,
mental and physical character and
The Family Code of the Philippines
Article 218:
gives the school, its administrators
and teachers, or the individual,
entity or institutionengaged in
child care the special parental
authority and responsibility over
the minor child while under their
supervision, instruction or custody.
Special Parental Authority
Being exercised concurrently with
parental authority of the parents
Rests on the theory that while
the child is in the careand
custody of the persons exercising
special parental authority (like
the childs teacher in school), the
parents temporarily relinquish
parental authority over the child
to the latter.
Special Penal Laws
Republic Act No. 7160
An Act Providing for Stronger
Deterrence and Special Protection
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation
and Discrimination, and for other

(Child Abuse Law)

Child or Children
Persons below 18 years of age; or
Those over 18 but are unable to
fully take care of themselves
from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination
because of a physical or mental
disability or condition (upon
evaluation of a qualified
physician, psychologist or
Child Abuse
RA 7160 defined Child Abuse as the maltreatment,
whether habitual or not, of the child which includes
any of the following:

Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual

abuse and emotional maltreatment.
Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or
demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human
Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such
as food and shelter.
Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured
child resulting in serious impairment of his growth and
development or in his permanent incapacity or death.
Psychological Abuse
Harms a childs psychological or
intellectual functions.
Exhibited by severe anxiety,
depression, withdrawal or
outward aggressive behavior or a
Physical Abuse
Causes severe injury or serious
bodily harm to a child.
Examples: lacerations, fractured
bones, burns
Causes: punching, beating,
kicking, biting etc.
Any word or action which
debases, degrades or demeans
the dignity of a child as a human
Sexual Abuse
It is the employment, use,persuasion,
inducement, enticement or coercion of
child to engage in, or assist another person
to engage in sexual intercourse or
lascivious conduct or themolestation or
prostitution of, or the commissionof
incestuous acts, on, a child.
It includes wide range of behavior; fondling
of a childs genitals, intercourse, rape,
sodomy, exhibitionism and commercial
exploitation through prostitution or the
production of pornographic materials.
Child Exploitation
Children whether male or female,
who for money, profit or any
other consideration or due to
coercion or influence of any
adult, syndicate, or group,
indulge in sexual intercourse or
lascivious conduct, are deemed
to be children exploited in
prostitution and other sexual
Child Neglect
It is failure of a parent or legal
guardian to provide, for reasons
other than poverty, adequate
food, clothing, shelter, basic
education or medical care so as
to seriously endanger the
physical, mental, social and
emotional growth and
development of the child.
Any act by deeds or words which
debases, degrades or demeans
the intrinsic worth and dignity of
a child as a human being.
Case of Bongalon vs. People
Unreasonable deprivation of
his basic needs for survival,
such as food and shelter.
Provisions on Support under the Family Code

Support consists of everything indispensable

Sustenance (food)
Medical Attendance
Education, and
in keeping with the financial capacity of the

Where can I report child abuse cases?

Department of Social Welfare & Development or to the

Child Health and Intervention and Protective Service
Anti-Child Abuse, Discrimination, Exploitation Division
National Bureau of Investigation
Commission on Human Rights Child Rights Center
Philippine National Police Operation Center or nearest
police station
DOJ Task Force on Child Protection, or contact the
nearest Provincial, City or Regional Prosecutor
Local Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
Republic Act No. 9208, Anti-
Trafficking in Persons Act of
Trafficking in Persons
Includes exploitation or the
prostitution of others or other
forms of sexual exploitation,
forced labor or services, slavery,
servitude or the removal or sale
of organ.
Republic Act No. 9262
An Act Defining Violence Against
Women and their Children,
providing for Protective Measures
for Victims, PrescribingPenalties
thereof, and for other purposes
Anti-Violence Against Women and
their Children (Anti-VAWC)
Violence Against Women and their
Any act or a series of acts committed by any
person against a woman who is his wife, former
wife, or against a woman with whom the person
has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or
with whom the person has a common child, or
against her child whether legitimate or
illegitimate within or without the family abode,
which result in or is likely to result in physical,
sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or
economic abuse including threats of such acts,
battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
Anti-Bullying Act of
2013(Republic Act No.
is an act requiring schools to
adoptpoliciesto prevent and
address all acts ofbullyingin
their institutions.
What is Bullying?
orefersto any severe or repeated use by one or
more students of a written, verbal or
electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed
at another student that has the effect of actually
causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear
of physical or emotional harm or damage to
his property; creating a hostile environment at
school for the other student; infringing on the
rights of the other student at school; or
materially and substantially disrupting the
education process or the orderly operation of a
school; such as, but not limited to, the following:
Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and
the victim like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking,
slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting school pranks,
teasing, fighting and the use of available objects as
Any act that causes damage to a victims psyche and/or
emotional well-being;
Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes
the victim undue emotional distress like directing foul
language or profanity at the target, name-calling,
tormenting and commenting negatively on victims
looks, clothes and body; and
Cyber-bullying or any bullying done through the use of
technology or any electronic means.

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