ANCILE Uperform

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ANCILE uPerform

Introduction to the ANCILE uPerform

What is ANCILE uPerform?

The ANCILE uPerform application is a content development and delivery tool designed to enable
authors and administrators to create, manage, and distribute documents, simulations, and
eLearning courses. Specifically, ANCILE uPerform allows authors and content administrators to:

Create, edit, and manage content

Collaborate within the authoring team to review content and share information
Incorporate content in an electronic performance support system (EPSS) website and online help
Solicit and receive feedback from users
Deliver content personalization features such as subscriptions and favourites to authors and

To manage content, authors and administrators can leverage check in/checkout, versioning, workflow,
and collaboration functionality. Users can access content via a standard web browser or mobile
device, provide feedback to authors, and collaborate with other users to share knowledge.
The ANCILE uPerform application consists of two parts:

Editor: used to record, create, and edit content.

Server: used to configure and manage the document library, website, glossary, and
workflow functionality.
Getting Started
The ANCILE uPerform server workspace provides
access to several functions, including project and user
account creation, workflow setup, glossary and
publishing maintenance, reporting, website setup,
configuration, and customization.
Introduction to Managing Content
The uPerform server interface is available via the Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
web browsers. The procedures in this manual will assume you are using Internet

The following functionality is available via the server workspace:

Create favorites, subscriptions, and 'tell others' notices

Participate in discussions
Create and maintain user accounts
Manage role and group assignments
Create and maintain projects, document libraries, and websites
Create and maintain the glossary
Create and maintain publishing settings
Create workflow routings
Generate reports
The following diagram illustrates the major functions of the uPerform
server and how the server supports the activities of the author, end
user, and administrator
Managing Your Account
Your account includes information such as your name, password, time zone,
language, and email address.
Accessing the Server Workspace.
The server workspace allows authors to:

Manage personal account information

Create favourites and subscribe to content
Review and approve a list of content within a workflow
Create and participate in workflow
Participate in collaboration discussions
Assign content to website contexts

In addition, the following specific administrator functionality is provided:

Create and update projects, document libraries, and websites

Import a document library structure
Create and manage users, roles, and groups
Configure glossary and publishing settings
Create and manage workflows
Configure settings for a Learning Management System (LMS) to be used in conjunction
with eLearning courses
Generate reports
Using the Server Workspace
Your uPerform personal page is divided into three main areas:

The top banner: Contains search functionality.

The left menu: Contains navigation buttons and options pertinent to your current location
and system access in uPerform.
Your personalized content area: Displays your favorites list, projects to which you are
assigned, any workflow items requiring your attention, and a list of alerts received as a
result of subscribing to content.
Exploring the Server Workspace
Using the My Projects List:

Your My Projects list displays those projects to which you have been granted access by the
administrator. Typically, these are the projects to which you are contributing or reviewing content.
From the My Projects list, you can access both the document library and the end user views of the
projects to which you have author rights.

Using the My Review List:

Your My Review List displays content currently in a workflow assigned to you. To view a workflow item in
your review list:
1. Click on the document name in the My Review List to go to the document page.
2. Click I Approve or I do not Approve in the Workflow portion of the window.

Using the My Favorites List

Your My Favorites list displays content you have bookmarked. To create a favorite to display in the list
1. Navigate to the content item, discussion, or folder that you want to bookmark.
2. Click Add to My Favorites on the left menu to add the favorite to the list on your personal page.
Using the My Alerts List:

Your My Alerts list displays links to content to which you have subscribed. If you want to receive
notifications about changes to content or folders in uPerform, you can subscribe to the object.
Changes made to the content will initiate a message being sent to the subscriber.

Subscribing Editing and Stopping to Content

Managing Users, Roles, and Groups
ANCILE uPerform manages access to content on the server via user accounts and
role assignments. User accounts can be created for end users, authors, and
administrators. Users are assigned to one of three main roles, which provide access
to particular projects. Groups are optional and can be used to filter specific end user
access to content on the website. User, role, and group management tasks are
performed by a system administrator.

Three types of users are available in uPerform: End user, author, and

Within the administrator designation there is a further subgrouping of administrators:

System administrator: has administrative access to the entire uPerform instance.

Project administrator: has administrative access to one or more projects within the
uPerform instance.
Glossary administrator: has administrative access to glossary functionalities.
Publishing administrator: has administrative access to publishing functionalities.
Manually Creating and Updating User Accounts

User accounts are created and then assigned to one or more project roles to provide
access to the project. Each project within uPerform has three roles associated with
the project: administrator, author, and user. These three roles are automatically
created for each project upon project creation. If a user is not part of one of these
roles for a project, he will not see the project and its contents when logged into
uPerform unless an administrator has enabled anonymous access for that project.
Creating and Managing Users Via User Information Source

User information sources allow you to import and synchronize users from an
external data source. This is useful if you have a globally diverse directory
management system and want to import and synchronize your users with

User information source functionality allows you to:

Import and synchronize user accounts in bulk via an XML-formatted file.

Import and sync user accounts from one or more directory servers.
Access your user account identification policies such as special characters,
spaces, and domains.
Sync a specific segment of a user base in a directory or file source via a filter,
and assign users to groups within uPerform
Managing uPerform Roles
Roles are intended to identify a team of users with a common project, function, or activity.
Role functionality allows you to restrict access to project functionality to specific users.
When a project is created, the following three roles are automatically created and
associated with the project:

End User: Members of the user role can view published content within the project website
and participate in discussions associated with the content.
Author: Members of the author role can populate content for the project.
Administrator: Members of the administrator role can create document library and website
hierarchies and workflows.

In addition, there are three instance-wide server roles that are created upon installation of
the uPerform server:

uPerform Glossary Administrators

uPerform Publishing Administrators
uPerform System Administrators
Creating and Updating Groups
Groups are an optional functionality within uPerform that can be used to
restrict content access to a subset of users specified by the administrator.
Group usage is not restricted to content within a single project or subfolder
within a project; you can assign groups to content across multiple projects
or subfolders in uPerform.

The top-level group on the uPerform server is the default group to which
every user is automatically assigned. This group is called ANCILE uPerform
Workspace All Users; however, the name of this group may be different if it
was changed during your server customization. If you have made
customizations, look for the name of the top-level content group that
displays on the Content Groups page. In order to restrict content access,
you must create sub-level groups beneath the top-level group.
Working With the Document Library
Folders and content are stored in the document library on the ANCILE
uPerform server. The document library allows the administrator to establish a
meaningful folder hierarchy within a project. Authors, in turn, check content into
these folders.

From the document library, authors and administrators can view document
properties, add managed documents, and view document context and version
history. The document library also provides centralized storage of all
Administrator functions in the document library include:

Create projects, folders and subfolders

Create a workflow
Add, assign, and update templates
Relate documents
Move content
Assign group filters
Set default translations
Import a document library structure
Add custom template reports to managed and web documents
Author functions in the document library include:

Add managed and web documents

Add a web document
Add a message to a discussion
View user discussion comments
View document properties, including version history
View usage statistics for a document
Participate in a workflow
Create an ad-hoc workflow
Assign a website context to a folder and content
Creating the Project
The uPerform server can contain one or more projects created by the
system administrator.

Each project contains the following two folders:

Document library

Within the document library and website areas, you implement a custom
hierarchy for your authors and end users, respectively. In addition to these
two areas, each project has one or more assigned templates. A template
can be used on multiple projects.

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