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Osnovna kola Bartola

Young Enterprising


November 2016
Alcoholism, drug abuse and violence are
a big problem in the modern world. Children and
teenagers are exposed to dangers every day. In
order to help them stay healthy
Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health, the
Department of Public Health, Ministry of
Environment and Energy and schools in Croatia
decided to start a project
Zdrav za 5 (In Excellent
Target group are pupils in the eighth form of
primary school and in the first and second form of
secondary school.
The program has four components:
- elimination of violence
- preventing addiction (alcohol, drugs, smoking,
In 1999 the United Nations General
Assembley designated 25 November as the
International Day for the Elimination of
Violence against Women, and invited
governments to organize activities designed to
raise public awareness of the problem.
Violence against women is a human rights
Violence continues to be a global pandemic, but
it is not inevitable. Prevention is possible and
On 25 November 2016 Mrs Mirna Mari, from
the Ministry of the Interior, conducted a lecture
about preventing violence and dealing with it for
the 7th graders (43 students).
Students had the opportunity to learn how to ask
for help and who to turn to if they become victims
of violence.
Students who are in the 8th grade (48
students) were informed about the dangers of
drinking. Children are experimenting with alcohol
at earlier ages than ever before.
Underage drinking is a problem which can lead to
binge drinking
impaired brain

drink driving
injury or death
Parents cannot prevent their teenagers from
experimenting with alcohol, but they can
encourage responsible behaviour.
Suggestions include:
- offer good role modelling
- offer them a loving, supportive home life
- start teaching a child about alcohol from an early
- explain the downside of heavy drinking
- educate your child on the links between drinking
dangerous behaviour
- encourage your teenager to talk with their friends
about the
dangers of alcohol
Governments can:
- help schools to implement educational programs
Preventing Obesity in Children and

Obesity has also become a probelm. Young

people dont get enough physical activity and lots
of them have poor eating habits. Obesity can lead
to serious health problems:
- high blood pressure
- sleep apnea
- diabetes
- heart disease
- some forms of cancer

On 28 September 2016 doctors from the

Department of Public Health came to our school
and explained the students in the 8th grade the
importance of healthy lifestyle for their future
Doctors and nurses measured students weight
and height, calculated their body mass index (BMI)
and told them if they were overweight or not.

There are a number of steps to prevent obesity:

- parents should be a role model and eat healthy
- encourage physical activity
- reduce time in front of the TV and computer
- serve at least five servings of fruits and
vegetables daily
- encourage children to drink water instead of soft
drinks with
Environmental Education
We try to teach our students how to live
sustainably, prevent pollution and make recycling
a habit.
On 14 October 2016 more than 50 students and 6
teachers attended a presentation about the
remediation of a landfill in the part of Vinkovci
called Papuk. The area of former landfill is being
turned into a nice park and recreational area.
The logo of the project is Papuk plua
Our fourth graders took part in a quiz about
recycling, separating the rubbish and other
activities important for keeping the environment

They took the competition very seriously and

had prepared for it with the help of their teachers.
The city of Vinkovci has a mobile recycling
yard which is put in a different part of the town
every day and we can get rid of plastic, batteries,
glass, old shoes and clothes, oil, etc.
After the quiz students went in front of the
hotel and got some items which had to be put in
the right container of the mobile recycling yard.
They competed in groups, but all groups were
awarded for their effort.
Students learned by doing
and it was fun.

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