2 0 Hip Primary Guidebook PP - 23 Mar

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Addressing Fundamental Factors to enhance English proficiency

1 2 3 4
School Teachers Students Parents &
Head Community
The Anchor The Doer The Learner The Supporter

Create an English Create an English Take charge of Create an English

environment environment personal development environment
Be a leader and Conduct effective and learning Provide expertise
constant motivator teaching and learning Support teachers in Lend help and
Ensure sustainability Create English activities assistance
Involve parents and programmes, tools, and Involve parents and Provide financial aid
community aids community in Implement CSR
Organize events and activities activities

Implementation Plan
Best Implementation Adaptation Possible
Practices Steps Ideas Challenges

Impact on Ease of Special/
Students Which level of Suitable for Total cost of
English implement- critical
involved? students? rural/ urban? the activity?
proficiency? ation? requirements
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) | BEST PRACTICES

Best Practices: Fundamental Factors

School Heads
Lead the school in creating an English environment.
Create Provide constant motivation and support to teachers to carry out English programmes .
Create an
an English
Environment Speak in English during English Day/Week/Month activities/ assembly.
Greet students, teachers and school community in English .
Ensure all English programmes are carried out effectively.

Maintain a high level of commitment by being actively involved in meetings and activities.
Provide constant motivation and support to teachers to carry out various English programmes.
Be aa leader
leader and
and Initiate English support programmes and provide facilities Reading corner, SAL centre, Book
constant motivator
motivator Kiosk, etc.
Ensure effective and fun teaching methods are carried out.
Lead by example (role model) e.g. communicate in English and lead specific English activities.
Create a learning culture by participating and encouraging teachers to be involved in
professional learning communities

Monitor English teachers Management by Walking Around (WAYS).

Support all English programmes carried out in school.
Ensure Sustainability
Observe English lessons.

Encourage teachers, parents and students to work together to ensure maximum impact.
Involve parents
parents and
and Greet and meet parents and students at the gates - all conversations are in English.
community Seek involvement of higher education institutions and private sectors to carry out English
programmes and provide career guidance.
Work proactively to transform and change perception of parents and community towards
English through active engagement.
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) | BEST PRACTICES

Best Practices: Fundamental Factors

For English Teachers
Create an
an English
English Encourage learning and sharing in the school with peers, students, parents and community.
Environment Organise and implement the use of English in school events and the learning of English.

For All Teachers

Practise English in the school with colleagues, students, parents and community.
Organise and support the use of English in the learning of subjects and school events.

For English Teachers

Be aa Leader
Leader and
and English teachers act as mentors to all other teachers .
Constant Motivator
Constant Motivator Encourage Professional Learning Communities (PLC)-sharing of professional practices.
Encourage students to use English in the learning of subjects and school events.

For All Teachers

Peer encouragement and support in the use of English.
Encourage students to use English in the learning of subjects and school events

For English Teachers

Encourage Learning
Learning Implement creative and innovative teaching strategies (21 st century skills).
Using English
English Conduct differentiated teaching and learning for different levels.
Organise inter-school/class competitions.
Work together with parents and community to organise activities using English.
Create a print-rich English environment in the school.
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) | BEST PRACTICES

Best Practices: Fundamental Factors


Create an
an English
English 1. Encourage peers to use English.
Environment 2. Use English with peers, teachers, parents and community.
3. Collaborate with peers, teachers, parents and community to create and implement English

1. Participate actively in English language activities and competitions.

Build Confidence
Confidence in
in 2. Engage in activities that develop motivation to learn English.
Using English
Using English 3. Encourage peers to participate in English based activities.

Engage in
in Personal
Personal 1. Lead English activities such as newspaper in education, debates, spelling, story telling, English
Development and
and Month/Week activities.
Learning 2. Utilize alternative media to learn English.
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) | BEST PRACTICES

Best Practices: Fundamental Factors

Parents and Community
Support actively via PIBG to create a school culture and environment that supports the use
Create an
an English
English of English.
Environment Encourage the use of English at home.
Buy English reading materials for use at home.
Encourage children to watch English programmes on the television.

Organise Story-telling corner

Organise Parents Talk ( e.g. Career Talk)
Organise Remedial / supplementary classes
Direct Organise Training for choral speaking competitions
Direct Involvement
Involvement inin
School Activities
Activities Organise Mind Your English lessons before/ after school
Organise international exchange programmes
Organise Educational Camps during holidays
Organise Talentimes programmes.
Provide transportation for English-related activities.
Reserve teaching (taking into account qualifications of parents).
Become teaching assistants.
Attend at monthly performance dialogue.
Ensure students complete homework.
Parents Support Group
Provide Support
Support and
implement English enrichment activities in schools by seeking assistance from private sector.
Undergraduates from Higher Education Institutions to support schools in English activities and
provide extra classes.
Seek Sponsorship of UPSR materials from employer and corporate sector.
Support for Tuition/remedial classes in English.
Support and prepare for SSR/DEAR reading materials.
Donation to school.
Supporting activities to create a highly immersive environment
1 2 3 4
In-Class Out-of-Class Extra Classes Outreach
To create effective & engaging Further support for high-need To increase English immersive
To increase immersive
in-class programmes to facilitate environment in school students and achieving students through community outreach
the learning of English & various collaborations

Drop Everything and Read Merry Coaching in Merry Land

International/Local Skype
Fun learning
Speakers Corner @Webinar
Lets Talk! Welcome ABC
Assembly in English Mentoring of schools
Lets Read Together Holiday Fun Learning
(Shared/Guided) Reading English Tunnel Field trips
Sunflower Programme
Show Your Talent Dear Diary
Parents in the House
LINUS 2.0 (Literasi Bahasa
Project-based learning Young Talent Inggeris) Pupils Exchange Programme
Junior Stage External Collaboration with
Language Games universities, colleges
English Newsletter Parents Talk
Young Reading Tutor Pen-pal Programme
Young Entrepreneur Little Ambassadors

Implementation Best Implementation Adaptation Possible

Plan Practices Steps Ideas Challenges

Group of Impact on Ease of

Suitability for Cost of the Critical
Parameters students English implement-
rural/ urban activity requirements
involved proficiency ation

List of activities: In-Class
Objective: To create in-class programmes that are engaging for students to learn English

No. Activity Brief Description

1 Fun Learning Pupils are involved in fun learning activities. For example:
o role-play
o action songs, jazz chants, poems
o storytelling
o drama
o language games (e.g. board game, puzzle)

2 Lets Talk Pupils talk to others (in groups and in pairs) for one to two minutes on a selected topic.
Pupils talk on a topic individually.

3 Lets Read Together Pupils are involved in shared and guided reading activity.

4 Show Your Talent Pupils are given the opportunity to show case their talents through different genres, for
o role play/drama/puppet show
o singing/rhymes/poem recital
o dance/flash mob

5 Project-based Pupils carry out a project-based task on a specific theme or topic. Examples of project-
Learning based tasks include
o scrapbook
o concertina book
o video clip
o vocabulary tree
o daily diary

Activity 1: Fun Learning
Brief Description Fun learning focuses on creating a non-threatening environment for pupils to use the language
creatively. This activity also aims to boost pupils confidence and engagement in using English.

Objectives To develop pupils creative and critical thinking skills.

To use the English language to communicate ideas confidently in both oral and written forms.

Best Practices Encourage whole class participation.

(Creating an immersive Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
environment) Create student-centred activities.
Link activities to real world situations.

Implementation 1. Identify the activity(s) that is/are suitable to the topic and pupils needs.
Steps 2. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
3. Prepare relevant materials.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
5. Maximise pupils participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested activity
6. Find a short video clip i.e. from a movies or advertisement that are suitable for the target pupils.
7. Allow pupils to watch the video clip.
8. Ask pupils to write their own scripts.
9. Assist pupils by providing structure for script writing.
10. Play the video clip by turning off the sound.
11. Ask pupils to role play the scene in the video by using their own scripts.
12. Use a checklist to observe and record pupils use of English.

Activity 1: Fun Learning
Adaptation Ideas Use cartoon strips and get pupils to add/ replace/ fill in dialogues in speech bubbles.
(To adapt to restrictions, Use cue cards to help pupils with low proficiency.
special requirements, Preferably carry out lesson in the language lab or computer lab.
and/or cost) Suggested resources
Video clips/Movies
Internet (e.g. YouTube)

Tips for Effective Employ effective time management.

Implementation Ensure effective class control.
Manage effective grouping of pupils.
Select activities that are familiar and popular among pupils.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low, Med, (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, High) sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Level 2 Both Low High Low difficulty Parents assist their

Activity 2: Lets Talk
Brief Description Lets Talk focuses on creating a non-threatening environment for pupils to use the language creatively
to develop pupils fluency in English. This activity also aims to boost pupils confidence and
engagement in using English. It can be carried out at any stage of the lesson where pupils talk for 1
minute on a selected item or topic for the day.

Objectives To use the language confidently by talking about topics of interest.

To share knowledge with others.

Best Practices Encourage whole class and individual participation.

(Creating an immersive Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
environment) Link activities to real world situations.
Provide positive feedback to pupils.

Implementation 1. Identify the activity(s) that is/are suitable to the topic and pupils needs.
Steps 2. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
3. Prepare relevant materials.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
5. Maximise pupils participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested Activity
1. Teacher selects a topic to model the structures of a talk.
2. Brainstorm ideas for content.
3. Provide structure for presenting the talk e.g. greetings, introduction
to the topic, content and conclusion.
4. Encourage pupils to choose topics they want to talk about.
5. Give 3-4 minutes for pupils to prepare their talk.
6. Allocate 1-2 minutes for each pupil to present in groups/ whole
class depending on pupils readiness.
7. Provide help if needed.

Activity 2: Lets Talk
Adaptation Ideas Use stimulus or cue cards to help pupils to present their talk.
(To adapt to restrictions, Prepare materials to start, for example, different objects in a box and let the pupils to choose
special requirements, an object to talk about.
and/or cost) Teacher models the activity.
Suggested activities:
o Poster presentation
o Present ending of a story

Tips for Effective Provide encouragement and non-threatening environment.

Implementation Progress from talking within a group to individual presentation (confidence building).
Employ effective time management..
Ensure effective class control.
Select topics that are familiar and popular among pupils.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Both Both Low High Low difficulty N/A

Activity 3: Lets Read Together
Brief Description Lets Read focuses on creating a non-threatening reading environment for pupils to read and
understand texts. This activity also aims to boost pupils confidence and engagement in reading. This is
a shared and guided reading activity. Teacher selects a suitable reading text to be shared with pupils.

Objectives To develop reading fluency.

To read and understand texts by responding to questions.
To build and enhance pupils vocabulary.

Best Practices Encourage whole class and individual participation.

(Creating an immersive Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
environment) Link activities to real world situations.
Provide positive feedback to pupils.
Model accurate pronunciation to pupils.

Implementation 1. Identify the activity(s) that is/are suitable to the topic and pupils needs.
Steps 2. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
3. Prepare relevant materials.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
5. Maximise pupils participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested Activity
1. Choose an interesting book big book/illustrated book/story book.
2. Ask questions to stimulate thinking based on the cover/illustrations.
3. Teacher reads a section of the page and elicit responses from pupils.
4. Encourage pupils to read along.
5. Initiate a discussion about the plot, characters, setting, moral values of
the story.
6. Ask pupils to give an alternative ending of the story in groups.

Activity 3: Lets Read Together
Adaptation Ideas Prepare cue cards to help pupils to talk about the story.
(To adapt to restrictions, Conduct jigsaw reading.
special requirements, Conduct readers theatre.
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Provide encouragement and non-threatening environment.

Implementation Progress from talking within a group to individual presentation (confidence building).
Employ effective time management.
Manage effective class control.
Select topics that are familiar and popular among pupils.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Both Both High High Low difficulty Qualified parents to

help pupils enhance
their reading skills

Activity 4: Show Your Talent
Brief Description Show Your Talent focuses on creating a non-threatening environment for pupils to use the language
creatively. This activity aims to develop pupils fluency in English by boosting their confidence and
engagement in using English. Pupils are to choose what they would like to perform in English.

Objectives To use the English language to communicate ideas orally with confidence.
To develop pupils creative and critical thinking skills.
To work collaboratively with others to complete the task.

Best Practices Allow pupils to decide on the type of performance.

(Creating an immersive Allow pupils to showcase their talents.
environment) Encourage whole class participation.
Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
Create student-centred activities.
Link activities to real world situations.

Implementation 1. Identify the activity(s) that is/are suitable to the topic and pupils needs.
2. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
Steps 3. Prepare relevant materials.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
5. Maximise pupils participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested Activity
1. Choose an interesting topic or identify the situation based on the textbook.
2. Create questions that can stimulate critical and creative thinking.
3. Give options to the pupils to perform individually or in group.
4. Provide structures to present ideas/show talent/dramatize the story/scenario.
5. Encourage pupils to use simple language.
6. Discuss with pupils the criteria for presentations/performances.
7. Provide sufficient time for pupils to prepare their
8. Ask pupils to present to the whole class.
9. Encourage pupils to give feedback to one another.
Activity 4: Show Your Talent
Adaptation Ideas Pupils with higher ability may want to continue writing the script; others may write a short
(To adapt to restrictions, paragraph.
special requirements, Pupils can show their talents in different ways.
and/or cost) If this is adopted as a take-home activity, one blank paper could be provided. Pupils could also
be encouraged to draw illustrations of what they write.
Suggested performance/presentation:
singing/poem recitation/jazz chant

Tips for Effective Provide encouragement and non-threatening environment.

Implementation Employ effective time management.
Ensure effective class control.
Select topics that are familiar and popular among pupils.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Both Both Medium to High High Low difficulty Qualified parents to help
pupils in their preparation

Activity 5: Project-based Learning
Brief Description Project-based Learning focuses on creating a non-threatening environment for pupils to use the
language creatively. This activity aims to boost pupils confidence and engagement in using English. It
allows pupils to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and
respond to complex questions, problems or challenges. The range of task and implementation steps
are general for any kind of project-based learning.

Objectives To develop pupils self-directed learning skills to work autonomously.

To develop pupils collaborative skills and creative and critical thinking skills.
To produce a project(s) within the time given.

Best Practices Share and showcase end products with the school community for example, in an exhibition or
(Creating an presentation during assembly.
immersive Encourage teamwork among pupils.
environment) Employ collaborative and cooperative learning strategies.
Link tasks to real world situations.

Implementation 1. Identify the activity(s) that is/are suitable to the topic and pupils needs.
Steps 2. Set clear student outcomes for the activity(s).
3. Prepare relevant materials.
4. Provide clear instructions on how to carry out the activity(s).
5. Maximise pupils participation and monitor the use of English throughout the activity(s).

Suggested Activity
1. Start with the relevant questions to activate pupils prior
knowledge in a given topic.
2. Design a plan for the project in groups based on the chosen
topic with teachers guidance i.e. create a timeline, create a
checklist, assign tasks.
3. Monitor pupils progress. This can be done through
observation, checklists and peer-feedback.
4. Assess the outcome of the project by using appropriate
tools i.e. rubrics, checklist, peer-feedback, reflection.
Activity 5: Project-based Learning
Adaptation Ideas Personalise the project steps to suit the pupils level (e.g. simpler projects for lower performing
(To adapt to restrictions, pupils and more complex projects for higher performing pupils).
special requirements, Source for printed and digital materials.
and/or cost) Provide pictures with speech bubbles.
Provide samples of end product(s).
Suggested projects:
comic book
story book
graphic novel
video clips/ PowerPoint presentation

Tips for Effective Provide encouragement and non-threatening environment.

Implementation Employ effective time management.
Manage effective grouping of pupils.
Ensure effective class control.
Select topics that are familiar to and popular among pupils.
Empower pupils to work independently.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Level 2 Level 2 Both Low High Low difficulty Assistance from parents


List of activities: Out-of-class
Objective: To create an environment that facilitates increased usage of the English
language outside of the formal classroom
No. Activity Brief Description
1 Drop Everything and This activity involves reading of printed materials in English (storybooks, magazines,
Read (DEAR) newspapers, articles, brochures, etc.) by primary school pupils (pre-school till Year 6). The
activity requires classroom time set aside for teachers and pupils to carry out Drop Everything
and Read. The goal is to encourage independent reading for pleasure for a period of time on a
weekly basis. Pupils choose the materials they wish to read based on their interests and
abilities. It is aimed that through this regular activity, pupils are motivated to read.
Activities to support the DEAR activity include:
Spellathon, Learn a Word a Day,1Pupil 1Book, English Zone/Kiosks/Corner and
WOW (Words on Wheel)

2 Speakers Corner This activity requires a designated site in the school grounds (preferably near the school
canteen) where open-air public speaking can take place. Pupils are given the opportunity to
speak on topics of their interest at the Speakers Corner. This activity is preferably carried out
during break time. It aims to develop pupils oracy skills. Presentation can range from
storytelling, poem recitation, a book review, a synopsis of movie, show and tell to daily news.
Activities to support the Speakers Corner activity include:
Let's Talk, Lets Read, Show your Talent and Project-based Learning

3 Assembly in English Assembly in English is carried out fortnightly. This event involves all instructions,
announcements, speeches, invocation and presentations to be carried out in English. This
event aims to promote and create a highly immersive English environment in school.
Activities to support the assembly in English include:
Storytelling, choir/choral speaking, poem recitation, book review, sketches,

List of activities: Out-of-class (Contd)

No. Activity Brief Description

4 English Tunnel This activity encourages pupils to develop their literacy skills through the use of words,
phrases and sentences as reading materials. It also aims to consolidate the activities taught
in the classroom by showcasing the work in the English Tunnel.
Activities to support the English Tunnel include:
Reading along, vocabulary tree, idioms, essays, newspaper cuttings and articles

5 Dear Diary This activity encourages pupils to reflect on events experienced throughout the day by
writing reflection in their diary. Pupils are encouraged to share their reflection with their
Activities to support Dear Diary include:
Thinking questions and usage of metaphors
6 Young Talent This activity enables pupils to coordinate and organise events in school. It is aimed at
developing pupils oracy skills. It also develops pupils soft skills, organisational skills and
protocol procedures.
Activities to support the Young Talent activity include:
Creating emcees, creating deejays, claying hosts, creating sport commentators
7 Junior Stage This activity encourages pupils to stage their performances with confidence to the school
community. It can be carried out for special occasions in school.
Activities to support Junior Stage include:
Concerts, drama/theatre, song competition

List of activities: Out-of-class (Contd)

No. Activity Brief Description

8 Language Games This activity encourages pupils to play indoor or outdoor games. Pupils are to use English
(Outdoor & Indoor) when playing the games. This activity aims to develop pupils language and social skills in a fun
Games that can be used include:
Outdoor hopscotch, London bridge is falling down, hide & seek, treasure hunt, or
Indoor card games, board games, scrabble, word search, bingo, naming things or
vocabulary games, charades
9 English Newsletter This activity involves a monthly publication produced by pupils. This activity encourages pupils
to take the role of journalists by reporting on events happening in school. It is aimed to develop
pupils language skills by employing the process writing approach brainstorming, drafting,
editing, reviewing, publishing.
Activities to support English Newsletter include:
Interviews, note-taking, reporting, summarising
10 Young Reading This activity allows pupils to tutor their peers with reading difficulties. It is aimed to provide
Tutor practice and encourage pupils with reading difficulties to read. It also fosters collaboration
among peers to improve reading.
Activities to support Young Reading Tutor include:
Reading along, taking turn in reading, discussions and giving opinions
11 Young This activity allows pupils to practice real world situations by role playing or promoting item for
Entrepreneur sale. The aim of this activity is to promote confidence in speaking among pupils. It also raises
awareness of the concept of setting up a business.
Activities to support Young Entrepreneur include:
Role play, canteen day, auction, school cooperative day 22
Activity 1: Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Brief Description This activity involves the reading of printed materials in English (storybooks, magazines, newspapers,
articles, brochures, etc.) by primary school pupils (pre-school till Year 6). The activity requires time set
aside for teachers and pupils to carry out Drop Everything and Read. The goal is to encourage
independent reading for pleasure for a period of time on a weekly basis. Pupils choose the materials
they wish to read based on their interests and abilities. It is aimed that through this regular activity,
pupils are motivated to read.

Objectives To instill reading habit among pupils.

To enhance pupils general knowledge.
To share information and knowledge with others.
To inculcate social skills and moral values among pupils.
To boost pupils confidence in using English.

Best Practices 1. Activity can be carried out before the start of a school day.
(Creating an immersive 2. Teachers facilitates and monitors pupils during the activity.
environment) 3. Teacher gives support and encouragement to the pupils.
4. Teacher displays the outcomes of the activity from time to time.
5. Encourage pupils to write a review or a reflection on what they have read in their daily diary.
6. Encourage pupils to review a book during the assembly.

Implementation 1. Pupils bring their story books or any suitable printed English materials.
Steps 2. Pupils may seek teachers advice regarding the suitability of their material.
3. Carry out the activity 20 minutes before the start of a school day, three days in a week.
4. Pupils read the book or material at their own pace and ability.
5. Pupils read the book or material for 10 minutes and share what they have read with their peers for
another 10 minutes.
6. Encourage pupils to write a review or reflection of what they have read in their daily diary.
* Encourage pupils to read anytime in between classes, during recess and after school ends.

Activity 1: Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Adaptation Ideas Use printed materials such as newspaper, articles and brochures.
(To adapt to restrictions, Encourage book donations from parents and community.
special requirements, Integrate DEAR with the Young Reading Tutor activity.
and/or cost) Get parents involvement for the activity.
Activities to support the DEAR activity include:
Learn a Word a Day
1Pupil 1Book
English Zone/Kiosks/Corner
WOW (Words on Wheel)

Tips for Effective Provide reading materials based on pupils interest.

Implementation Encourage low proficiency pupils to read in pairs.
Create a non-threatening environment.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All levels Both Both Medium - High High Low difficulty Supply of suitable
books for the school

Activity 2: Speakers Corner
Brief Description This activity requires a designated site in the school grounds (preferably, near the school canteen)
where open-air public speaking can take place. Pupils are given the opportunity to speak on topics of
their interest at the Speakers Corner. This activity aims to develop pupils oracy skills. Presentation
can range from storytelling, poem recitation, a book review, a synopsis of movie, show and tell to
daily news.

Objectives To enhance pupils public speaking skills.

To build pupils confidence in speaking.
To motivate pupils to love the language.
To inculcate social skills among pupils.

Best Practices Allocate time for each presentation.

(Creating an immersive Assign pupil in-charge of the Speakers Corner.
environment) Prepare guidelines for the different types of presentations and display the guidelines at the school,
e.g. at the English corner (e.g. public speaking, storytelling, poem recitation, speech).
Nominate and award the best speaker of the month based on pupils feedback/vote.

Steps 1. Pupils decide on the type of presentation they would like to give.
2. Pupils prepare for the presentation.
3. Pupils may seek assistance from teacher on the format of the
4. Pupils present at any suitable time.

Activity 2: Speakers Corner
Adaptation Ideas Other activities to support the Speakers Corner activity
(To adapt to restrictions, include:
special requirements, Let's Talk
and/or cost) Lets Read
Show your Talent
Project-based Learning

Tips for Effective Provide clear guidelines on the different types of presentations.
Implementation Display presenters name to acknowledge participation.
Display presenters topics to encourage audience engagement.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All levels Both Both Low - Medium High Low difficulty PA System,

Activity 3: Assembly in English
Brief Description Assembly in English is carried out fortnightly. This event involves all instructions, announcements,
speeches, invocation and presentations in English. This event aims to promote and create a highly
immersive English environment in school.

Objectives To provide exposure to English.

To build school head, teachers and pupils confidence to speak in English .

Best Practices Employ the usage of English throughout the assembly.

(Creating an immersive Engage and support the staff and pupils to give instructions, make announcements, deliver
environment) speeches, recite the invocation and conduct presentations in English.

Implementation 1. Greet pupils in English.

Steps 2. Give instructions to pupils in English.
3. Recite the invocation in English.
4. Deliver speeches in English.
5. Conduct presentations in English.

Activity 3: Assembly in English
Adaptation Ideas School may prepare schedule for teachers to share information, knowledge or give
(To adapt to restrictions, motivational talk in English with the pupils.
special requirements, Activities to support the Assembly in English include:
and/or cost) storytelling
choir/choral speaking
poem recitation
book review

Tips for Effective Create a non-threatening environment.

Implementation Provide encouragement to use English.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Both Both Low High Low difficulty PA System

Activity 4: English Tunnel
Brief Description This activity encourages pupils to develop their literacy skills through the use of words, phrases and
sentences as reading materials. It also aims to consolidate the activities taught in the classroom by
showcasing the work in a designated space in the school, i.e. the English Tunnel.

Objectives To facilitate the pupils in obtaining English knowledge with suitable materials and a meaningful
learning process.

Best Practices Quiz the pupils based on the materials available in the English tunnel.
(Creating an immersive Update the tunnel with new materials according to specific themes (for example: Independence
environment) Day or other special events).
Collaborate with other Panels.

Implementation 1. Identify a suitable place in the school for the English tunnel.
Steps 2. Research and select suitable materials to be placed in the tunnel.
3. Display or present the materials in fun and attractive ways.
4. Update the materials regularly.

Activity 4: English Tunnel
Adaptation Ideas Use school corridor or classroom doors as the English Tunnel.
(To adapt to restrictions, Allow other subject teachers to provide materials for the English Tunnel.
special requirements, A list of activities to support the English Tunnel include:
and/or cost) Reading along
Vocabulary tree
Newspaper cuttings

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used throughout the activity.

Implementation Set up an organising committee to execute the activity.
Encourage parents, community and private companies to support the activity.
Create a non-threatening environment.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Both Both Low Low - High Low difficulty Strategic venue in the

Activity 5: Dear Diary
Brief Description This activity encourages pupils to reflect on events experienced throughout the day by writing
thoughts and reflections in their diary. Pupils are encouraged to share their thoughts and reflections
with friends.

Objectives To encourage pupils to share their experiences in written form.

To improve writing and speaking skills.
To promote critical and creative thinking skills.

Best Practices Provide option for pupils to publish their diaries in a designated space for other pupils to read.
(Creating an immersive Invite pupils to share their reflections orally at the Speakers Corner or English Assembly.

Implementation 1. Provide guidance on the structure for reflections writing to pupils.

Steps 2. Provide samples of reflections to guide pupils who require support.
3. Post questions for pupils to reflect.
4. Ask pupils to write their experiences of the day in their diary.
5. Encourage pupils to share their diary entries with their teacher.
6. Provide positive feedback to pupils.

Activity 5: Dear Diary
Adaptation Ideas Allow pupils to use different types of notebooks as their diary.
(To adapt to restrictions, Activities to support the Dear Diary activity include:
special requirements, Thinking questions
and/or cost) Usage of metaphors

Tips for Effective Create a non-threatening environment.

Implementation Encourage pupils to showcase their diaries.
Encourage parent involvement in executing the activity.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Both Both Low Med - High Low difficulty N/A

Activity 6: Young Talent
Brief Description This activity enables pupils to coordinate and organise events in school. It is aimed at developing
pupils oracy skills. It also develops pupils soft skills, organisational skills and protocol procedures.

Objectives To develop pupils oracy skills.

To use language creatively.

Best Practices Provide and assist pupils with different communication skills and techniques to be put into
(Creating an immersive practice.
environment) Acknowledge and award the young talent.
Get pupils to be in-charge of formal events.
Implementation 1. Select pupils with talent and interpersonal skills.
Steps 2. Conduct activities to promote the talents (e.g. school radio station, song competitions, drama
competitions, debates).
3. Assist and provide pupils with avenue to showcase their talents.
4. Encourage pupils to showcase their talents at the school events.
5. Provide pupils with positive feedback and encouragement to motivate them.

Activity 6: Young Talent
Adaptation Ideas Allow pupils to work in pairs or groups.
(To adapt to restrictions, Provide pupils with inspirational videos of young talents to motivate them.
special requirements, A list of activities to support the Young Talent activity
and/or cost) creating emcees
creating deejays
playing hosts
creating sport commentators

Tips for Effective Create a non-threatening environment.

Implementation Provide encouragement to showcase their talent.
Conduct training sessions for pupils who wish to showcase their talent.
Encourage parent involvement in executing the activity.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Both Both Low - Med High Medium N/A

Activity 7: Junior Stage
Brief Description This activity encourages pupils to stage their performances with confidence to the school community.
It can be carried out for special occasions in school.

Objectives To stage performances in English with confidence.

To give pupils opportunities to be creative.
To provide a fun learning environment where pupils are encouraged to speak English.

Best Practices Encourage creativity in performance.

(Creating an immersive Create opportunity for learner autonomy, e.g. pupils to come up with ideas for their performances.
environment) Involvement from parents, e.g. provide assistance in props/ costumes, guide pupils in their

Implementation 1. Provide option for pupils to choose the type of

Steps performance they want to carry out.
2. Facilitate training of pupils for the performance.
3. Reach out to parents for support and involvement.
4. Get pupils and/or parents to prepare.
props/resources/materials/stage/costumes/lighting/ for
the performances.
5. Delegate work or assign roles for pupils to assist in
6. Provide feedback and award certification as

Activity 7: Junior Stage
Adaptation Ideas Use costumes and musical instruments.
(To adapt to restrictions, Involve parents and community in this activity.
special requirements, Activities to support the Junior Stage include:
and/or cost) Concerts
Drama/ theatre
Singing competition

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used throughout the activity.

Implementation Set up an organising committee to execute the activity.
Encourage parents/community/private companies to support the activity.
Create a non-threatening environment.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Both Both Medium High Medium Parental involvement

Activity 8: Language Games
Brief Description This activity encourages pupils to play indoor or outdoor games. Pupils are to use English when
playing the games. This activity aims to develop pupils language and social skills in a fun way.

Objectives To use English in a fun way.

To increase pupils motivation to use English.

Best Practices Carry out the language games in the school English Village or at the school compound.
(Creating an immersive Encourage and support pupils participation in the language games.

Implementation 1. Identify the language games.

Steps 2. Decide on the location to carry out the language games.
3. Provide instructions to play the language games.
4. Prepare relevant resources/materials for the language games.
5. Store the resources/materials and display the instructions at the English Village.
6. Guide pupils in playing the language games.

Activity 8: Language Games
Adaptation Ideas The list of games include:
(To adapt to restrictions, Outdoor hopscotch, London bridge is falling down, hide & seek, treasure hunt, or
special requirements, spellathon
and/or cost) Indoor card games, board games, scrabble, word search, bingo, naming things or
vocabulary games, charades

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used while playing the language games.
Implementation Encourage parents, community and private companies to support the activity.
Create a non-threatening environment.
Organise language games competitions to encourage pupils participation.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

All Both Both Low - Medium High Low - Medium Storage for the
language games

Activity 9: English Newsletter
Brief Description This activity involves a monthly publication produced by pupils. This activity encourages pupils to take
the role of journalists by reporting on events happening in school. It is aimed to develop pupils
language skills by employing the process writing approach brainstorming, drafting, editing,
reviewing, publishing.

Objectives To encourage pupils to write in English.

To expose pupils to creative and informal writing.
To improve on the main language skills (L&S, Reading & Writing).

Best Practices Make full use of technology.

(Creating an immersive Give freedom for pupils to create their own concept of newsletter.

Implementation 1. Select pupils to form the publication group.

Steps 2. Brief pupils on themes, topics or content of the
3. Guide pupils on how to write and create the newsletter.
4. Pupils to collect suitable information to be added in the
5. Get pupils to publish the newsletter in the school.

Activity 9: English Newsletter
Adaptation Ideas Create newsletter using the traditional way for schools without ICT facilities (e.g. recycled
(To adapt to restrictions, items, cut and paste print materials, draw). It can be displayed at one specific place that can
special requirements, be seen by others in the school compound
and/or cost) Provide workshops to assist pupils in publishing
Activities to support the English Newsletter include:

Tips for Effective Create a non-threatening environment

Implementation Provide encouragement to use English
Involve parents and community to assist in publication of newsletter

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Level 2 Both Medium Medium - Medium ICT (printers,

High computers), papers
(variety of colours,

Activity 10: Young Reading Tutor
Brief Description This activity allows pupils to tutor their peers with reading difficulties. It is aimed to provide practice
and encourage pupils with reading difficulties to read. It also fosters collaboration among peers to
improve reading.

Objectives To support pupils with reading difficulties.

To boost the confidence of weak readers.
To instill the habit of reading among pupils.

Best Practices Allow the young reading tutors to identify a suitable time to carry out the tutoring sessions.
(Creating an immersive Provide supervision and assistance to the young reading tutors.
environment) Use reading assessment tools i.e. word correct per minute to track pupils reading fluency.
Record the peers readings in a specific book to track the reading progress.
Share the records with the English language teacher.

Implementation 1. Identify the weak readers.

Steps 2. Identify the young reading tutors.
3. Brief the tutors on how to carry out the activity.
4. Model the process.
5. Take the role as a facilitator in assisting the weak readers at the beginning of the implementation,
and gradually release the responsibility to the young reading tutors.
6. Get the young reading tutors to assist their peers during breaks or any time during or outside
school hours.

Activity 10: Young Reading Tutor
Adaptation Ideas Use graded reading materials based on pupils level and interest
(To adapt to restrictions, A list of activities to support the Young Reading Tutor:
special requirements, Reading along
and/or cost) Shared reading
Taking turns in reading
Giving opinions

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used during the tutoring sessions.
Implementation Encourage parents, community and private companies to support the activity (e.g. funds,
book donations).
Create a non-threatening environment.
Monitor the Young Reading Tutor sessions.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected All Both Medium High Low Set of graded reading


Activity 11: Young Entrepreneur
Brief Description This activity allows pupils to practice real world situations by role playing or promoting actual products
for sale. The aim of this activity is to promote confidence in speaking among pupils. It also raises
awareness of the concept of setting up a business.

Objectives To use English in a real life context.

To boost confidence in using English.

Best Practices Involve the school, parents and the community in the activity.
(Creating an immersive Use technology to promote products.
environment) Give freedom to pupils to create their own business strategy.

Implementation 1. Select pupils to form the group to set up the small

Steps enterprise.
2. Conduct workshop on business management.
3. Brief and guide pupils on setting up the business.
4. Promote the products to the schools community
using various ways (e.g. school newsletter, Frog
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Facebook or
5. Brainstorm ideas on expanding the business.

Activity 11: Young Entrepreneur
Adaptation Ideas Collaborate with other subject teachers such as Living Skills, Mathematics, Art teachers,
(To adapt to restrictions, parents or NGOs to set up the small enterprise.
special requirements, Allow pupils to be creative and innovative.
and/or cost) Collaborate with parents, community as well as private sectors to share their expertise.
A list of activities to support the Young Entrepreneur activity:
Role play
Canteen day
School cooperative day

Tips for Effective Create a non-threatening environment.

Implementation Provide encouragement to use English.
Encourage parents, community and private companies to support the activity (e.g. funds).
Provide guidance and monitor the progress of pupils.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact (Low/Med/High) (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both (Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High) transportation)

Selected Level 2 Both Medium High High difficulty ICT (printers,

computers), papers
(variety of colours,


List of activities: Extra classes

No. Activity Brief Description

1 Merry Time Coaching in This activity is carried out by teachers to guide pupils who have difficulty in completing
Merry Land their homework or need assistance in English. This activity aims to help pupils who fall
behind in their studies and need help especially in coping with their homework. It is
carried out before school, during recess or after school, depending on the pupils needs
in a conducive environment. Teachers will be available for pupil-teacher meeting in a
specific room.

2 Welcome ABC This activity is carried out to assist pupils who have low proficiency in English. (those
who could not master the basic level of the four skills). This activity aims to prepare
pupils for the intended lesson. It is a pre-stage activity conducted in the first 10-15
minutes of the lesson to stimulate pupils interest.

3 Holiday Fun Learning This activity is similar to an English Camp which is carried out during weekends or
holidays. It is targeted at Year 5 and 6 pupils. The activity aims at enhancing the four
language skills (L&S, R, W) and grammar. to immerse pupils in the language.

4 Sun Flower Programme This activity focuses on the aesthetic use of English language targeted at average and
above average pupils. This activity aims to provide practice for pupils to use idioms,
proverbs and similes in their oral and written communication. It is carried out 15-20
minutes before the start of a lesson.

5 LINUS 2.0 (Literasi Bahasa This activity is carried out to provide extra assistance to the remedial pupils who have
Inggeris) not mastered the constructs in Linus 2.0. This activity aims to ensure that pupils master
the constructs in Linus 2.0 and able to read simple sentences.
Activity 1: Merry Time Coaching in Merry Land
Brief Description This activity is carried out by teachers to guide pupils who have difficulty in completing their
homework or need assistance in English. This activity aims to help pupils who fall behind in their
studies and need help especially in coping with their homework. It is carried out before school, during
recess or after school, depending on the pupils needs in a conducive environment. Teachers will be
available for pupil-teacher meeting in a specific room.

Objectives To improve pupils English language proficiency.

To provide assistance to pupils in completing homework.

Best Practices Equip room with English language resources and facilities.
(Creating an immersive Decorate room to provide conducive and pupil-friendly environment.
environment) Maintain small groups for easy facilitation.
Provide guidance and feedback in English learning.
Reward pupils.

Implementation 1. Identify pupils who need help.

Steps 2. Prepare and obtain letter of consent from the parents concern prior to the activity.
3. Analyse data on pupils progress (e.g. homework, scores, activities) and devise action plan to
coach pupils.
4. Chart pupils progress throughout the coaching sessions.
5. Motivate pupils by highlighting their progress or by rewarding them.

Activity 1: Merry Time Coaching in Merry Land
Tips for Effective Ensure teachers/volunteers involved have the expertise in the subject matter.
Implementation Ensure teachers/volunteers are committed to this activity.
Negotiate timetable with administration and parents.
Involve parents and community for funds or other forms of support.
Create an informal environment.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

Low Both Both Low Low & Med Low to Med Qualified Coaches

Activity 2: Welcome ABC
Brief Description This activity is carried out to assist pupils who have low proficiency in English (those who could not
master the basic level of the four skills). This activity aims to prepare pupils for the intended lesson. It
is a pre-stage activity conducted in the first 10-15 minutes of the lesson to stimulate pupils interest.

Objectives To improve the proficiency level of weak pupils.

To stimulate pupils interest prior to lesson.

Best Practices Incorporate language games, role play and interactive activities to stimulate pupils interest and
(Creating an immersive engagement during the extra class.
environment) Use simple and precise sentence structures and employ gestures to support learning.
Provide individual attention to extremely weak pupils.
Employ positive reinforcement throughout the activity to motivate pupils.

Implementation 1. Plan fun and meaningful activity to stimulate pupils interest (e.g. language games/role plays/video
Steps clips/interactive tools/pictures).
2. Link the activity to the intended topic/theme.
3. Prepare the resources for the activity.
4. Carry out the activity in the class for 10-15 minutes.

Activity 2: Welcome ABC
Adaptation Ideas Integrate fun, play-based element throughout this activity.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements, and/or

Tips for Effective Ensure teachers/volunteers involved have the expertise in the subject matter.
Implementation Ensure teachers/volunteers are committed to this activity.
Seek assistance from parents, volunteers (e.g. teacher trainees, teacher assistants,
undergraduates/graduates) to assist in planning and conducting the activities.
Involve parents to provide refreshment during the extra class.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

Low performing Both Both Low Med Med Qualified individual in

the subject matter.

Activity 3: Holiday Fun Learning
Brief Description This activity is similar to an English Camp which is carried out during weekends or holidays. It is
targeted at Year 5 and 6 pupils. The activity aims at enhancing the four language skills (Listening
and Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar) to immerse pupils in the language.

Objectives To listen and speak in English on selected themes/topics.

To read and answer comprehension questions on selected themes/topics.
To write compositions on the selected themes/topics.
To communicate in English throughout this activity.

Best Practices Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication throughout this activity.
(Creating an immersive Design activities that are fun and meaningful that engages pupils.
environment) Ensure the activities planned addresses all four skills.

Implementation 1. Plan and discuss logistics (i.e. time frame, types of activities, venue, funds, manpower).
Steps 2. Set up a working committee and delegate tasks.
3. Decide on the number of pupils involved. Select pupils based on different proficiency level.
4. Prepare and obtain letter of consent from the parents concern prior to the camp.
5. Divide pupils into groups consisting of different proficiency level (i.e. beginner, intermediate,
6. Plan activities that cater to mix-ability pupils.
7. Prepare materials and resources prior to the camp.
8. Provide rules and regulations for the camp.
9. Facilitate and monitor pupils and activities during the camp.

Activity 3: Holiday Fun Learning
Adaptation Ideas Identify pupils who are proficient in English to be facilitators for activities.
(To adapt to restrictions, Get teacher helpers (e.g. undergraduates/graduates, parents, community) to assist in the
special requirements, camp.
and/or cost) Reward to encourage pupils to use English.

Tips for Effective Ensure teachers/volunteers involved have the expertise in the subject matter.
Implementation Ensure teachers/volunteers are committed to this activity.
Ensure pupils attendance prior to camp.
Encourage parents and community involvement.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Level 2 (Year Both High High Med Ensure attendance and
5&6) usage of English
throughout camp.

Activity 4: Sunflower Programme
Brief Description This activity focuses on the aesthetic use of English language targeted at average and above
average pupils. This activity aims to provide practice for pupils to use idioms, proverbs and similes in
their oral and written communication. It is carried out 15-20 minutes before the start of a lesson.

Objectives To enhance the use of English in oral and written communication.

To use idioms, proverbs and similes accurately in oral and written communication.

Best Practices Create situations where pupils can practice using idioms, proverbs and similes accurately.
(Creating an Incorporate language games, role plays, songs and communicative activities to stimulate pupils
immersive interest and engagement during the activity.

Implementation 1. Select a list of idioms/proverbs/similes to focus.

Steps 2. Employ different activities (e.g. readers theatre, drama/role play, poetry recitation) to familiarize
pupils with the idioms/proverbs/similes.
3. Use relevant resources (e.g. video clips/pictures/story books) to familiarize pupils with the idioms/
4. Create situations for the pupils to use idioms/proverbs/similes.
5. Get pupils to use suitable idioms/proverbs/similes in their writing.

Activity 4: Sunflower Programme
Adaptation Ideas Encourage pupils to produce creative works (e.g. poems, stories, jazz chant) by using the
(To adapt to restrictions, idioms/proverbs/similes learnt.
special requirements, Create a print-rich environment to expose pupils to idioms/proverbs/similes.
and/or cost)
Tips for Effective Ensure teachers/volunteers involved have the expertise in the subject matter.
Implementation Create a non-threatening environment for learning.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

High Level 2 Both low High Med Time suggested: 15-20

minutes before the first

Activity 5: LINUS 2.0 (Literasi Bahasa Inggeris)
Brief Description This activity is carried out to provide extra assistance to the remedial pupils who have not mastered
the constructs in LINUS 2.0. This activity aims to ensure that pupils master the constructs in LINUS
2.0 and join the mainstream.

Objectives To master the constructs in LINUS 2.0

To assist remedial pupils to read simple sentences.

Best Practices Employ different phonics approaches that appeal to pupils

(Creating an immersive interest/needs.
environment) Provide individual coaching on letter-sound relationship.
Design activities that cater to pupils multiple intelligences.
Employ positive reinforcement throughout the lesson to
motivate pupils.

Implementation 1. Plan lesson according to constructs to suit individual needs.

Steps 2. Select and prepare relevant materials from the LINUS 2.0 booklet for the lesson.
3. Carry out lesson and monitor pupils progress.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

Low 1 Both Low Med - High Med Use the existing LINUS
2.0 booklet.


List of activities: Outreach activities

No. Activity Brief Description

1 International/Local Skype This activity promotes two-way communication between pupils from two schools by
@ Webinar using Skype, Webinar or other communicative platforms.

2 Mentoring of schools This activity allows teachers to share and explore best practices in the teaching of
English amongst teachers within their districts/zones spearheaded by SBT or SKK

3 Field Trips This activity allows for real-life experiences by meeting and interacting with people
outside the school. It also enhances team work.

4 Parents in the House This is a parental support activity to assist pupils learning.

5 Pupils Exchange This activity provides opportunity for pupils to experience learning in other schools
Programme within a given time frame.

6 External Collaboration This activity is a collaborative effort initiated by SBT/SKK schools with universities which
with Universities aims to provide support to the mentee schools.

List of activities: Outreach activities (Contd)

No. Activity Brief Description

7 Parents Talk This activity provides a platform for parental involvement in sharing their knowledge
and skills in their area of expertise (music, craft, unique profession).

8 Pen-pal Programme This activity provides opportunities for pupils to establish friendships with pupils from
different schools through letter writing/emails.

9 The Little Ambassadors This activity provides a platform for pupils to promote their schools at events and

Activity 1: lnternational/Local Skype @ Webinar
Brief Description This activity promotes two-way communication between pupils from two schools by using Skype,
Webinar or other communicative platforms.

Objectives To promote the use of English between two or more pupils from different schools.
To collaborate on projects, activities and tasks facilitated by the teacher.
To exchange and share information on topics of interests (pupil-pupil) or topics set by the teacher.

Best Practices Encourage and employ the use of free communicative tools (e.g. Canvas, VLE, Facetime).
(Creating an immersive Utilise communicative tools that are familiar to pupils to eliminate technical preparation.
environment) Create active users of English through the usage of these communicative tools.
Collaborate amongst teachers and pupils via these tools by bringing the outside world into the

Implementation 1. Identify and link with partner schools.

Steps 2. Plan schedules and ensure communication tools are ready for use.
3. Select topics for classroom project.
4. Ensure projects are facilitated by teacher until completion.
5. Allow student autonomy to encourage social interaction.
6. Encourage and support until objectives are achieved.

Activity 1 : International/ Local Skype@ Webinar
Adaptation Ideas Use mobile devices and mobile apps (e.g. WhatsApp, Wechat,
(To adapt to restrictions, Line)
special requirements,
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Ensure good internet connection.
Ensure teachers are well-equipped with technical skills and knowledge (tech savvy).
Encourage parental assistance in supporting school projects.
Encourage private companies to provide free technical equipments/facilities through the

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Low to Medium Med-High Medium 1. Parental

(based on involvement (during
projects) pupil-pupil
2. Parental assistance
in supporting school

Activity 2: Mentoring Schools
Brief Description This activity allows teachers to share and explore best practices in the teaching of English amongst
teachers within their districts/zones spearheaded by SBT or SKK schools.

Objectives To share best practices in the teaching of English amongst teachers in neighboring schools.
To enhance teaching methods and approaches.
To share English language resources.
To build professional learning community (PLC).

Best Practices Encourage easy access and accessibility to resources in ELTC among teachers in the
(Creating an neighboring schools.
immersive Create platforms (e.g. workshops, coffee & chat, colloquiums, forum) for teachers to share best
environment) teaching practices.
Encourage support visit by teachers to view effective English lessons in neighbouring schools.

Implementation 1. Identify and link with neighboring SBT and SKK schools.
Steps 2. Identify areas of sharing and mode of implementation.

Activity 2: Mentoring Schools
Adaptation Ideas Use e-learning platforms to share and learn (e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Blogs).
(To adapt to restrictions, Promote lesson study within neighbouring schools.
special requirements,
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Ensure good documentation of ideas and resources.
Set up a committee to execute this activity.
Encourage private companies to provide training and funding through the CSR.
Involve JPNs and PPDs.
Tap on parents and community to provide assistance.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact Low, Med, High (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) 1000
Both High = > RM 1000 Low, Med, High sufficient teachers,

- Both Both Low High Low SBT and SKK

commitment and driven
by school leadership.

Activity 3: Field Trips
Brief Description This activity allows for real-life experiences by meeting and interacting with people outside the school.
It also enhances team work.

Objectives To provide opportunities for pupils to interact and communicate with people outside their
classroom in English.
To create real-life experiences for pupils to learn and share amongst themselves.
To collaborate and support each other in ensuring that the language is used extensively before,
while and after the field trip.
Best Practices Integrate the field trip as part of the curriculum (based on topics taught i.e. environment, health)
(Creating an immersive Get pupils to be part of the planning and managing the field trip making calls, planning the
environment) schedule, etc.

Implementation 1. Decide on the date and place (depending on pupils interest).

Steps 2. Plan for the field trips (e.g. permission, logistics, schedule etc).
3. Prepare pupils with pre, while and post tasks (e.g. questions, readings print or digital).
4. Get pupils to take photos of the sites as part of documentation.
5. Provide a template for report writing to be used during field trips.
6. Get pupils to present their reports orally or in written form.

Activity 3: Field Trips
Adaptation Ideas Virtual field trips
(To adapt to restrictions, Link to project-based learning (in-class component)
special requirements, and/or

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Set up a committee to execute this activity.
Encourage private companies to provide funding through the CSR.
Involve JPNs and PPDs.
Tap on parents and community to provide assistance.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementation Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact Low, Med, High (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Medium High Medium - High Funds (if trip is outside
school premise)

Activity 4: Parents in the House
Brief Description This is a parental support activity to assist pupils learning.

Objectives To involve parents as teaching assistants in the English language classrooms (team-teaching).
To support the instructional practices in the identified English language classes (focus on weak

Best Practices Involve parents in their childrens learning of English.

(Creating an immersive Foster good relationship between school, parents and community.
environment) Obtain support from interested parties (parents) to ease workload.

Implementation 1. Identify suitable volunteers (parents).

Steps 2. Hold discussions between parents and teachers on classroom practices (topics, activities, group
work, etc).
3. Conduct brief and de-brief sessions (before and after class) with parents to address arising
issues (e.g. teaching practices, pupils weakness).

Activity 4: Parents in the House
Adaptation Ideas Introduce flipped classroom approach as an alternative for involvement of parents at home.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements, and/or

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Advertise for participation of parents to assist in areas of specilisation (e.g. drama, debates,
singing, using software/apps).
Advertise for volunteers (parents) to assist pupils learning of English.
Encourage parents to provide funding.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

Selected (Low Both Both Low Med-High Medium JPN & PPDs to support
performing) school & community
and expand to as many
other schools

Activity 5: Pupils Exchange Programme
Brief Description This activity provides opportunity for pupils to experience learning in other schools within a given time

Objectives To provide opportunities for pupils to learn with other pupils in a different school (preferably
International Schools).
To enable pupils to experience a new school culture which is predominantly English.

Best Practices Select nearby schools that have the existing immersive approach to learning English.
(Creating an immersive Encourage sharing of ideas in English to boost confidence.

Implementation 1. Identify and select school.

Steps 2. Plan and discuss logistics (time frame, selection of pupils and
parental involvement).
3. Implement the programme through monitoring and facilitation.
4. Create platform for sharing of experiences amongst the
schools and pupils (e.g. assembly, workshops).

Activity 5: Pupils Exchange Programme
Adaptation Ideas Introduce a teacher-exchange programme.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements,
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of

Implementation instructions/communication.
Develop criteria for selection of pupils.
Set up a committee to execute this activity.
Tap on parents and community to provide assistance.
Focus on feasibility of logistics.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All 2 Both Low - Medium High Med - High Time factor to be

considered (how long is

Activity 6: External Collaboration With Universities
Brief Description This activity is a collaborative effort initiated by schools with universities which aims to provide
support to the mentee schools.

Objectives To provide opportunities for pupils and teachers to learn and share with other lecturers and
university students from the higher education sector
To be involved in university-affiliated activities as a gateway for teachers and pupils to explore
tertiary education

Best Practices SBT/SKK schools should provide continuous support to mentee schools.
(Creating an Motivate pupils towards tertiary education.
immersive Ensure this activity is part of the universities collaborative agenda (two-way collaboration).

Implementation 1. Identify university for collaboration.

Steps 2. Plan and discuss logistics (time frame, types of activities)
3. Implement the programme through monitoring and facilitation.
4. Create platform for sharing of experiences between the schools and universities.

Activity 6: External Collaboration With Universities
Adaptation Ideas Develop collaboration with teacher training institutes, community colleges, polytechnics etc.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements, and/or
Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.
Implementation Ensure the selected lecturers and students are proficient in English.
Set up a committee to execute this activity.
Tap on parents and community to provide assistance.
Focus on feasibility of logistics.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Low - Medium Med-High Medium Commitment from

university ensure its
part of the universitys
local agenda

Activity 7: Parents Talk
Brief Description This activity provides a platform for parental involvement in sharing their knowledge and skills in
their area of expertise (e.g. music, craft, unique profession).

Objectives To promote parents involvement with the school.

To expose pupils to different types of registers.
To gain knowledge and skills from people from various professions.

Best Practices Identify potential parents who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise.
(Creating an Expose pupils to the various job opportunities and opens their world-view on career choices.
immersive Provide interactive sessions (e.g. Q&A , forums, workshops) between pupils and parents to
environment) enhance pupils confidence to speak in English.

Implementation 1. Identify potential parents and prepare yearly/semester schedule for talks.
Steps 2. Brief pupils on the person invited for the programme (Prior reading on the profession can help
pupils ask questions later).
3. Identify and guide the pupils with Q&A.
4. Get pupils to share their opinions and experiences based on the talks.

Activity 7: Parents Talk
Adaptation Ideas Invite celebrities or famous personalities once in a while to add flavour to the activity.
(To adapt to restrictions,
special requirements,
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Prepare guidelines for parents involvement.
Invite parents to assist in areas of specialisation (e.g. engineering, sports, arts etc).
Advertise for volunteers (parents) to assist pupils learning of English.
Encourage parents to provide funding.
Acknowledge parents contributions.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Low High Medium Parents/Personalities

who are fluent in
English would be an

Activity 8: Pen-pal Programme
Brief Description This activity provides opportunities for pupils to establish friendships with pupils from different
schools through letter writing/emails.

Objectives To create opportunities for pupils to interact with new friends from different schools /
districts/states through letter writing/emails in English.
To encourage pupils to write in English.
To build pupils confidence in expressing ideas in writing.
Best Practices Encourage pupils write to peers without fear of making language errors.
(Creating an Encourage the use of online mode for quick implementation and easy access.

Implementation 1. Build a network with schools that are interested in this programme.
Steps 2. Begin initial communication through topics of common interests.
3. Allow pupils some freedom to write without correction
4. Create class sharing time for pupils to talk about their pen pals.

Activity 8: Pen-pal Programme
Adaptation Ideas Encourage expression of thoughts and feelings through greeting cards, postcards, letters,
(To adapt to restrictions, etc.
special requirements, and/or Employ different modes of interaction (e.g. snail mail, email, class-initiated Facebook,
cost) class-iniated WhatsApps group).

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Prepare guidelines for pen pal programme (offline and online interaction etiquette).
Inform parents to monitor their childrens involvement in this activity.
Ensure teachers are the administrators in all online modes of interaction.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Low High Medium Parents/Personalities

who are fluent in
English would be an

Activity 9: The Little Ambassadors
Brief Description This activity provides a platform for pupils to promote their schools at events and functions locally
and internationally.

Objectives To provide pupils the opportunity to talk about their school in special functions/events.
To boost pupils confidence level to speak in English in public.
To instill a sense of patriotism and love for the school.

Best Practices Provide avenues for pupils to promote their schools at events/functions (e.g. RIMUP, English in
(Creating an Camp, Exchange Programme).
immersive Acknowledge pupils involvement to motivate other pupils in their schools.
environment) Provide simulation .

Implementation 1. Provide pupils with an overview of schools

Steps achievements/historical moments/special events (e.g.
documents, videos, photos, awards).
2. Carry out simulation for pupils to practice their
3. Prepare appropriate materials prior to events/functions (e.g.
brochures, posters).

Activity 9: The Little Ambassadors
Adaptation Ideas Promote the school via video presentation and exhibition.
(To adapt to restrictions, Provide links to school website.
special requirements,
and/or cost)

Tips for Effective Ensure English is used as a medium of instructions/communication.

Implementation Provide coaching and mentoring to the pupils involved.
Tap on parents and community to provide assistance for this activity.
Prepare prompts or guidelines for the little ambassador activity.

Pupils involved Suitable for Suitable for Total Cost English Ease of Special/Critical
(All, Selected, High Level Rural/ Low = < RM 100 Proficiency Implementati Requirements
Performing, Low Medium = < RM 1000
1/2/Both Urban/ Impact on (Qualified parents,
Performing, etc) High = > RM 1000
Both Low, Med, High Low, Med, sufficient teachers,
High transportation)

All Both Both Med High Medium NA

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