Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Creativity Matters: Writing Feature Articles

In writing a feature article,
fuel your pen with creativity.

-Ferdinand Bulusan
Determine the characteristics of
feature stories
Name the types of features
Differentiate news and feature stories
Apply techniques in writing feature
articles and
Formulate mental images based on
given motivations
Feature Story: Its Concepts and Nature
If defining news were hard task for many writers due to its many perspectives,
feature stories would be less difficult. Many writers agree on the concepts and nature of
feature stories.
A feature story is an interesting article that focuses on certain people, places, events
or subject mattes like career, relationships, money, health, lifestyle, among others.
Because it is elaborative, a writer is free as a bird in crafting his ideas, in weaving his
ideas and in presenting his ideas. Again redundant as it may, feature writing breaks
the box of rules where news writing is incarcerated.
With such a concept in mind, you may think that feature articles are longer, more in-
depth and more elaborative than hard news stories. They make use of the upright
triangle style rather than inverted triangle approach most of the time. However, as a
writer, you must still keep in mind that feature stories are lodged under the umbrella of
journalism, whose foundation are facts, facts and facts. Hence, feature stories are not
opinion essays or editorials and should not be confused with creative writing or works
of fiction.
A feature story primarily banks on special human interest that may or may not be
closely tied to recent news event. It goes into great detail regarding concepts and
ideas of specific market of interest.
Feature Story: Its Concepts and Nature
Take this comparison. A feature story is like a spotlight in a concert hall.
Everyone in the concert hall may become the subject. Once the spotlight
strikes a member of the audience, he or she becomes distinct and
eventually grabs the attention of everyone.
According to Okoye (2012), a feature story is an in-depth and factual
write-up on a topical issue which seeks to give comprehensive
information in a more captivating and relaxed style than straight news.
Meanwhile, Reuters Handbook of Journalism says that a feature story is
an insight into trend or an issue or personality. It enlightens the
reader about that trend, issue or personality in a broad context. It uses
specific examples to illustrate that trend or issue and puts them in a
broad framework that allows the social; economic, corporate, and/or
political implications to shine through, whether sectoral, national or
Feature Story: Its Concepts and Nature
A feature article, therefore, relates to so many forms and subjects. it
forms include narrative stories, poems, essays, tales, anecdotes and
others. Its subjects, on the other hand, may include love, hatred,
jealousy, emotions, war, friendship and other human forms of
experiences. With its diverse forms, many campus papers believe
that feature page is the same with literary page. That is why there
are campus papers which have a section titled as literary/ feature
page. It must be clear to both beginning and developing campus
papers that literary and features are NOT similar.
Finally, writing a feature is a war of creativity on the use of
language. It is so stylistic that entails a writers constant reading
and interminable practice.
1. Variety of subject matter
- As discussed previously, a feature story can take any topic under the
sun. The kindling of the readers interest on such a topic primarily depends
on the writers creativity on using the language.
2. Variety of tones
- Since feature stories are meant to entertain other that to inform, the
feature writer may use variety of dramatic tone, say a creepy story, exciting
narration, suspensive drama, angry letter, morbid experience and the like.
3. Variety of form and style
- Feature stories may use any form and style depending on the writers
judicious judgement to capture easily the readers attention. One may use
acrostic or literary techniques in crafting stories, so long as the content
is factual.

4. Well organized
- A feature story is actually an essay. Therefore, it follows a general format
of having an introduction, body and ending. Its contents, like all other pieces of
writing, should be logically arranged such that a smooth flow of ideas is
attained. Hence, it still follows the rules of thumb in effective writing.
5. Strikes keynotes in a first sentence
- The secret of arousing reader's attention is to intrigue him at the
beginning. That is why feature stories need to be very striking at the first part.
It does not necessarily mean, though, that the first sentence summarizes
the important details in the first sentence like in straight news. If one does this,
suspense is forfeited, excitement is lost.
6. May or may not be timely
- Unlike news articles, feature stories may skip immediacy because it is up
for the writers dexterous use of the language to make the antiquated subject
rise from the tomb and capture the attention of the current readers.

1. Color
2. Fancy
3. Wit and humor
4. Anecdotes
5. Quotations




Hard News and Feature Story

A news story greatly differs from feature story. However, both of them base their
contents on facts. News story starts with lead composed of five Ws and H. it should
be timely and should follow inverted triangle ( most vital information and least
On the other hand, feature story mainly focuses on who, what and why. It does not
need to be current. Often, it is narrative (beginning, middle and end) in its approach
and can be first or second point of view.
A news story focuses on the theme of the story; it is written in third person. A news
is primarily meant to inform, as it presents information in short paragraphs(one
sentence-one paragraph). It is objective and straight to the point.
According to Dr. Don Ranly of Missouri School of Journalism is his discussion on
Helpful Hints for Journalistic Writing, when writing a feature story, one should
distinguish its main aim: to entertain. The writer may use two or three sentences or
paragraphs (clear and concise). As iterated, it should be based on facts (descriptive
and colorful writing; has writers own individual style and tone). It is not necessarily
objective, since it allows for viewpoint and voice. Finally, it is delayed in the sense
that it keeps readers curious.
Type of Feature Stories
1. Informative Feature
- This gives information on subject of current interest . This feature is usually
based on interview and research.
2. Human interest feature
- Sometimes called concerned story, it deals with minor incidents that deserve
attention because of dramatic, humorous, tragic, sensational or unusual angle of the
- It appeals to the emotion; it may have a lesser news value, but it enjoys wide
readership because of its human appeal. Primarily, it exposes burning issues
which need urgent solutions. It also shows the magnitude of the problem through
cases, anecdotes and quotable quotes.
- This feature highlights the dramatic condition and experiences of certain groups
of people. Further, it is written using heart- piercing presentations, which evoke
emotional responses to the readers.
3. News feature
- It gets its materials from current events, covering details that were omitted by the
Type of Feature Stories
4 Personal experience

- This tells of some unusual true-to-life experiences written in the person account.
5. Personality sketch
- Some books differ in nomenclature; others regard this as profile feature. Silver screen
celebrities, political figures, athletes, beauty titlist, these are the popular choices for
personality sketch. Notably, people are interested in people, so much so, articles written
about them, especially about their fans. However, simple persons may be highlighted
through the use of this kind of feature story.
6. Humorous feature
- The primary objective of feature stories is to entertain. So, what is more fitting than
making people laugh and be relieved of the stress of life while reading your article.
7. Interpretative feature
- This feature helps the reader understand the background and significance of social,
economic, political and other problems of everyday life.
Type of Feature Stories
8. Seasonal or holiday feature
-This feature story includes subjects like events celebrated once a year. It
primarily magnifies the significance and relevance of holidays, anniversaries
and special events.
9. Travelogue
- It is an account of ones travel experience and a vivid description of places
visited. Also, it highlights the beauty of on places interacting with people and
places. It offers endorsement and guidelines on places where money would be
worth spending. Travel feature writers demand exceptional descriptive and
narrative skills.
10.Science and technology feature
- It is concentrated on the latest advancement in science and technology with
the aim of informing the readers and arousing their interests.
11.Historical and cultural feature
- Historical events and sites can provide readers a sense of identity.. By
comparing the present to the past, they can see how times has changed their
environment, culture, values and perspective.
Type of Feature Stories
12. How- to and what- to do feature
- they are educational in essence. They provide knowledge about process or
activity. Most often, they showcase step- by- step procedure in doing
13. Business and development feature -
- It provides a glimpse and insight on the business world and development
of certain sector or area. This writing requires a working knowledge and
special interest on the workings and operations of the business community.
14. Lifestyle feature
- The quick change of fashion trends and lifestyles make an interesting
15. Entertainment feature
- Movie stars, pop singers and show business events are common subjects.
the goal is to entertain and give relief to people.
Type of Feature Stories
16. Hobby feature
- This type of feature primarily interests the readers who are into
exceptional hobbies.
17. Career feature
- It is a type of feature that focuses on career guidance, tips or
18. Insider feature
- Take note, insiders look at unusual occupation, issues, or events
which are hidden from the public. Readers are attracted to unusual
details or well-kept secrets about procedures or activities they
might not ordinarily be exposed to or allowed to participate in

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