FIJI Water Carbon Negative Case Analysis: BY:Group M

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FIJI Water Carbon

Case Analysis

BY :Group M
Background on Fiji
Founded by Canadian hotel property and gold
mining mogul David Gilmour, Fiji Water began in
The global market for bottled water amounts to
approximately $100 billion (US) in sales annually
The company FIJI Water is the leading imported
water in North America
Currently Fiji water is owned and run by
billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick
Fijis successful strategy
Branded bottled water is a recently conceived
commodity and conspicuous marketing tactics
are used by bottled water manufactures to
amplify consumer fear of tap water purity and to
make bottled water meaningful on a personal,
local and global scale
FIJI Water has developed a highly successful
branding strategy that emphasizes the inspired
geography of Fiji
FIJI Waters state-of-the-art bottling facility was
designed to protect the purity of water at every
step of the production process, and as part of
Reasons for success?
Additional components of elitism and progressive
Best tasting water
Positioning the product not just as an indulgence,
but instead as an outright necessity for an elite
that can appreciate its purity
The Rensicks also built relationships with the
owners of resorts and spas, where bottles were
served in signature silver and gold sleeves
Sense of exclusivity for Fiji water
Ways of estimating carbon
Yes..! Carbon Accounting can be used-
Processes undertaken to "measure" amounts of
carbon dioxide equivalents emitted by an entity
Carbon accounting is hoped to provide a factual
ground for carbon-related decision-making
For water supply-
Track all activities involved during the water
Estimate the carbon emission right from pumping
of water from underground to overhead tank
and eventually to pipes
Greenwashing is the practice of making an
unsubstantiated or misleading claim about the
environmental benefits of a product, service,
technology or company practice
Greenwashing can make a company appear to be more
environmentally friendly than it really is. It can also be
used to differentiate a company's products or services
from its competitors by promising more efficient use of
power or by being more cost-effective over time
The increased transparency and scrutiny many
corporations have been exposed to by nongovernmental
organizations, advocacy groups and collaborative
citizen journalism in the blogosphere all have helped to
reveal which environmental claims are accurate
Additionality is a notional measurement of an intervention (i.e.,
doing something), when the intervention is compared to a
baseline, status quo metric (i.e., doing nothing). The
'intervention' can be based on either technology or economics
Additionality is about assessing causation. It is about deciding if
a proposed activity is being caused to happen by a policy
Additionality helps to distinguish projects that actually
mitigated GHG emissions due to carbon offset from those
projects that would have occurred anyway
The testing of additionality generally involves the establishment
counterfactual reference scenario against which reality is
A test is not meaningful without clarity on what is being tested
Amendment of carbon
neg. strategy
While the lawsuits creation may have been
spurred by financial incentive, it also illuminates
FIJI Waters employment of marketing
techniques to establish an environmental brand,
regardless of the scientific realities
Leverage marketing and PR policies to reinforce
its stand on sustainable practices in the light of
its lawsuit to maintain the reputation of the
Fiji needs to justify its accounting system which
it has used

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