Chapter 2 - The Individual

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in Organizations
The concept that organizations are becoming more
heterogeneous in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, and inclusion of other diverse
Levels of Diversity
surface level diversity
Differences in easily perceived characteristics, such
as gender, race, ethnicity, age, or disability, that do
not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel
but that may activate certain stereotypes.
deep-level diversity
Differences in values, personality, and work
preferences that become progressively more
important for determining similarity as people get
to know one another better.
Noting of a difference between things; often we
refer to unfair discrimination, which means making
judgments about individuals based on stereotypes
regarding their demographic group.
Whether intentional or not, discrimination can lead
to serious negative consequences for employers,
including reduced productivity and citizenship
behavior, negative conflicts, and increased turnover.
workplace diversity
workplace diversity can refer to any characteristic
that makes people different from one another.
Biographical Characteristics
Personal characteristicssuch as age, gender, race,
and length of tenurethat are objective and easily
obtained from personnel records. These
characteristics are representative of surface-level
Race - biological heritage people use to identify
Ethnicity - is the additional set of cultural
characteristics that often overlaps with race
seniority as time on a particular job
Tenure is expressed as work experience
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
ability is an individuals current capacity to perform
the various tasks in a job
Overall abilities are essentially made up of two sets
of factors:
Intellectual Abilities
Intellectual abilities are abilities needed to perform
mental activities thinking, reasoning, and problem
general mental ability (GMA)
An overall factor of intelligence, as suggested by the
positive correlations among specific intellectual
ability dimensions.
Physical Abilities
The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina,
dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
Implementing Diversity
Management Strategies
Diversity management The process and
programs by which managers make everyone more
aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences
of others.
Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and
Retaining Diverse Employees
Diversity in Groups
Effective Diversity Programs

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