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Causes of the Civil War

Chapter 12
Fugitive - are people
that run away from
the law.
States Rights states
Secession when part of a country leaves or
have their own power; breaks off from the rest.

more power than the Abolitionist someone who wants to abolish or

end slavery

federal goverment. Emancipation free people

Civil War- is a war

between two groups
or regions with in the
Slavery in the U.S.

The Growth of
More slavers By 1840 the
because the south grow After the
cost of cotton most of the rebellion they
rose; also there worlds cotton. passed laws to
were changes in control black
farming. people.
The Economy in the North and

The North and

An important
South had
A tariff a tax on idea was that
imported goods. states should
Tariffs helped not the federal
agriculture in
manufacturing government
the south and
for the US. telling them
what to do.
in the north.
3 Important Abolitionists

Sojourner Truth Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison

Gave speeches to change peoples He put his antislavery thought in
Spoke in favor of abolition and the newspaper for people to start
from liking slavery to not liking
womens rights thing about it.
The Struggle for Freedom

In the north it
During the 1830 was bester for
1860, many the free black
people felt There were because they
slavery was blacks and can do thing
wrong and whites arguing with out asking.
wanted to that slavery was In the south free
abolish it. They bad. blacks had to
were called ask to travel
abolitionists. and other
Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad

Railroad is not
underground. It Stations were
is a hidden path places where Harriet Tubman
to freedom. other people was famous for
helped the saving blacks
Some blacks until it and traveling
railroads went was safe to back and forth.
out of the U.S travel again.
like to Mexico
and also to
Compromise and Conflict

Compromise of
Missouri 1850
Nebraska Act
Compromise Territories (not 1854
1820 enough people
They were
Missouri wants to be a state)
allowed to
to stay a slave could chose if
chose what they
state. It joined they were a free
wanted for that
the Union. state or a slave
3 Important Abolitionists

John Brown Harriet Beecher Stowe Dred Scott

He was important because 2
He fought slavery own his Supreme Court decisions
She wrote a book about
own. He was hanged him for were made that supported
cruelty of slavery.
treason. slavery.
Lincolns Campaigns
Lincoln was the only person that was running
for president who was against slavery.
He won.
The south disagreed with his ideas.
Secession Begins

11 southern
Fort Sumter
states left the
was the place
U.S. they called
where the Civil
themselves the
War started.
A Nation at War
Advantag Advantag
es of the es of the
South North

More weapons
supplies could d
hauled faster by

In their territor
y Union naval

Good Leader-
General Robert
E. 22,000,000 (vs.
General Robert E. Lee lead the battle against General Ulysses S. Grant lead the battle
the north. The Battle of Antietam was the most against the south. He control most of the
deadly Mississippi river.

The Wars Leaders

Jefferson Davis was the president of the

Confederacy. Some problems were that they Abraham Lincoln also had problems: lots of
didnt have enough supplies, and people. He dead soldiers, he also had to start a draft.
need to start a draft.
Important Things

January 1, The Union Gettysburg

1863 the won was the
Emancipation Vicksburg biggest
Proclamation and they battle. It
became a law controlled the weakened
to free the Mississippi the south.
slaves. River.
The War Ends

Sherman Lees
Grant vs.
s March Surrende

John Wilkes Booth shot

After the north won
Lincoln at the play.
the war. Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln died
But then got away. But
others started to while he was watching
they found him in a
rebuild the cities and a play. He got shot in
barn but he wouldnt
homes. Not all people the back of the head
surrender. One of the
agreed for Lincoln to and died the next day.
men shot him in the
rebuild the south.
neck and he died.

Black Codes were The Freedman law

rules for blacks. was for all the The Congress sent
They couldnt blacks to leave in soldiers to the
travel, vote, and slavery and to south to obey the
work certain jobs protect the blacks. new laws.
in the south.

People that wanted to

13th amendment
rebuild the south (in
ended slavery. 14th
the south)were called
gave citizenship to People still didnt like
African American. 15th blacks being treated
Carpetbaggers came
amendment equally.
from the north to
guaranteed AA men
make money in the
the right to vote.
Freedom and Hardship
The African Americans were free
from slavery. But it wasnt easy
because they didnt have any
money to buy a house or food.

Farmers started to go broke so

they came up with a system called
Sharecropping. Sharecropping was
for blacks and farmers to make

There was a group of people that

didnt like blacks being free they
were called the Ku Klux Klan.
Another way to say it is the KKK.
The New Laws
Reconstruction was over and the
soldiers left the south. Now the
blacks didnt have protection.

Then the Jim Crow Laws were to

keep the Blacks separated from the

Booker T. Washington made the

Tuskegee Institute for blacks to be
educated. George Washington
Carver taught poor farmers how to
grow other crops.

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