CEO, DeO, DDEO Orientation On AEOs New Role

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Scope of orientation

Governments recruitment policy 2016 (Educators &

Role of AEOs- A Paradigm shift
CEOs/ DEOs/ DDEOs (Edu) role to support / supervise
Objectives of
To get districts officers (Edu) acquainted with
the charter of duties of AEOs in the new
To share with them their role as support agent
for AEOs working
To sensitize the district officers to mentor and
monitor the working of AEOs
AEOs application
Functions of AEOs
A. Mobile Administrators to manage Primary School
affairs in the assigned Marakaz.
B. He/she will be judged on the performance of
Marakaz schools.
Main Areas
1. Ensure Quality Education is being delivered (7 tasks)
2. Improve functionality of schools (10
3. Implement SED Initiatives (3
4. Maintain official record of schools (5
5. Empowerment (5
Notify Catchment AREAS of all the schools
To conduct Survey of Out Of School Children (OOSC) (0-9 years)
Maintain UPE Register of OOSC in each School
Allocation of Enrolment Targets to each School
Achievement of Enrolment School-wise Targets
Tagging of Karachi students
Maintain STR (1:40)
Ensure headcount of students
Ensure Zero Dropout Policy
Community Mobilization
Achieve 95-100% enrolment of OOSC in the Markaz
2. Student Homework
Ensure Timetable in each classroom
Ensure Education Calendar
Course Completion as per Education Calendar
Student Diary and Daily Homework
Students Notebooks of each subject
Checking/Correction of Homework on Daily Basis
100% Checking of Notebooks by Teacher
100% Checking of Notebooks by Head Teacher
05% Checking of Notebooks by AEO
3. Teaching, Mentoring and
Teach primary classes during school visits
Deliver model lessons of each subject in primary classes during school
Apart teacher training to the teachers in their classes/schools
4. Student Assessment
Assessment ENGLISH Medium
Item Development
Weekly Class Test
Monthly Class Test/LND Test
Three Monthly Examination
Six Monthly Examination/ Assessment
Nine Monthly Examination
Annual Examinations
Examination Register
Student Progress Report
Student Personal File
Appreciation to best Performer Student in Homework/Examination
Parent Teacher Meeting on Quarterly basis after each Examination
5. Learning Material
Ensure use of
Free Textbooks
Teacher Guides Provided by SED
Model Question Papers Provided by SED
6. Child Friendly Atmosphere
Provision of;
Writing Boards Markers Dusters
Energy Savers, Dustbins Water Coolers
Drinking Water Electricity Ceiling Fans
White Wash Charts Toilets
PlantationGrassy Plot Flowers
Student Furniture Teachers Furniture
Co-Curricular & Sports Activities Cleanliness
Maintenance of Classroom Boundary Wall
Establishment of ECE Classroom
Functioning of EXISTING Facilities
7. Financial Management and
School Property
Proper Collection of FTF and Maintain its Register and Bank Account
Maintain Non-Salary Budget (NSB) Register
Maintain Voucher File
Maintain School Council Meeting Register
Maintain Stock Register
Transfer of School Land on the name of SED
Maintain School Property Register
8. Teachers/Employees
Teachers Attendance
Hiring of Part Time Coach out of NSB
Hiring of Sweeper out of NSB
Maintain of Leave Account of Teachers / Employees
Terms and Conditions of Educators
Personal Files of Teachers/Employees
PERs of Teachers / Employees
Maintain Service Books of Teachers / Employees
9. Teacher Training
Ensure Teaching Diary
Lesson Planning
Preparation of Charts on Different Topics
Identification of Subject-Wise Weak Areas of Teachers
AEO will give MODEL LESSONS in each School & Class
Identification of Subject-Wise Best Performer Teachers / Lead coaches who
will impart In-Service Training to the Teachers in their Schools.
10. Civil Works
With the Coordination of SCHOOL COUNCIL to Construct Additional

Classroom(s), Boundary Wall, Toilet Block(s) from Community Financial

11. ECE
ECE Curriculum,
ECE Reading Material
With the Coordination of SCHOOL COUNCIL to Develop ECE
CLASSROOM from Community Financial Support / NSB / FTF and
Provide ECE Kit.
12. Policies/Rules/Acts
Empowerment of AEOs
NSB Instructional Manual
FTF Notification
School Council Policy, 2007
Revised Leave Rules, 1981
PEEDA Act, 2006
The Protection against Harassment of Women at workplace Act 2010
The Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2014
Net Enrolment Rate
Participation Rate
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-4)
13. School Visits
Tentative Monthly Tour Programme
Classroom Observation
AEO Checklist
Charge Sheet under PEEDA Act, 2006
AEOs 08 Weeks
Induction Training Plan
Training Plan
Step 1: Training for Lead Trainers
Timeline: March, 2017
Duration: 03 Weeks
Venue: DSD
Participants: 25 Lead Trainers
Training Plan
Step 2: Training for Trainers by 25 Lead
Timeline: April, 2017
Duration: 04 Weeks
Venue: DSD
Participants: 144 (faculty of GCETs)
Training Plan
Step 3: Training of 3,000 newly recruited AEOs
Venues and Timelines
Training will be conducted at 36 DTSCs:
Phase 1: 04 Weeks - May, 2017
Phase 2: 04 Weeks - August, 2017
Conduct of Training
2 to 4 classes at a time at DTSCs
Class size 30 to 40 AEOs
4 Master trainers per DTSC and Resource persons
Training will be conducted simultaneously in all
Training Areas
08 Weeks (48 days)
04 sessions (of 90 minutes each)
sessions / day
Total regular
sessions (04 192 sessions (and 01 additional
sessions x 48 sports session daily)
Sessions on
Sessions on Communication
Modules on skills,
AEOs Charter of Professional
Duties ethics, CPD, and
Computer skills
148 44
Tests; 3% Trainees Reflection; 1%

Lecture & Discussion; 24%

Group Work / Visits; 72%

Training Modalities

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