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Philip Emeagwali and

my culture
By:Jose Arcos
Dr. Philip Emeagwali

I did this report on Dr. Philip Emeagwali not only because he was a black male
like i am i chose him because he created the world's fastest computer!
His Life
Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who has been called the "Bill Gates of Africa," was born in
Nigeria in 1954.He is son of Agatha Iyanma Emeagwali and James Nnaemeka
Emeagwali. He Dropped out of school at 14 because his parents couldn't pay for
the schools fees so his father continued to teach him at home he taught
Emeagwali to perform mental exercises such as solving 100 math problems in one
hour. His Father taught him until Emeagwali knew more than he did. he grew up in
a country torn by the civil war, he lived in a torn up house crumpled by rocket
shells. He believed his intelligence could get him out of harm's way(out of fighting
in the war). So he studied hard and got a scholarship to Oregon State University
when he was 17 he got a Bachelor's degree in mathematics.
His life (Continued)
He Also Earned 3 other degrees a Ph.D in scientific computing, and 2 master's
degrees from George Washington University.Emeagwali saw how efficient the way
bees make honeycomb are and taught computers that copy this process could be
the most efficient and powerful of all the computers out there.Emeagwali used
65,000 processors inventing the world's fastest computer, which performs
computes at 3.1 billion calculations per second.Dr. Emeagwali also has won the
Gordon Bell Prize for computing! This is why I chose him for this project.His family

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