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Definition, Global Applications , Current Issues

Class Interactive

 What is the first thing that comes to your

mind when you hear the term Psycho-
(The picture below shows a scene from the movie “The Sixth Sense”)
Psycho-Spirituality Defined

The number of psychologists who develop their

interest in Psycho-spirituality is continuously
growing. Each one attempts to give his (own)
definition of the subject.

Psycho-Spirituality or Spiritual Psychology can

be considered as one of the newest,
emerging, and yet-to-be formalized branch
of Psychology.
Psycho-Spirituality Defined

 That would include one or more of the

following innovations: supplementing
spiritual content with psychological
teachings; interpreting or explaining the
spiritual through psychological concepts;
validating the spiritual through the alleged
science of psychology; integrating the
spiritual with psychology.
Psycho-Spirituality Defined

Bonnie Ross, a Psycho-spirituality expert in our

present time, has given the most number of
descriptions to Psycho-spirituality: 
 Awakening to true self
 Being fully present and in the moment
 Connection to divine energy (Universal White
Light), human energy (Chi), and earth energy
 An inner knowing/ inner guidance/ power
within/ intuition
Psycho-Spirituality Defined

 Living with authenticity and non-judgment

 Having gratitude and forgiveness
 Living in love and trust vs. fear and doubt
 Connection to spirit
 Awareness growth, moving to higher levels of
consciousness and transformation
 Accepting your shadow and light selves
 Having faith, trusting synchronicity and the
magic and mystery of life
Psycho-Spirituality Defined

 Living a more meaningful and abundant life

discovering your unique talents and gifts
 Feeling passion and inspiration
 Following your dreams and higher purpose
 Evolving at a soul level-nurturing
 Believing in Oneness and that we are all
 Knowing that our Divine Light Within is that
God or Spirit Light that lives within us all
Global Applications
Global Applications: A Case

Bonnie Ross was a prime example of a type “A”

personality as she made no time for
relaxation, spiritual practice, healthy diet and
exercise. She also did not practice setting
healthy emotional and energetic boundaries.
Unfortunately, she paid a big price for her
unhealthy lifestyle. She developed
fibromyalgia (a muscular-skeletal disorder
characterized by widespread pain and fatigue
Global Applications: A Case

in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons) low

grade depression and a sleeping disorder,
which took her 10 years to recover from.

Central to Bonnie’s healing process was making

herself a top priority in her life.

Part of that mission was learning how to:

Global Applications: A Case

 Breath
 Follow a nutritious diet
 Sleep without medication
 Practice meditation and yoga daily
 Live and passion and purpose
 Say no without the guilt
 Clear chakras and aura. Cut negative energy
Global Applications

The most important contribution of Psycho-

spirituality (Spiritual Psychology) is the
application of its principles to psychological
therapies known as “Psycho-spiritual Approaches
Psycho-spiritual Approach is a method that
includes aura balancing, guided imagery,
meditation, and philosophical discussion. It’s goal
is the integration of body, mind, and spirit, which
leads to personal mastery.
Global Applications

Psycho-spiritual Approach assumes that you

have within you the wisdom to heal and
grow. This approach integrates the mysteries
of the heart, mind, and soul; and explores
how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs affects
your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Some
of the techniques used include visualization,
inner focusing, accessing higher wisdom and
Global Applications

Psycho-spiritual Approach:
by Bonnie Ross
Global Applications

Bonnie Ross introduced the application of

Psycho-spiritual Approach on the following

 Survival with Positive Outlook

 Dark Night of the Soul
 Intuition Development
 Bereavement
Global Applications

Survival with Positive Outlook

Issue: Re-visiting painful memories over and
over makes us flooding with negative
thoughts that triggers stress hormones that
directly contribute to illnesses and diseases.
Approach: Brief acknowledgement of the
wounds to see the spiritual significance
behind them, then shift to more positive
ways of thinking.
Global Applications

Dark Night of the Soul

Issue: Extreme difficult life transitions can
trigger a state of crisis or what has been
called “dark night of the soul”.
Approach: Listen to the clients, validate the
experiences and assured clients that they are
not going insane.
Global Applications

Intuition Development
Issue: Each of us Has the innate ability to tap
into our intuition referred to as our sixth
sense, gut feeling, inner knowing, psychic
ability, etc.
Approach: Encourage development and trust
to intuition because of its substantial life-
enhancing capabilities.
Global Applications

Issue: The grieving process and the reality of
death can be frightening and overwhelming.
Approach: View death and dying as a natural
part of our life cycle and a life passage
undeserving of fear and trepidation.
Global Applications

A Tool For
Understanding and Treating
Mental Disorders
Global Applications

Psycho-spirituality is applied in understanding

and treating the following:

 Diagnosis, clinical work, and research

 Adjustment disorders
 Anxiety disorders
 Trauma
 Eating disorders
 Attention-deficit disorders
Global Applications

 Dissociative identity disorder

 Conduct disorders
 Bipolar disorder and psychotic disorders
 Depression
 Neuroplasticity
 Sexual relationships
 Alzheimer's disease
Global Applications

In Yoga
Global Applications

Benefits of Yoga fall under the following


 Psycho-spiritual: expanded worldview,

connection to a high power/ universe, faith (in
life/ reality), experience of oneness
Global Applications

 Cognitive/Emotional : access to emotion,

mood state, stress relief, coping skills,
motivation, acceptance, resilience
Global Applications

 Physiological: strength, flexibility, balance,

bone density, weight loss, heart rate
variability (HRV), circulation, oxygen
absorption efficiency
Global Applications

Clinical applications of Yoga include:

 Anxiety
 Depression
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Bipolar Disorder
 Substance recovery
 Schizophrenia
Global Applications

Clinical applications of Yoga include:

 Increase oxytosin and prolactin levels,

improving mood
 Reduces cortisol levels, reducing stress
 Balances the biochemistry of the brain
 Stimulates vagus nerve (to treat depression)
 Develops the ability to control one’s state of
Current Issues
Current Issues

There are definitely a whole lot of issues where

Psycho-spirituality plays a major role. The
presenters, however, decided to present
topics which they think have the most impact
to the society in a global scale.

 Psycho-spirituality and Children

 Psycho-spirituality and Addiction
Current Issues

Psycho-spirituality and Children.

All children have a spiritual life, even in the absence

of a religious framework.
Most pastoral care providers said that empathic
listening, praying with children and families,
touch or other silent communication, and
performing religious ritual were helpful in
addressing these concerns: anxiety, guilty, and
difficult coping.
Current Issues

Children in Pediatric Palliative Care deserves

the most generous amount of Psycho-
spiritual therapies.
Children also grieve.
Siblings, classmates, and peers also grieve.
A child’s hopes and dreams should never
Current Issues

Psycho-spirituality and Addiction

Psycho-spiritual Approach can be an effective

tool for addiction recovery. In this
technological age, addictions are growing in
a phenomenal rate. Also, various types of
addiction are emerging as technology
advances: cybersex, online games, social
networking, and online thief.
What is in it for me?

We, behaviorists and psychology front liners,

should be observant enough to notice and
intelligent enough to contribute to the
growth of Psycho-spirituality or Spiritual
Psychology, and be the primary movers in
utilizing it in addressing current and
emerging issues in societies and the world.
The Psychospiritual Approach. Posted by Paula Olufsen on January 5, 2010 at
3:12am. Ref:

Divine Light Within by Bonnie Ross

The Sixth Sense. By Hollywood Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment

The Psychospiritual Clinician's Handbook: Alternative Methods for

Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders Reviewed by Sandra L.
Kilpatrick, Ph.D. Ref:

Yoga for Mental Wellness. NYMHCA Convention 4.12.2008

Psychospirituality of Addiction by Kevin P. McClone, M. Div., Psy. D.

Thanks you so much for your attention!

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