Social Responsibility Presentation

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Sustainability and

Group Members
Group S12
Nikhil Sharma
Viplav Nigam
Karan Arora
Atul Sherawat
Ravi Trivedi
Varun Sharma
1. Introduction
2. Situation Analysis
3. Deliverables
- Deliverables Measurement
4. Execution
5. Assessment
- Test Analysis
- Feedback Analysis
6. Key Challenges Faced
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

1. For our SSR project, the NGO partner that we are working
Introducti with is Asha Deep Foundation. St. James Convent School for
the Underprivileged Children works under the aegis of the
on foundation. Asha Deep Foundation (ADF) has been working
for underprivileged and marginalized sections of the society
for more than three decades. It is presently working in
Delhi, UP, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Haryana and West
Bengal. The organization is successfully conducting various
programs targeted at their vision like
Youth Employability Program
Remedial Classes for Rag Pickers Community
Entrepreneurship Development Program
St. James Convent Pre-school and Middle School
for Underprivileged and minority community


To help people realize their
potentialities and create their own
destiny and make them
independent and self-reliant,
realizing their human dignity, self-
respect and freedom

-Vision of Ashadeep Foundation

Around 1000 children from pre-school IDENTIFIED ISSUES
2. Situation to the tenth standard are enrolled with The students were shy and found it
St James Convent School.
Analysis The biggest challenge that the
difficult to open up, they were reluctant to
share their views and we had to be very
teachers face during their interactions supportive in order to make them feel
with the students is the variance in comfortable
learning capabilities within a class. They lacked perspective as regards
The medium of instruction in school is career options due to a narrow outlook
Hindi, and the school promotes and lack of options around their
creativity amongst the students surroundings
throughout their learning curve. Students lacked sensitivity towards
Although the students were well versed environmental and cleanliness issues and
with their subjects, at times they were their lack of knowledge about necessary
found wanting when it came to social issues is majorly because of lack of
knowledge related to world events, exposure to sources of information
current affairs, environment related particularly the digital platforms
issues The importance of education and
knowledge needs to be stressed upon

Personality Development Sessions -We taught
them how to introduce themselves in under a minute.
In order to encourage participation for the same, we
3. conducted an elocution contest
Consumer Awareness Sessions We also made
s them aware about things that they are likely to
encounter in their daily lives For ex: Identifying
where the MRP of a product is written, the
expiry date of a product, insistence for a bill,
Environment Education Sessions- By the means
of videos, we educated them about the same and
taught them ways by which they can make a
difference. We taught them what habits they should
adopt and which are the ones they need to avoid for
their health and well-being
General Knowledge sessions- Our attempts were
focused around briefing students with the relevant
current affairs topics. We made the students aware of
the latest happenings that concern them by way of
presentations on: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Jan 6
Deliverables Measurement
Qualitative Measurement Quantitative Measurement
-Student interactions were On every subsequent visit, we will
follow up with students to gauge
gauged in the form of qualitative
how much they learnt from the
responses and their comments previous visit
were analyzed for further We will also conduct short length
improvement. tests regarding the concepts
taught to see how much the
students understood
From the students, we will solicit
reports as to how their experience
was to understand their
perspective of our work

Analys Follo
e w-up
Execution Date Actions Taken
1. 5th Nov 2016 First Visit to the school, inquired about the
2. 15th Nov Introduction with the teachers and faculty
3. 19th Nov Introduction with the students to know them
4. 3rd Dec First session on body language with 4th standard
5. 4th Jan Session with 5th standard students on introducing
2017 themselves
6. 7th Jan Session on meaning of Expiry Date and MRP
7. 31st Jan Short GK quiz and Session on common Issues in
2017 NCR like Smog
8. 4th Feb 2017 Session on Waste Management 8
We did a descriptive analysis of the test conducted to gauge
the understanding of concepts by the students. The central
tendency of the performance of the students in the tests
5. was observed:
Assessment Analysis of tests conducted:

1. On an average the Standard 5th

Students scored 58% marks whereas
the Standard 4th students scored 52%
marks in the post teaching session
tests conducted to analyze the impact
and retention of content

2. However, the median marks

analyzed for the tests were 60% for
both the standards, thus the marks
obtained data is left skewed (Median >
Mean) which means the mass 16%
22% 28% 28% 6% Percentage
Distribution of Students by Marks
scored 0 marks 1 marks 2 marks 3
marks 4 marks 5 marks of the
distribution is majorly concentrated on
the right hand side of the figure. Which
means students scoring below the
average are lesser 9
Analysis of Feedback forms (Survey Forms)
Assessment We measured the responses of students on Likert Scale
from 0 to 5 for mentioned questions. Then we divided the
scale on three scenarios of:
Disagree: 1-2 Neutral: 3
Agree: 4-5

Our findings are tabulated below

Reaching the venue was a little bit of a challenge as roads leading up
to the school
were in a bad shape. Also, since there were several intertwining streets,
6- very often we found it difficult to find our way through
At the school, the medium of instruction was Hindi. At times, it was a
Challenges little difficult for us to convey our thoughts in Hindi
The class had variations in terms of learning abilities. If some
students could not pick
up a concept, we put in additional efforts to explain it. However, the other
who understood it, felt a little restless to make a move on. Thus,
satisfying every
students needs as per their learning ability was a challenge
On Saturdays, when our visits were scheduled, the school had a half
Consequentially, time management proved to be a little bit of challenge as
we had to
cover several concepts in a shorter span
The students did not have too much background knowledge about
certain concepts
that we taught. Thus, it took us more effort to explain those concepts


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