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First Days

Grade 9 P
hysical Ed
Classroom Structure
0 Every class students are to:
0 Be on time
0 Change into phys. ed. attire
0 Sit in squads for attendance and instructions
0 Actively participate in all activities
0 Have a positive attitude and be sportsmanlike
0 Listen attentively to instructions and ask
questions for clarification
0 Implement learned skills into game play portion
0 Students are expected to show up in proper phys.
ed. Clothing (running shoes, phys. ed. T-shirt, and
athletic shorts/ pants)
0 Should be changed and sitting in assigned squads
no more than 5 minutes after the bell
0 Stop what they are doing on the whistle and wait
for further instructions
0 No getting sports equipment unless instructed
0 All equipment must be put away before anyone
leaves at the end of class (10 minutes before the
Learning Goals
0 Demonstrate thorough knowledge and
understanding of content
0 Transfer knowledge and skills to new contexts
with a high degree of effectiveness
0 Participate actively and regularly
0 Demonstrate responsibility for safety of
themselves and those around them
Behaviour Training
0 If a student arrives without proper gym attire
they are to ask to borrow clothing and shoes
0 Cell phones should not be brought to class
0 Students are expected to stop on the whistle,
and stay quiet and not fidget with equipment
to listen for instructions
0 Students are to raise hand to ask questions
during explanation
0 Only respect and positive attitudes are
tolerated in the gym
Cognitive Practices
0 Wait time is use after the whistle is blown or
a question in posed to allow for students to
settle down or think
0 Observation skills are used when drills or
activities are being demonstrated
0 Skills and drills will have progressions to
provide challenges for students
0 Day 1:
0 Go over routines
0 Set up squads
0 Go over rubric and learning goals of what is
0 Hand out uniforms and discuss attire
0 Name games
0 Day 2:
0 Ensure routines are followed and make any
corrections needed to behaviours
0 Trust and team building activities both engage
students but also build an environment where
the students feel comfortable and the students
also get to know one another

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