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Raindrop is single droplet of rainwater is falling from the sky.

Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world. It is
also providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. In addition, rain
water is also for for hydroelectric power as well as plants and crop
irrigation. Rain provides us life. However, how does rain happen?

The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the

water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and
causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor then rises into
the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and
condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and
fall to the earth.When the doprelts fall to the earth, it is called rain. The
rain can be in the form of water or snow. However, not all rain reaches the
surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga,
a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
Rain is also known or suspected on other planets, where it may be
composed of methane, neon, sulfuric acid, or even iron rather than water .
" Its orbit is passing very close to Earth's orbit , so it has been seen as a dangerous object for
many years , " Paul Chodas , manager of NASA 's near-Earth object research center , told . " Now , we know the orbit is very good, good enough to say that we are safe from
the impact for thousands of years . "
Astronomer Jim Scotti of the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory remember
to observe the comet Swift - Tuttle in 1992 ( between late November and early December )
through 36 - inch telescope on Kitt Peak Spacewatch lab .
" It was fun to observe a comet , " said Scotti . " Hard to believe it was that long
now .
And the dust and debris, which create the Perseid meteor shower because they burn in the
Earth's atmosphere, traveling quickly, too - about 37 miles (59 km) per second. And although
only a comet passing the Earth every 133 years, the meteor shower occurs every year when
the Earth moves through its orbit trail.
"The debris came more quickly than many other comets because it is a very elongated orbit ...
so as to make the show a little more spectacular because of the speed," said Chodas.
For viewers in the northern hemisphere, the Perseids meteor shower is one of the best this
year - and NASA have called it a "champion fireball" of the annual meteor showers for a
record-breaking number of extra-bright meteor, called a fireball. They fireball visible even in
light polluted areas such as city (still, there are many more faint meteors that can only be seen
if you go to a dark area).
This year, the summit will be more spectacular than usual, reaching 200 meteors per hour,
due to the effect of Jupiter gravityon debris trail. That increased meteor, called blasts, irregular
- researchers are only able to predict their time since the late 1990s, NASA meteor expert
What is Dust ?
On Earth, dust forms when rocks are broken down into sand and smaller particles.
These particles, called mineral dust, can be blown by the wind and suspended in the

Dust Fact Desert dust contains common

crustal minerals, such as silica, calcium carbonate, and
iron oxides.

Sources of Dust
The deserts on Earth are huge sources of dust, with the Sahara
and Gobi Deserts as the main sources.
Desert dust is one of many types of tiny particles found in our
atmosphere called aerosols .
Meteor is the appearance of lines meteoroids fall into Earth's atmosphere,
commonly referred to as a shooting star. There appears to be caused by
the heat generated by the ram pressure (not by friction, as the general
perception before this) when the meteoroid enters the atmosphere. Meteor
is very bright, brighter than the planet Venus appearance, can be called a

If a meteoroid does not burn out on his journey in the atmosphere and
reach the Earth's surface, the resulting object is called a meteorite. Meteor
hit the Earth or other objects can form impact crater.
A comet is an icy small solar system body that, when passing close to the sun,
heats up and begins to out gas, displaying a visible atmosphere or coma and
sometimes also a tail.

There are two kinds of comets depending on their orbit. The two classes are
short period comets and long period ones. The orbits of the comets are
eccentric, the more eccentric an orbit is, the more elliptic it is. The short period
comets lye closer to the plane of the planets and the period in which they orbit
the sun is about 200 years, in average. They only travel as far out as Jupiter. The
origin of the short period comets seems to be the Kuiper belt, which is a disk of
small bodies beyond Neptune. They were brugoth closer to the sun by the
gravity of Jupiter, they are also called KBOs (Kuiper Belt Objects).
Names of comets

1.Halley Comet
2.Encke comet
3.Brooks comet
4.Elenin comet
5.Lulin comet
6.Hartley comet

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