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Assistive Technology

Robbinsdale ACCESS!
Unlocking student potential

Special Education Advisory Council

ACCESS! Team Members
Suzanne Burg
Anne Grui
Rachel Hemke
Allison McKay
Marti Voight
Assistive Technology Definition
Assistive technology is defined as both a
device and a service. As outlined in IDEA 97

Assistive Technology Device

The term assistive technology device means any
item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether
acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or
customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve functional capabilities of a child with a
disability. (34 C.F.R. 300.5)
Assistive Technology Definition
Assistive Technology Service
The term assistive technology service means any service that
directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition,
or use of an assistive technology device. This term includes:
(A) the evaluation of the needs of such child, including a
functional evaluation of the child in the child's customary
(B) purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the
acquisition of assistive technology devices by such child;
(C) selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting,
applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing of assistive
technology devices;
Assistive Technology Definition
(D) coordinating and using other therapies, interventions,
or services with assistive technology devices, such as those
associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and
(E) training or technical assistance for such child, or, where
appropriate, the family of such child; and
(F) training or technical assistance for professionals
(including individuals providing education and rehabilitation
services), employers, or other individuals who provide services
to, employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major
life functions of such child. (34 C.F.R. 300.6)
Assistive Technology Includes
Low End Technology
Assistive Technology Includes
High End Technology
Stand Alone Software
Software that is installed on a computer for a user to
access on a single computer.

Word Prediction


Word Q
Stand Alone Software
Software that is installed on a computer for a user to access on
a single computer.

Graphic Organization Software


Stand Alone Software
Software that provides scanning, image processing, and
text-to-speech with communication and productivity
Web Based Apps and Extensions
Read and Write for Google provides word prediction,
speech to text, text to speech, voice notes, and
highlighting functions.
Web Based Apps and Extensions
Text to Speech Apps and Extensions
Read and Write for Google
Select and Speak Text to Speech
Snap and Speak

Speech to Text
Read and Write for Google
Voice Typing
Web Based Apps and Extensions

Timers and Stopwatches

Chrome Based Apps and
Google Keep

Google Calendar
Assistive Technology Teams
Minnesota Department of Education
Assistive Technology Teams Project
Year 1: Focus on Consideration of Assistive Technology

Reviewed selection of district IEPs and rated the consideration

of AT using the Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology (QIAT)
as standardized tool
Created a plan to better organize the adaptations section of IEP
Created training materials to ensure that student needs for AT
were in present levels, goals and objectives, and adaptations
Provided individualized instruction for staff needing support in
this area
Minnesota Department of Education
Assistive Technology Teams Project
Year 1: Focus on Consideration of Assistive Technology

Created a list of tools that could be considered AT

Started exploring new ways to share information and provide
trainings for staff; possibly utilizing Schoology to house
Created an Assistive Technology Consideration Guide to help
staff determine if they have appropriately considered AT in the
Assistive Technology Consideration
Minnesota Department of Education
Assistive Technology Teams Project
Year 2: Focus on Professional Development Related to
Selection, Acquisition, Training, and Knowledge of
Assistive Technology

The assistive technology team became formally

known as the ACCESS! Team
Developed Schoology site to house and share
Created district-wide ACCESS! Newsletter that is sent
out semi-monthly to special education staff

Minnesota Department of Education
Assistive Technology Teams Project
Year 2: Focus on Professional Development Related to
Selection, Acquisition, Training, and Knowledge of
Assistive Technology Continued

Created Request for Assistance form and designed the

process for requesting AT and gaining AT support
Shared the Special Education Technology Request form
Conducted several surveys and provided individualized
training based on needs identified
Made TechTalk Newsletters available
Minnesota Department of Education
Assistive Technology Teams Project
Year 2: Focus on Professional Development Related to
Selection, Acquisition, Training, and Knowledge of Assistive
Technology Continued

Created inventory system for all AT

Created ACCESS! Kits for center-based classrooms so they
have equal opportunities for AT experience
Expanded knowledge of Google Chrome apps and extensions
Attend and share information from AT Community of Practice
at Metro ECSU
ACCESS! Schoology Page
ACCESS! Newsletter
ACCESS! Request for Assistance
ACCESS! Assistive Technology
Support Process
Special Education Technology
Assistive Technology Inventory
ACCESS! Tool Kits
The ACCESS! Team is currently in the process of inventorying all
assistive technology throughout the district.

The team is building assistive technology kits for center based

classrooms that provide a standard set of materials for each
center based classroom.

The team is redistributing and repurposing items found during

the inventory.
Cornell Notes Available as
Google Doc
ACCESS! Team 2016-17
Begin to build a training video library
Create student tutorial folders for staff that contains specific
information related to things like positioning, mount set up,
device training information, and etc.
Work with the continuing education department to create
online learning opportunities that would allow staff to receive
credit for the training they receive in assistive technology.
Continue to explore Apps and Extensions to provide access to
the curriculum for our students.
Continue to publish the ACCESS! newsletter
Time for questions.
Thank you for your invitation
and time.

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