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Risky Business:

Living History Events in

Traditional Museums

Elizabeth Sulock Kirsten Hammerstrom

Manager of Public Outreach & Director of Collections, RIHS
Living History, NHS
Event Overviews
Stamp Act Riot What Cheer Day

Recreates a specific event in

Brings to life a typical day in
Newport history in the
the Brown family
place where it happened
Immersive Living History Performances

Stamp Act Protest
Newport, RI: August 23, 2014
Organized by the Newport Historical Society
Stamp Act Protest

Washington Square, Newport, RI: August 23, 2014

Organized by the Newport Historical Society
Stamp Act Protest

Washington Square, Newport, RI: August 23, 2014

Organized by the Newport Historical Society
What Cheer Day
John Brown House Museum, Providence, RI:
October 24, 2014
Organized by the Rhode Island Historical Society
What Cheer Day

Used RIHS Faith &

Freedom theme as a driver

Also inspired by the Occupy

Alice Browns pre-marriage
pregnancy and family
opposition to her suitor,
James Brown Mason

Slavery and the slave trade

What Cheer Day
John Brown House Museum, Providence, RI:
October 24, 2014
Organized by the Rhode Island Historical Society
Provided materials to read
Training Session/ Orientation
Offered a schedule of the days events
Minimal script for people to memorize
What Cheer Day Background Information
What Cheer Day Schedule
Event Successes

Happy interpreters: reenergized interest in

programming focusing on civilian/daily life
Refocused staff on research and shifted long-term
interpretive goals
Both organizations are eager to offer more
new/innovative programming and take more risks
Helped to initiate our latest partnership, History Space
Stamp Act Successes

Social media buzz

Media coverage
Expanded organizations professional
Attracted new audiences
Extended life on web through social
media photos & YouTube videos
What Cheer Day: Expanded Visitor Reach
An Occupied Room
What Cheer Day

Non-linear ,
simultaneous action
Event Successes

Has inspired partner

organizations to try this

Images courtesy Newport Restoration Foundation.

Common Concerns

African American history challenging to represent

Some interpretation aspects are works-in-progress
Covering event expenses: is it worth it?
Stamp Act What Cheer Day
Public space: can visitors
& interpreters suspend
disbelief? Messing up the house
Uncertain about public No guided tours; unclear
reaction docent role
Staging a protest and Unscripted, eventless
hanging an effigy in the day
wake of Ferguson Event w/o John Brown
Stamp Act Concerns

Stamp Act Protest: The modern location creates safety concerns.

Stamp Act Concerns

Stamp Act Protest: Attempting to interpret something that has not been done
in our area. Sparked concern for how the public would react.
What Cheer Day Risks & Concerns

Interpretation or Instruction?
What Cheer Day

Risky Living
Common Risks
How authentic Going
can we safely be? Forward
Will interpreters be interested again?
Do interpreters work well together?
Is another day of occupation interesting?
Are staff beyond event organizers engaged?
For other organizations: how do you build relationships
with interpreters/re-enactors you can trust?
History Space Workshops
Professional development for
public history practitioners.
Guides new and experienced
interpreters in building appropriate
period wardrobes
Secondary benefit: Interpreters gain
familiarity with each other and
establish better interactions.
Helps expand interpretive and
improvisational skills
Use our collections to build
personasboth library resources
and textiles
History Space Talks

Free talks create a better

audience-- authors, teachers, kids
Material culture knowledge
creates better consumers of
history, museums and living
Expands our mission and reach

"An educated consumer

is our best customer."
--Sy Syms
Take Risks
Recommended Museum Risks
Be Specific
Use your locations as inspiration for
your interpretation and events
Trust Your Interpreters
But youll need good ones
Think Beyond Happy History
Interpret events not usually
Recommended Interpreter Risks
Be Plain, Dirty or
History wasnt all
Be a Bad Guy!
They can be fun
Try a Risky Character
Not everyone was nice

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