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What is an adipocyte?
also called adipose cell or fat cell

Cell that work together and form adipose tissue

there are two types:

- white adipocyte (unilocular)

- brown adipocyte (multilocular)

different functions depend on type

specialized in the synthesis and storage of fat.

There are two types of
Adipose cell
White adipose cell
amount varies on personal factors

Composed of organelles:



Lipid vacuole

Few mitochondria

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Golgi body
White adipose Tissue
most common

fat that many of us complain of

having it.

Each cell in tissue is connected

to a capillary to support
White adipose Tissue
Function as:
Fat & energy storage

Heat insulation

Body protection
Brown Adipose Cell
compose of several small lipid and mitochondria

Brown many mitochondria

mostly found between the shoulder plates, important organs (heart,

brain, spinal cord, kidney).

Composed of organelles:

Many mitochondria

Many small lipid vacuole


Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)


Golgi body
Brown adipose tissue
known as good fat

Important heat source.

Function as:
It works when our body temperature

used for burning calories to make heat for

our body.
Where is it
located ?
Locations in the human body
scattered in most parts of the body.
under the skin
Example locations of adipose tissue:
deep Inside the skin

around the heart

around the kidneys

around the bone joints

inside the eye

Locations in the human body
How does it differ from general
- Mostly consists of only mitochondria and lipid vacuole

- Dont have much function (Stored and use the Fat)

- Vacuoles in the white fat cell mostly contains fat but in general animal cells, they are contain
food nutrients and waste
Vacuoles in the white fat cell mostly contains
fat but in general animal cells, they are
contain food nutrients and waste
There are more mitochondria in
brown adipose cell than general
animal cells
Vacuoles take place most part of the space
in white fat cell and the organelles are
forced to touching the plasma membrane
in one side
White adipose cell Brown adipose cell
- Ring-like shape. - Round shape cell.

- Large lipid droplet takes up most area of - Small lipid droplets scattered inside the cell
the cell.
- Nucleus near the middle of the cell.
- Nucleus is pushed to the side of the cell.
How does it
keep us alive
needed of the body for both
internal work and physical
It helps create energy and maintain temperature for
the body
Fat reserve providing energy to the body when
carbohydrates are not available
- also known as sick fat

- comes from extra accumulation of visceral fat

- is the cause of many other diseases:

- Type 2 diabetes

- Obesity

- Heart disease
Peeke, P. (2014, April 24). Whats the difference between white fat and brown fat? Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

Adipose tissue. Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

Instructor, & Holloway, L. (2003). Adipose tissue: Function, location & definition - video & lesson transcript Retrieved from

Adipose tissue. (2016, October 15). Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

-HULL, D., Paediatric, & InfirmaryOxford, R. (1966). THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE. British Medical Bulletin, 22(1), 9296.

Brown vs white adipocytes: The PPAR coregulator story

Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

adipose tissue. Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

Endurance Sports Nutrition: The Body's Fuel retrieved February 7, 2917, form

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