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ology will
let us build
that are
We'll have
power in
the volume
of a sugar
cube than
What is Nanote
A basic definition:
Nanotechnology is
the engineering of
functional systems
at the molecular
A more generalized description
defines nanotechnology as the
manipulation of matter with at least
one dimension sized from 1 to 100
Its hard to imagine just how small
nanotechnology is. One
nanometer is a billionth of a
meter. If we try to relate with this
size then:

There are 25,400,000 nanometers

in an inch

A sheet of newspaper is about

100,000 nanometers thick
From where
this idea came?
The foundation of nanotechnology
was laid in 1959 by renowned
physicist Richard Feynman in his talk
There's Plenty of Room at the
Bottom, in which he described the
possibility of synthesis via direct
manipulation of atoms. The term
"nano-technology" was first used by
Norio Taniguchi in 1974
Researchers and technology
approaching the field of
nanotechnology from three
directions viz:

In physics, the field of
microelectronics is moving towards
smaller feature sizes and is
already at submicron line widths.
Processors in computing systems
will need nanometer line widths in
the future as miniaturisation
In chemistry, improved knowledge of
complex systems had led to new
membrane, sensor and coating
technologies which rely on the
ability to tailor
structures at atomic and molecular
In biology, living systems have sub-
units with sizes between micron and
nanometer scales and these can be
combined with non-living
materials to create new devices
NANOtechnology for
Space exploration
When it comes
to taking the
next "giant
leap" in space
thinking small
-- really small.
could lead to robots
you can hold on
your fingertip, self-
healing spacesuits,
space elevators and
other fantastic
nanotechnology is making much more
lightweight, flexible spacesuits
possible. These triple-layered suits
make longer outings into space more
Cost-Effective Sp
It costs about $10,000 per pound to
lift anything into Earths orbit, and
$100,000 per pound to carry anything
when distant planets are the
Some of the best-known applications
of nanotechnology in space are those
that deal with this issue. Using
materials constructed with carbon
nanotubes can reduce the weight of
space vehicles significantly while
maintaining or even increasing
structural integrity.
Radiation Shie
Radiation shielding is required not
only for the vehicle at large to
protect the structure and the
astronauts, but also for protection of
the onboard electronics.
Electronic devices are more tolerant
of radiation at smaller scales;
quantum dot devices, for example,
can tolerate hundreds of times more
radiation than their macroscale
counterparts can.
Other applications o
With nanotechnology it is possible to
tailor the essential structures of
materials at the nanoscale to achieve
specific properties.
Using nanotechnology, materials
can effectively be made to be
stronger, lighter, more durable,
more reactive, more sieve-like, or
better electrical conductors, among
many other traits.

In daily life:
Nanoscale additives in
polymer composite
materials for baseball bats,
tennis rackets, motorcycle
helmets, automobile
bumpers, luggage, and
power tool housings can
make them simultaneously
lightweight, stiff, durable,
and resilient.

In electronics and
Displays for many new TVs,
laptop computers, cell
phones, digital cameras,
and other devices
incorporate nanostructured
polymer films known as
organic light-emitting
diodes (OLEDs).
OLED screens offer
brighter images in a
flat format, as well
as wider viewing
angles, lighter
weight, better
picture density,
lower power
consumption, and
longer lifetimes.

In sustainable e
Nanostructured solar cells
already are cheaper to
manufacture and easier to
install, since they can use
print-like manufacturing
processes and can be
made in flexible rolls
rather than discrete

In medical and heal
Research is underway to
use nanotechnology to
spur the growth of nerve
cells, e.g., in damaged
spinal cord or brain cells.
In one method, a
nanostuctured gel fills the
space between existing
cells and encourages new
cells to grow.
Future with
Scientific progress
has been faster than
expected and

nanotechnology is
making a real
impact, particularly
in energy conversion
and storage.

nanotechnology will cure cancer.

Nanotechnology will allow us to make
body armor that is a hundred times
stronger than steel but light as a feather.

Water Purification:
Nanoparticles can be used to convert the
contaminating chemical through a
chemical reaction to make it harmless.
Nanotechnology has
increased risk to the
health. nanoparticles
due to there their
small size can cause
inhalation problem
and many other fatal
Nanotechnology has raised the
standard of living but at the same
time, it has increased the pollution,
which includes water pollution, air
pollution. The pollution caused by
nanotechnology is known as nano
pollution. This kind of pollution is
very dangerous for living organisms.
For your Time!

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