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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges

forms and conventions of media products.






In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges
forms and conventions of media products.


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
How I followed codes and conventions.

I followed codes and conventions by using a medium

shot with a direct mode of address as my main image.
This will attract my target audience as the direct
mode of address make the magazine more personal
and intimate. The artist on the cover is also around
the age of my target audience which would attract
them as they would see the artist as someone they
could relate to and connect to therefore theyd be
more inclined to read and learn about them.
I kept a consistent colour scheme of red, white and
black which is typical of indie magazines.
Another way I kept codes and conventions was by
placing the masthead in the top right corner and the
cover lines around the main image. This will make the
audience comfortable and as its the first issue of my
magazine I have establish it in a certain genre and my
target audience will more likely gravitate towards
something familiar.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
How I challenged codes and conventions.

I challenged codes and conventions by not placing my

main image right in the middle of the cover and putting
it more on the right side of the cover. This however
works with my magazine because if it was in the middle
it wouldn't fit in properly with my main cover line and
masthead. My masthead doesn't cover all of the top of
the cover but only the left corner. I did this instead of
making it go across the whole page to fit in my tagline
on the top.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
What I changed from my drawn drafts

From my drawn drafts I

kept the original colour
scheme and most of the
same layout.
I changed the main cover
line to make it shorter
which makes it more
appealing and easier to
I moved some of the
cover lines from the left
to the right to cover up
white space.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges
forms and conventions of media products.



In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges
forms and conventions of media products.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of media products.
How I followed codes and conventions.

I followed codes and conventions by keeping my

contents page in columns. This ensures that the
page isorganised and easy to read. I also put my
masthead onto my contents page to keep the
branding and I alsokeep with the colour scheme of
thefront cover to give the audience senseof
familiarity. Q magazine doesthe some. I also put
the date on the top like Q. Another way I followed
codes and conventions was by adding secondary
images. These are all of artists which are around
the age of my target audience and most of them
are female. This targets my audience as theyll be
people that they can relate to and might want to
read about.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
How I challenged codes and conventions.

I followed codes and conventions for most

of my magazine except from where two my
images do not have direct mode of
address. I decided to do this to give my
magazine more variety.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
What I changed from my drawn drafts.

The main change to my drawn

drafts was the placement of my
main image. I decided to move
it more towards the centre so
its more the focus of the page
compared to the drawn draft.
I decided to get rid of the
Highlight column and spread
out the page numbers and also
add the Contact us section.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges forms
and conventions of media products.

Stand first

Main image


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges forms
and conventions of media products.


pull quote
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of media products.
How I followed codes and conventions.

I followed codes and conventions by having the headline be massive and

go across the whole page. This attracts my target audience as it keeps
the same font and colour scheme which is familiar to the rest of the
magazine. It is also followed by a standfirst and the byline which both
follow codes and conventions. They give more information about the
article and summarise it in an easy way so my target audience will know
what they are going to read. I also have a pull quote by my image which
stands out in contrast to the image that its by. It also doesnt give away
much which I used it to intrigue my audience.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of media products.
How I challenged codes and conventions.

I challenged codes and conventions by only having one image on the

double page spread and no secondary images. I did this as my main
image takes up more than just one page and have the article wrap around
the one main image. In this image I am also using a direct mode of
address to keep the audiences attention and to make the article seem
more personal and more like a conversation which works with the fact
that my article is free flowing.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of media products.
What I changed from my drawn drafts.

I changed most of my double page spread. This was because my article

was longer than I expected and decided to just have one main image
with the text wrapped around it rather than just making it go on one
page and have the article on another. I also made the headline shorter
which makes it more eye catching and simple.

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