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The Differentiated

Central Menu
Alma Hernandez-Fryer
Differentiation Model

High Quality Curriculum

Continual Assessment
Respectful Task
Building Community
Flexible Grouping
Teaching Up.

Institute on Academic Diversity (2016).

The components from the
differentiated Model need to
be in place in order to have a
successful differentiated
The Institute on Academic
Diversity( 2016), indicates
that high quality planning
needs to occur in order for
students to understand their
goal at the end of an
The model for differentiated
instruction aligns with the
classroom reading
assignments which indicated
how to begin to create a
Differentiated Model

learning environment where

students can complete their
task and self monitor during
an activity.
Flexible groupings can occur
when students understand
the routines and all students
understand their importance
within a differentiated
Differentiation Instruction

The podcast How to and Why to Do DI?

Focuses in an interview with Tomlison and Boubet made by Sean Slade

identify how to differentiate a classroom.
The interview provides information how teachers gather evidence of
students understanding by providing constant assessments.
Assessments can be 2 questions and the data can help a teacher
determine if Differentiation is needed for a student, small group or
whole class.

(Scharberg, 2015)
Tomlinson, C. A., & Doubet,
K. (2015, February 5).
How do I begin to Differentiate?

Teachers can begin to differentiate by determining first the readiness

level of students.
The data gathered in assessments can help the teacher create groups
based on readiness level.
Determine the students learning style so that differentiation can occur
based on content, process, and product.
The interview from Tomlinson, C. A., & Doubet, K. (2015, February 5)
synthesis the chapters from our homework because they focus on how
to differentiate, why its important to differentiate, and how a
differentiated classroom can help students grow academically regardless
of their reediness level.
Differentiated Instruction

Institute on Academic Diversity . (2016).

Differentiated instruction in
Elementary School.
During the video the interviewee indicates that Differentiated Instruction
does not need to occur all the time.
The classroom will be arranged based on readiness and all the task for
the students will be different. Even after the task are different the
students will still learn the same objective.
One of the goals for differentiated classroom is to ensure that students
know routines.

Institute on Academic Diversity .

Managing a Differentiated Classroom.

The videos on differentiating at the elementary level on the Institute on

Academic Diversity (2016) are aligned with Tomlinson(2001) Strategies
for Managing a Differentiated Classroom.
Managing routines need to be taught before a differentiated classroom
can occur.
In the reading assignment and classroom discussion we discussed how
to students' needed to learn how to manage behavior and accountability
for their learning (Tomlinson, 2001).
Tomlinson(2001) provided 17 strategies to ensure teachers could create
a learning environment where students could learn independently and
know the procedures to receive help.
Key Concepts

The video, interview file, website, and document I chose was because
they all focused on the importance of a differentiated classroom.
Tomlinson continues to reinforce the importance of having a DI
throughout the website and how students learn up based on their
readiness level.
Differentiated classroom can occur once a teacher begins to understand
the strengths and weakness of the students. Assessing students is
important to determine how effective the lessons were for the students.
The continuous assessment will help determine if the student needs
help independently, small group or the whole group instruction.
All task and assignments do not have to be differentiated in a classroom.
Institute on Academic Diversity . (2016.). Retrieved 03 4, 2017,
from Differentiation Central :
Scharberg, K. (2015, February 5). ASCD in Service . Retrieved March 6, 2017, from
Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 07458: Pearson.
Tomlinson, C. A., & Doubet, K. (2015, February 5). Differentiated Instruction Works: How and
Why to Do DI. (S. Slade, Interviewer) Retreived from

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