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Futures of health IT:

Vignettes from the

Regenstrief Institute

Titus Schleyer, DMD, PhD, FACMI

Shaun Grannis, MD, MS, FACMI
The vignettes

Addressing infant mortality

Identifying (maternal) smoking status in
electronic health records
Monitoring and addressing obesity trends
Combating opioid/prescription drug abuse
with data analytics
Integrating data across health IT systems:
Patient-facing medication reconciliation
National health outcomes:
A reflection of our local
Inefficient Care
Suboptimal Outcomes

Identify and Act

Healthy Life Expectancy versus
Expenditure per capita

Infant mortality versus
expenditure per capita


Distribution of patients stratified by the total number of ED visits. Note that six
patients visited the ED more than 300 times and a single patient accumulated
385 visits for the 3-year study period.
Newborn screening: The
Not all infants are appropriately screened
for harmful or potentially fatal disorders
that are otherwise unapparent at birth.
Although PH can link vital records data with
newborn screening results to identify
unscreened infants, such processes may be
delayed and some cases may remain
undetected by this process .
Newborn screening
97,960 un-linked
NBS records

102 un-linked
HIE records
2,243 linked
HIE records

HIE Data (2,345 records)

NBS Lab Data (100,203 records)
Grannis S, Biondich P, Downs S, Shelley M, Anand V, Egg J. Leveraging Open-Source
Matching Tools and Health Information Exchange to Improve Newborn Screening Follow-
up. Public Health Information Network Annu Symp Proc. Atlanta, GA; 2008.
Test present?


Clinical Reminders
Maternal smoking among
Approximately 17 percent (16.5%) of
pregnant women in Indiana smoke.
This is nearly twice the national
average (9.1%), making Indiana one
of the highest among all US states.

Indiana State Department of Health. Smoking and Indiana Women. Available at tpc/files/Smoking_and_IN_Women_Aug_2014.pdf. Accessed
March 8, 2017.
Cost of maternal smoking:
Health impact
Maternal smoking is associated with
increased risk for:
preterm birth
low birth weight
birth defects
sudden infant death
increased risk for children smoking as
increased risk for NICU admission
Adams EK, Miller VP, Ernst C, Nishimura BK, Melvin C, Merritt R. Neonatal health care costs
related to smoking during pregnancy. Health Econ. 2002 Apr 11(3):193-206.
Ncube CN, Mueller BA. Daughters of Mothers Who Smoke: A Population-based Cohort Study
of Maternal Prenatal Tobacco use and Subsequent Prenatal Smoking in Offspring. Paediatr
Perinat Epidemiol. 2017 Jan;31(1):14-20.
Cost of maternal smoking:
Indiana economic impact

Total cost: ~$3.3B

Healthcare cost: ~$1.8B
Lost productivity: ~$300M
Lost productivity due to mortality:
Max W, Sung HY, Shi Y, Stark B. The Cost of Smoking in California.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 May;18(5):1222-9. Population-adjusted results
for Indiana.
Identify and assist maternal
Implement machine learning
methods to identify woman at risk
for smoking during pregnancy
Enroll those at risk in cessation
support programs
Cost of obesity: Economic
$190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical
spending in the United States.1
Childhood obesity accounts for $14 billion in direct
medical costs.
Obesity-related medical costs are expected to rise
significantly, because todays obese children are
likely to become tomorrows obese adults.2,3
If obesity rates were to sudden;y stabilize, the
projected savings for medical expenditures would
be $549.5 billion over the next two decades.4
1. Cawley J, Meyerhoefer C. The medical care costs of obesity: an instrumental variables approach.
Journal of Health Economics. 31(1):219-230. 2012.
2. Marder W and Chang S. Childhood Obesity: Costs, Treatment Patterns, Disparities in Care, and
Prevalent Medical Conditions. Thomson Medstat Research Brief, 2006. (accessed May 2009).
3. Wang LY, Chyen D, Lee S, et al. "The Association Between Body Mass Index in Adolescence and
Obesity in Adulthood." Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(5): 512518, 2008.
4 Finkelstein et al. Obesity and Severe Obesity Forecasts Through 2030: Am J Prev Med 2012;
42(6): 563-570.
Identify patients at risk for
Treating obesity is challenging.
Can we predict and prevent?

Dugan TM, Mukhopadhyay S, Carroll A, Downs S. Machine Learning Techniques for

Prediction of Early Childhood Obesity. Appl Clin Inform. 2015 Aug 12;6(3):506-20.
Combatting opioid/prescription drug abuse
with data analytics

The US is suffering from an unprecedented

prescription drug/opioid abuse epidemic.
drug overdose (OD) death rates x5 since 1980
OD deaths > motor vehicle deaths since 2009
2011: 1.4m ED visits due to drug mis-/abuse
2015: 595 OD deaths
2014: 2,822 people visited ED for OD
Indiana Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
2016: Indiana Commission to Combat Drug Abuse

Proprietary and Confidential |

Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 17
Drug abuse is a multifaceted problem
without an easy solution.
One significant challenge: Information
that is:
fragmented (healthcare system, social
services, police, etc.)
siloed (not easily connected)
difficult to interpret and navigate
One potential solution: data integration
and analytics

Proprietary and Confidential |

Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 18
Toxicology analytics panels

What are the key toxicology

Toxicology Insights highlights by drug, geography,
test volume and positivity rate?
Are we profiling our targets
correctly and what can we learn
Provider Profiles from prescribing and plan
trends that can serve us to
better profile?
What is the composition of the
Patient Profiles patient population that we are

What are the prescribing trends

Prescription Insights for our providers?

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Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 19
Panel: Toxicology Insights

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Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 20
Toxicology Insights

Dashboard Report Question Limitation

Toxicology Insights What are the key toxicology Tested population

highlights by drug, geography, composition is different from
Universe: hc1 Tox Lab data for [state] test volume and positivity rate? the overall composition of
the population, so positivity
rate should be viewed as a
baseline not an absolute

Patients, Lab Orders, What is the composition of the

Total Results, Positivity test population?

Positivity Rate by Key What changes if any have

Drug there been in positivity rate
overtime by top abused drugs?

Total Positivity Rate What changes if any have

there been in total positivity
rate overtime for drugs of
Positivity Rate by Is there a different in positivity
County rate distribution across

Toxicology Summary What is the volume in terms of

Table (results, patients, tests and results?
patients, providers
ordering, positivity

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Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 21

You cant manage what you cant

analytics dashboards a useful tool to
generate insights
Can intervene at several levels:
pharmacy benefit plan
Tool for interventions: Healthcare
Relationship Management Platform
Proprietary and Confidential |
Personalizing the Healthcare Experience 22
Integrating data across health IT systems:
Patient-facing medication reconciliation

Waterfall P. Miller, 2016

The why
Health information
should flow like water
fast, slow, around
but, ultimately,

Omni Homestead, VA, T. Schleyer, 2016

Where does information not flow
like water?
between healthcare
within healthcare
between care settings
(eg EDprimary care)
pretty much
Wade Tregaskis, Flickr, 2016
Our use case

help patients create a

unified, current
medication list from
multiple lists spread
across several health
IT systems

T. Schleyer, Regenstrief Institute, 2016

Demo time!
What is the magic here?
medications: 2 instances
Epic (at Eskenazi Health)
INPC (at Regenstrief)
medication images:
FHIR on the INPC
FHIR access layer on top of IHIE data
standardized way to request and receive
clinical data
fine-grained data access (ask for only what
you need)
accessible to any FHIR-based application
The vision
seamless interoperability
among health IT systems
(within limits)
use cases:
individual patient
quality measures
population health
increased innovative
innovation ecology
Anderson Valley, California, T. Schleyer,
Thank you! Questions, comments?
Regenstrief Institute This talk:

@titusschleyer, @RCBMI

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