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What and what not to

That is the question
Paper 1: DOs
-Pace and time yourself
-Use highlighters and underline sentences in the source
-Read Q4 during 5 minutes reading time
-In Q1 give at least three distinct points as the question
can earn you three marks
-In Q2 refer explicitly to the source (according to source)
and develop your argument with additional analysis.
Paper 1: DOs
-In Q3 check whether it asks for compare (= only similarities), contrast
(=only differences) or compare and contrast (similarities and differences).
-In Q3 first give the theme (the sources agree/disagree about) and then
provide quotes here and there to back up the arguments.
-In Q3 provide at least 4 different points of comparison and/or contrast.
-In Q4 write a mini-essay with a mini-introduction and mini-paragraphs
and a mini-conclusion
-In Q4 weave in all the sources and refer to them explicitly (as is stated
in source B or Kofi Annan (source A) argues that)
Paper 1: DONTs
-Start with Q4
-Spend more time on a question than its worth in
amount of marks (e.g. Q3 is 8 marks. 8/25 x 75 minutes
is 24 minutes)
-Use highlighters in the text you hand in, or underline
-In Q3 compare the nature of the source (e.g. both
sources are books)
Paper 2: DOs
-Use the first 5 minutes to write a plan. Do cross out that plan and
hand it in
-Carefully read the question. If the question asks for several
things, cut it up and make sure you answer all the elements.
-Use blank lines in between paragraphs
-Use three or four paragraphs to cover three or four themes
-Stay focused on the question by using its wording explicitly
-Link the main argument of the paragraph back to the question at
the end of each paragraph (the mini-conclusion)
Paper 2: DOs
-Use specific details, data, names, sources
-Define/explain specific terminology in the introduction, provide context and
introduce your main arguments (the themes)
-Evaluate sources as you go along (widely acknowledged as an expert on
-In the conclusion first summarise your main arguments (restate your mini-
conclusions) and then give a final, definitive answer to the question
-Explicitly answer the question (how far do you agree with the statement.
Therefore I very much agree with the statement. To what extent? To a large..)
Paper 2: DONTs
Answer two questions from the same unit
Use I, I think, I believe, I think I believe
State what you are going to do, just do it! In the following
essay I am going to explain how violence can be justified
in many different ways, from a legal, moral and religious
Spend more than 55 minutes on one essay. It will make
you lose a lot of marks on the short essays that cannot be
compensated by an excellent long essay.
Paper 2: DONTs
Use too bold statements, as they are impossible to
prove (all NGOs in Haiti are only making the situation
worse, Putin wants to dominate the world)
Forget to enjoy it. Politics can be fun!
Good luck and before you know it
IB Global Politics is History!

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