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Proposed Amendments in


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

College - Indian Institute of Management, Raipur

Team Name - Conquerers

Is preserving of culture important for us??

Should sports like bullock cart racing, kambala,

bird fights, cock fights which are associated
with culture be allowed like Jallikattu??

Can we come up with a solution by eradicate the

distortions which have crept in the cultural
tradition by monitoring our policies??
Timeline of events

Jallikattu supporters point of view

PETAs point of view

Proposed amendments

Impacts and Benefits

Jallikattu supporters
point of view

Dhivya Balachandar, 28, content editor with

myroots.desi and social activist in an interview with
Economic Times said that, I am proud to say Im
a Tamilian who supports Jallikattu. I dont want
to see our traditions demolished by a foreign
agency. It is our right to celebrate.
PETAs point of view

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

India Chief Executive Officer Poorva Joshipura, stated
that during Jallikattu, terrified bulls are often
deliberately disoriented through substances
like alcohol, have their tails twisted and bitten,
are stabbed and jabbed by sickles, spears,
knives or sticks, are punched, jumped on and
dragged to the ground.
In Chapter 2 Animal Welfare Board of India Section
9 of this Act Functions of the board

Additional function of creating awareness about the

policies and educating the common masses should
be added.

During the Jallikattu protest, No efforts were made

from the Animal welfare board to educate the
people about why the board banned this sport.

Creating awareness is a key aspect which should be

added as a function of the Board
In Chapter 2 Animal Welfare Board of India
Section 8 of this Act Funds of the board.

Around Rs 50 crore should be allocated to the

Board for advertising and creating awareness
among the people through various campaigns.

The objective of publicizing these schemes is to

educate the people.
A new CHAPTER should be added in this Act to
specify the regarding the specifications and safety
measures of the performing animals during any
traditional sport involving animals.
Written permission should be obtained from the
Animal welfare board 30 days prior to the date of
the event.
Names of the people who will handle the animals
in the event should be informed to the Animal
welfare board at least 15 days prior to the holding
of the event.
Actions that are allowed should be clearly
mentioned under this CHAPTER as an independent
Section called Allowable Actions.
A review committee should be formed to review
petitions and decide on the specifications and
allowable actions for each sport

The specifications should be send to PETA and other

animal welfare organisations for approval

These specifications should be made clear to the

people using effective Integrated marketing

A campaign called ProgressiveIndia like

APJanmabhoomi campaign should be initiated.
Integrate Marketing
Task based fund allocation method should be

Print Ads and Banners Ads should be

allocated 30% of these campaigns

Digital Marketing should be allocated 30% of

these campaigns

Advertisements should be allotted the rest

40% of the fund.
CHAPTER 3 - Cruelty of Animals Section 9 of this
Act clearly specifies what is Treating animals
cruelly. Any person who is found to be practicing
any such means should be punishable with
imprisonment which may extend to 3 years and
fine that can extend to 5 lakh rupees or both.
Animal welfare board members should closely
monitor each and every event to ensure that the
mentioned guidelines are strictly adhered.
Impacts and Benefits
Our culture and tradition as well as the well
being of these domestic animals will be
preserved by practicing these sports in
controlled environment.

Instead of protests and violence on the bases

of culture there will be peace.

The health and safety of these animals will be


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