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Developing a Genuine Love for To inculate enduring love and

Reading pleasure for reading.

Developing Critical and To cultivate the readers'

Creative Thinking Skills reflective, critical, and creative

Grammar and Oral Language To advance readers'

Development grammatical competence and
oral language proficiency.

Transfer Stage To advance readers' phonemic

awareness , decoding and
encoding skills.
Sample Lesson Plan
I. Prong 1: Genuine Lovecfor Readi
ng (GLR)
A. Objectives
At the end of the lessin, the students should
be able to:
1. realize how disobedience may lead then to t
2. note details;
3. recognize cause and effect relationships;
4. make inferences on character's actions
B. Subject Matter
1. Selection: The Tale of Peter Rabbit
2. Materials: Cutout pictures, word prints, a
nd teaching charts
C. Procedure
1. Pre-reading Activities
a. Developing Concepts\Vocabulary: (Unlo
cking of Difficulties)
i. Teacher presents words from the stor
y that may hinder the understanding of the stu
dents once they are listening to the story.
ii. These words should be discussed in conte
xt and reviewed afterwards.
b. Developing a Purpose for Reading
i. Motivation Question: Was there a time wh
en you disobeyed or did not follow what parents
or other adults told you to do?
ii. Motive Question: In what way did the mai
n character in the story disobey his mother?

2. During Reading
a. Mannner of Presentation
b. Question: What do you think will happen to P
eter in the garden?
II. Prong 2 Critical Thinking
1. Post-reading Activities
a. Pre-engagement Questions
i. Answer motive question.
ii. What did he do once he was inside the garde
b. Engagement Activities and Discussion
i. Group 1 Task: In the Garden
Through illustrations, show what Peter did in
side the garden.
-Why do you think Peter wanted to go in the ga
-For what reason did his mother tell him and h
is siblings not to go to the garden?
-If you were a Peter, would you have gone into
the garden, too?
-What hapoened when Peter was looking for P
-Why did Mr. McGregor call him a thief?
-What did Mr. McGregor decide to do?
ii. Group 2 Task: A Thief! A Thief!
Look carefully at the pictures in the left column.
Decide what happened next after what was shown
in the said column. Choose among the pictures giv
-How was Peter did?
-What do you think did he feek when he was abl
e to ginally escape from Mr. McGregor?
iv. Group 4 Task:
Pretend thet you are Peter'smother. What will
you tell him or make him do if you find out what h
e did?
-What can you say about what Peter did?
-What do you think he should do after what he
-What words can you use to describe the charac
v. Group 5 Task: Peter the Rabbit
Complete the profile of Peter the Rabbit by putti
ng the needed information.

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